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Divorcing your Thai wife in the UK with kids involved


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I have just successfully divorced my Thai wife of 8 years (in the British courts) whom which I have three children with, and been awarded joint residency of the children. She has a British Passport for the record. In July she lied, made accusations of violence and alcoholism and told the Court I was a danger to the children.

This was in July 2013. Yesterday upon the receipt of various police reports, alcohol hair strand tests and social services reports, the court dropped all accusations against me and threw the case out, awarding without delay a final order giving me unfettered contact 3 nights a week with Christmas and birthdays split down the middle. The court also recognized she was trying to play the system by making accusations that were simply untrue, and issued a very stern warning that if she breaks the order without genuine reasons she will be forced to do unpaid community service AND reimburse me for any costs involved in serving the enforcing order (a C79 form).

Obviously she is furious and within a couple of hours of getting out of court phoned me and tried to bully me into withdrawing the order. The usual tactics, 'you have big problem if you make problem for me etc'. Hilariously she said if I don;t do what she wants she'll stop me seeing the kids!

My solicitor laughed and we're going to serve the C79 tomorrow morning, which will cost the ex around £1500 and 40 hours of community service as it is a forgone conclusion that the court will not accept her reasoning that she is protesting because I am excercising my parental responsibility (yes I am on the childrens birth certificate) of wishing to attend a parents evening at their school.

So, for the sake of 1 week of not seeing my children, the b*tch will be legally burnt at the stake and it is highly likely that she will never breach the order again because I'm hitting her where it hurts, in her wallet.

There is justice after all and after 8 years of hell and bullying and violence I'm finally getting some retribution.

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