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Chonburi: Man beaten to death for 'long phone call'


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Yeah, you know the ones: riveting, and easy to follow, because they're all the freaking same. I thought I'd never see anything worse than Australian TV. A gross error.

Speaking of violence, I often wonder why the actresses in the dramas have to scream almost every episode. Yes, they literally scream. And if the ladies were to put up a struggle against the mafias, it seems a very "Thai way" of ending that struggle is for the man to give a knock out punch on her stomach.

One big consolation is the police are often being portrayed as righteous.clap2.gif

Edited by thairookie
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Most of Thai's are very short tempered. I have failed to figure out the reason behind?


Don't be fooled by the "Land of Smiles" BS the government tourist promoters peddle to foreigners.

For many poor Thais life is a constant struggle between what they see on television as the norm and what they have to do to survive ... especially in Bangkok or Chonburi.

Life in Thailand can be a daily struggle and many people are right on the edge of exploding ... all it takes is one spark to ignite the fire.

The life style they see in those soap operas on T.V. is something they just can't afford....and they are frustrated and ready to explode.

All it takes is one spark to set it off.

In England after WW2 life was very hard. For the average Joe there was no telephone, no TV, no car, no fridge, no washing machine. There was austerity that included food rationing and rationing of other items. Life would consist of sour milk every summer and burst pipes every winter and when the pipes burst I would be sent running to get the plumber. At "The Pictures" we would see film stars on the silver screen with all the things that we didn't have but nobody rioted. Why do people lose their temper in Thailand?

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Most of Thai's are very short tempered. I have failed to figure out the reason behind?


Don't be fooled by the "Land of Smiles" BS the government tourist promoters peddle to foreigners.

For many poor Thais life is a constant struggle between what they see on television as the norm and what they have to do to survive ... especially in Bangkok or Chonburi.

Life in Thailand can be a daily struggle and many people are right on the edge of exploding ... all it takes is one spark to ignite the fire.

The life style they see in those soap operas on T.V. is something they just can't afford....and they are frustrated and ready to explode.

All it takes is one spark to set it off.

The soap's are incredibly violent here; it's a pity they don't realise they're supposed to be for entertainment only!

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Most of Thai's are very short tempered. I have failed to figure out the reason behind?


Don't be fooled by the "Land of Smiles" BS the government tourist promoters peddle to foreigners.

For many poor Thais life is a constant struggle between what they see on television as the norm and what they have to do to survive ... especially in Bangkok or Chonburi.

Life in Thailand can be a daily struggle and many people are right on the edge of exploding ... all it takes is one spark to ignite the fire.

The life style they see in those soap operas on T.V. is something they just can't afford....and they are frustrated and ready to explode.

All it takes is one spark to set it off.

I have to disagree with this, many countries/people have a tough life without being like this.

People like this are just bonkers and dangerous to my opinion.

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Yeah, you know the ones: riveting, and easy to follow, because they're all the freaking same. I thought I'd never see anything worse than Australian TV. A gross error.

I agree. The only good thing about Thai soaps are the pretty girls, when they are not screaming their heads off. Although, my idea of hell is to be strapped down and forced to watch Australian soaps for eternity. annoyed.gif

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The soap's are incredibly violent here; it's a pity they don't realise they're supposed to be for entertainment only!

Hate to be the one to tell you this, but violence has been used as entertainment for thousands of years. Think Romans-gladiators-Christians-lions


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I don't think it has anything to do with defect DNA, farangs, saving face or anything else. If I was told from birth to smile everytime something upset me, eventually I would explode too. Venting anger once in a while is a natural and healthy thing imo, and might just prevent overreacting as in this case.

Edited by monkeycountry
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Punching him to death and he "suddenly" realized that he was dead.

This is newsworthy not least because it was a rare thing - a fight between 2 men, without weapons or gangs to back them up, fighting with fists until one of them prevailed. At least no weapons were mentioned in the report.

I agree, jokes aside I think this is the first time I have heard of an unarmed one on one fight in Thailand. Hell, if the guy had not died, this could be considered good news!

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Most of Thai's are very short tempered. I have failed to figure out the reason behind?

Before i met my wife i had a thai g/f one day she accused me of something (guess what) when i laughed at her and told her not to be stupid , she came at me with the kitchen knife,i just made it to the bathroom and slammed the door as the knife hit it ,it took a few minutes for her to calm down ,your right they are short tempered.

Maybe my Thai wife is short tempered too blink.png On the other hand since I never told her she is stupid nor did I ever laughed at her I dunno tongue.png

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The soap's are incredibly violent here; it's a pity they don't realise they're supposed to be for entertainment only!

You may have accidentally hit the nail on its head.

For most Thais, violence is top entertainment. Of course, they're very careful to "mozaic" the guns when they appear on TV screen. This is still a very conservative society.

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Is very difficult to kill a 31 yrs healty man with punches only. Most likely he did go down and hit the back of head, the attacker did not even realized, continued to punch him accelerating the death by brain emorragy. It really does not make much of a difference in the crim, but having seen fights on the ring and outside makes me beleive so.

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Is very difficult to kill a 31 yrs healty man with punches only. Most likely he did go down and hit the back of head, the attacker did not even realized, continued to punch him accelerating the death by brain emorragy. It really does not make much of a difference in the crim, but having seen fights on the ring and outside makes me beleive so.

I'd have said running jumps onto the guys head followed by penalty kicks to the skull could cause death, not that the attacker would ever consider such actions after he floored him.

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