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Abhisit unapologetic for 'stupid bitch' remark


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i ngoh does not mean stupid bitch. It means (rude particle) stupid.

That's it.

However, I am surprised and disappointed that he said this. I don't understand what the Dems are trying to achieve with their

tantrum antics.

It indeed does not meet bitch, however it might be even worse.

The word E is placed in front of anything, to make it super rude and resembles things like adding <deleted>**ing in front of a word.

Calling someone named Jane (just an example name) E Jane, means something like <deleted>**ing Jane.

You can also put it in front of an adjective, making it even stronger and turning the combination into a noun.

So saying E stupid, is like saying: you <deleted>**ing stupid thing. (where <deleted>**ing and Thing can be changed to any rude word you can come up with.

So there is no immediate translate for the word E, just that it makes everything rude.

It is often used within groups of friends when they call each other, but the meaning really depends on the tone that was used

But certainly not used in politics.

P.s. calling someone you don't know or are not really friends with E xxx, would likely result in getting a beating.

So maybe Bitch is not the exact correct translation but it is quite accurate, and I am sure he meant it that way (wasn't there to hear his tone though)

And whether you or anyone else thinks she is what he said, he should not have said it in public, and probably, as thats how t goes here, he will receive a lawsuit for defamation (all those comedy cases they have here :-) )

p.s. moderator sorry for the F words, but I am just trying to explain.

Edited by kiwikoppy
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I remember a while ago reporter Nick Nostitz telling us here on TV that Abhisit's general demeanor at Dem rallies was becoming more belligerent and rude, whilst to the foreign press he continued with his more polished persona.

This article would seem to back up what Nick said.

Just when we thought the Dems couldn't sink any lower. Very sad to see for Thai politics.

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So, we have a highly educated politician using a derogatory term for women, to the delight of the media.

How smart is that for a so-called leader of the democrats? Is this a new, clever strategy to appeal to women voters?

Sometimes, people forget how powerful words can be and don't realize the effects and ramifications. This stupidity could come back to haunt him.

PS: People use derogatory terms to put down and dehumanize others so they themselves can feel better. Is it working for you guys?

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literal meanings of 'bitch'

- a female dog which is not a pure-breed

- a woman who complains often

many of those reading this, and many Thais have one or both in their houses, who they feed, talk to, go on walks with, and purport to adore.

Should female dogs be offended? Dogs have character traits which are head and shoulders above humans. For starters, they don't torture their own species, mentally and physically, and they don't self-debilitate themselves with bottomless worry, which most humans do. Shall I elaborate further?

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Mr. Abhisit is walking on thin ice when he resorts to insulting the PM. It is a political blunder because the comment will accomplish the following;

1. Reinforce the public impression that the Democrats are desperate.

2. Encourage sympathy for the PM, especially from women, a demographic the Democrats do not do well with. Many professional families have daughters who are taking over the family business. The PM has made strong inroads with this segment of the Thai business class.

3. Encourage comments to bubble up in respect to Mr, Abhisit's lack of masculinity, including his entourage of "purples". The comment comes off as "catty".

4. Cause an unnecessary distraction from the issues at stake, and we will now be treated to a sideshow arising from Mr. Abhisit's inability to conduct himself in a civil manner.

5. He will be reminded of the fact that despite all of his advantages, he was still beaten by the "airhead" woman.

In polite Thai society, one does not make such comments in public. He comes off as low class and a sore loser.

The clock is ticking on the man who was unable to win the office of PM by way of a general election victory. He's a lame duck leader now.

Abhisit is just saying but many are thinking. He is angry that this country is being destroyed by this useless lady. He will be liked for that. The one walking on thin ice is the unqualified hypocrite PM who is running away from her responsibilities again. Thailand is in a really bad shape with loads of problems and the PM ran away from them (again).

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Smart move by Mr. Abhisit. He learned from those PT guys how to wake up and motivate the people. As long as there is truth in his statements it will positively affect his popularity.

Remember that around 40% of this country hate Thaksin and Yingluck. Looking at some latest local election results and the fact that Thailand is currently sinking like a rotten ship, Abhisit will come out stronger. One day the Thai people will be in need of somebody to clean up the mess that PT is leaving behind while they plunder this country.

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Smart move by Mr. Abhisit. He learned from those PT guys how to wake up and motivate the people. As long as there is truth in his statements it will positively affect his popularity.

Remember that around 40% of this country hate Thaksin and Yingluck. Looking at some latest local election results and the fact that Thailand is currently sinking like a rotten ship, Abhisit will come out stronger. One day the Thai people will be in need of somebody to clean up the mess that PT is leaving behind while they plunder this country.

"Remember that around 40% of this country hate Thaksin and Yingluck."

To counter this clearly loaded statement I feel it in the best interests of balance to now remind the TV readership that 60% of this country love Thaksin and Yingluck. I'll prove mine if you prove yours....

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That "stupid bitch" defeated him in an election. So what does that make him?

A person with less money in his account to pay for vote buying ????

I do wish this 'everyone was paid to vote PT' was put to bed once and for all. Yes of course people were given a little er, 'incentive' to turn out to vote. But the vast majority of rural poor (not all. I know of some who vote Democrat in the North/East), thought their lives might at last actually improve under the PT whereas the Democrats had done nothing for them, ever. And no, as I've stated before, I'm a no fan of either colour. They should try to find a third alternative. Good luck to them with that under the present system.

And on topic, he didn't say the word 'bitch', from that which I see reported here, anyway.

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Thailand has done precious little to protect and elevate the status or women in Thai society. Just read the want ads for 'traditional' female jobs. Most of them read 'female, college degree, age 24-29'. Is a woman over the age of 29 unsuitable for the job market in Thailland? And what about laws to protect women whose husbands have left or abandoned them? Ever hear of the notion or concept of 'child support' or 'alimony' in Thailand? Maybe that is one reason why 'sin sot' lives on. It is a form of social welfare because of irresponsible Thai males. Ironically, if one were to look at the presence of women in the workforce, I would think that the percentage in the positions below the 'executive' level is very high. But there is no 'job security' in Thailand and very few jobs that have a 'career ladder'. If you have had the opportunity to talk to a lot of female workers, you will find that they are working for 'subcontractors' on contracts that have to be renewed every six months or on an annual basis. No wonder so many women would prefer to open their own shop or noodle stand. At least they have some control over their career.

In fact thailand has one of the highest rates of women in managerial roles in the world, well above places like australia, usa and uk.

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