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Thai Disease Control Dept promises enforcement of law to curb new drinkers


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Unfortunately the genie is out of the bottle so to speak, so limiting access and harm prevention are all that is left.The proposal offered may seem laughable to the ill informed, but I dont see any of the critics offering a viable alternative. Hope this idea catches on. If it prevents or at least delays some of the misery of addiction then I applaud the initiative.

Bring on prohibition I say.

yeah like we haven't seen before how that will work out.... make prices ridiculously high so they just cant afford it might work

I was being ironic. Prohibition didn't work it just allowed a criminal class to establish itself and led to widespread corruption. The only answer is educating the young in responsible drinking.

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thai promises are just <deleted> "dreams". In Phayao, a famous student bar just put a new banner on his main wall "Alcohol is my best friend". We called the municipality to inform them of that, but nothing was done, may be the owner give more water to the flowers... It's just unbelievable... They speak and promise a lot, but nothing to do against thai bath..

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Sieg Heil, Control control control, that is all Thai governments can come up with as a solution to it's many social problems.

If we want young people to be responsible we have to provide them with freedom.

Freedom of speech. Freedom of life style, freedom from regulation. freedom from control and restraint.

If we want young thai to prosper we have to respect them and educate them appropriately, not control or bar them.

Thai youth and adult males abuse alcohol because they were controlled (steered) out of the social system by exploitation and repression of their teachers and early employers.

Remove the abuse of the rights of Thailands young people and you will not need control.

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Sieg Heil, Control control control, that is all Thai governments can come up with as a solution to it's many social problems.

If we want young people to be responsible we have to provide them with freedom.

Freedom of speech. Freedom of life style, freedom from regulation. freedom from control and restraint.

If we want young thai to prosper we have to respect them and educate them appropriately, not control or bar them.

Thai youth and adult males abuse alcohol because they were controlled (steered) out of the social system by exploitation and repression of their teachers and early employers.

Remove the abuse of the rights of Thailands young people and you will not need control.

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