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LINE controversy adds to Yingluck govt's dubious rights records


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I think it is pretty apparent she has no control over pisit who has seized his moment in the sun

Pol.Maj.Gen Pisit said he had requested cooperation from administrators of WhatsApp, Youtube, and Facebook but those requests had been largely ignored. "Japan, on the other hand, tends to be more cooperative," he mused.
you have to give him credit, he is a comedic genius
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I used to be proud that we had one of the hottest looking leaders

in the world. Now I feel a bit sad that it appears now we have

one of the most repressive. Maybe her Chinese roots are showing


I thought that you was talking about Barack Obama for a minute and I was beginning to question your sexuality - then I read your next sentence!!!!biggrin.png

Not that Obama is repressive. I would swap Barack for Cameron/Clegg anyday!!

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I think it is pretty apparent she has no control over pisit who has seized his moment in the sun

Pol.Maj.Gen Pisit said he had requested cooperation from administrators of WhatsApp, Youtube, and Facebook but those requests had been largely ignored. "Japan, on the other hand, tends to be more cooperative," he mused.
you have to give him credit, he is a comedic genius

All of the police (ex-police hitmen included) tend to be buffoons on the make without a brain cell between them!!!

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He said his agency would use a software to detect suggestive words in the communication networks such as "arms trading", "drugs selling", "fake goods", or "prostitution".

In my opinion all the authorities are interested in is trying to block announcements on when and where the people are going to rally against this corrupt administration.

They don't need software to find prostitution just get out of the office and go for a walk, it's everywhere. Maybe whilst sitting at your desk searching for it online have a look under the desk at the girl you hired for a massage

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Yingluck should call off the red hecklers and hoodlums who constantly dog Democrat rallies and speeches.

But she hasn't got the courage.

It is nothing to do with courage at all. Do you not think that Yingluck (read Thaksin) would be in favour of encouraging these undemocratic actions rather than curbing them??

Thaksin for sure, favours a repressive regime such as Singapore where critics are cowered by huge fines and prison sentences. He's sued countless people for defamation and the cases continue, even though he, the plaintiff, ran away from Thailand. Amazing really.

My point is, if Yingluck is going to go through the motions of pretending to be open to free expression, she should follow up her words with action., ie call off the dogs and her defamation suits.

I'm not holding my breath.

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Yingluck should call off the red hecklers and hoodlums who constantly dog Democrat rallies and speeches.

But she hasn't got the courage.

It is nothing to do with courage at all. Do you not think that Yingluck (read Thaksin) would be in favour of encouraging these undemocratic actions rather than curbing them??

Thaksin for sure, favours a repressive regime such as Singapore where critics are cowered by huge fines and prison sentences. He's sued countless people for defamation and the cases continue, even though he, the plaintiff, ran away from Thailand. Amazing really.

My point is, if Yingluck is going to go through the motions of pretending to be open to free expression, she should follow up her words with action., ie call off the dogs and her defamation suits.

I'm not holding my breath.

I wouldn't hold your breath if I was you as you will be 'brown bread' well before the thought even enters her head to take action against Thaksin's moronic poodles. They worship the earth that he walks on and would (did) die for him. So gallant, but stupid beyond belief!!

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Yingluck should call off the red hecklers and hoodlums who constantly dog Democrat rallies and speeches.

But she hasn't got the courage.

It is nothing to do with courage at all. Do you not think that Yingluck (read Thaksin) would be in favour of encouraging these undemocratic actions rather than curbing them??

Thaksin for sure, favours a repressive regime such as Singapore where critics are cowered by huge fines and prison sentences. He's sued countless people for defamation and the cases continue, even though he, the plaintiff, ran away from Thailand. Amazing really.

My point is, if Yingluck is going to go through the motions of pretending to be open to free expression, she should follow up her words with action., ie call off the dogs and her defamation suits.

I'm not holding my breath.

I assume that if you clicked 'like' to Yingluck is the greatest prime minister that Thailand has ever had, then that would be OK!!!

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Democrats are actually just as bad about this. Worse, actually. They're the main ones going after freedom of expression that has 15 year jail sentences on the books.

Main thing that will probably get fixed is to find someone who's slightly less of an idiot to run the TCSD (Thought Crime Suppression Division).

Misdirect, and attack. Classic!

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Yingluck should call off the red hecklers and hoodlums who constantly dog Democrat rallies and speeches.

But she hasn't got the courage.

She doesn't have that sort of power over the red shirts, they may even end up in opposite camps soon!

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In my opinion the more you try to resist social networking by imposing restrictive laws and making ridiculous statements. The more you will drive it underground. When you do that you will find a million ways to get around it. I see a booming industry for VPN tunnels and proxy servers in Thailand. This will evolve 10 times faster than any half baked "war room".

Every half assed hacker in the world will jump at this one. Yes maybe make some money out of it but more than likely just do it to beat the system.

Thailand you are on dangerous ground here.

P.S my opinion only.

Ah, I see, "the more you tighten your grip the more star system slip through your fingers" argument, huh?

It's wrong in this case for a number of reasons. First, "hackers" are not their enemy, it's the 40-70 year olds, mostly royalists, and many of them barely know how to use a computer, much less know what a VPN is, or have the money to buy one.

Second, plenty of countries have successfully clamped down on the internet. See China. Even the USA if they were facing the kind of unrest Thailand does, the US would've already declared an emergency and done similar things.

Just last month, (July 2013) Obama signed an executive order giving him the right to seize all communications, including the internet, during an "emergency", and in the NDAA, Obama signed, gave himself the power to detain Americans indefinitely without charge, he just said he won't use it cuz he's a nice guy.

The writing is on the wall for America too. If Americans ever actually have the courage to start trying to change things, they'll find out real fast just who is really in charge of the Republic. If you actually bothered to read half of the executive orders Bush and Obama have signed it's scary stuff, basically internment camps, seizure of all press and communications, etc. All they have to do is declare an emergency, it doesn't even specify what kind of emergency.

The moment the economy crashes (and it must, as debt-financed welfare can never go on indefinitely), then the glue of American social cohesion (luxury/money) will erode and there won't be anything left to unite Americans since there is no language, religion, or ethnicity that truly unites Americans.

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I used to be proud that we had one of the hottest looking leaders

in the world. Now I feel a bit sad that it appears now we have

one of the most repressive. Maybe her Chinese roots are showing


I thought that you was talking about Barack Obama for a minute and I was beginning to question your sexuality - then I read your next sentence!!!!biggrin.png

Not that Obama is repressive. I would swap Barack for Cameron/Clegg anyday!!

If you're a Brit, we can make a deal.

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maybe will just have to resort back to our 2 jam tins and a piece of string game we played as kids, then I suppose the idiot would be running around with a tuning fork to stick on the string to try and hear what was being said....

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I used to be proud that we had one of the hottest looking leaders

in the world. Now I feel a bit sad that it appears now we have

one of the most repressive. Maybe her Chinese roots are showing


I thought that you was talking about Barack Obama for a minute and I was beginning to question your sexuality - then I read your next sentence!!!!biggrin.png

Not that Obama is repressive. I would swap Barack for Cameron/Clegg anyday!!

If you're a Brit, we can make a deal.

OK!!! you are on - how can we arrange this?

Unfortunately for you, you get two for the price of onecoffee1.gif.

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"drugs selling"

So one is taking a chance in searching for meds online. Seem to remember quite a while ago when a popular search engine messed up and considered 'breasts' as an illegal search term as it could be searching for porn. Could be a problem for anyone named Dick also. biggrin.png

You mean I need to change my name from Dick Johnson?

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"drugs selling"

So one is taking a chance in searching for meds online. Seem to remember quite a while ago when a popular search engine messed up and considered 'breasts' as an illegal search term as it could be searching for porn. Could be a problem for anyone named Dick also. biggrin.png

You mean I need to change my name from Dick Johnson?

If your name was Dick Head then I would seriously contemplate changing it!!clap2.gif.

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