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Old age, hearing problems, ED visa in danger

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I'm hoping there may be others in my situation. At age 66, my ears are failing me. Too much music and shouted conversation in Thailand's bars, over the course of working in Bangkok for 20 years, celebrating with my fellow English teachers in Nana and Cowboy, have done my ears in

On my sojourn in California last year, I bought a pair of expensive hearing aids, $5,000, batteries included. When I returned to my home in Thailand, I changed my retirement visa to education visa, Walen in Pattaya has carpeted classrooms. Carpets help to reduce the horrible acoustics in classrooms of bare walls and floor, where the sound of voices bounces crazily around, incomprehensible to my wounded ears.

I've been able to deal with the acoustics in Walen's carpeted classrooms for a year, but recently it's been a real struggle to understand what is being said in class. My fellow students tend to speak Thai in such inhibited whispers that I have no idea what they are trying to say.

I'm losing my hearing as old folks do, but I still want to be able to continue living in Thailand on the ED visa, for a few more years, if possible.

Now that my hearing is shot, I'm interested in studying Thai reading and writing, with minimal listening. I'm not a beginner.

So my question is: Can anyone recommend a Thai language reading/writing course at a school in Bangkok or Pattaya, that offers the ED visa?

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Why not just apply for an extension of stay based on retirement( at a cost of 1900bht) and pursue your educational ambitions as a hobby rather than as a means of remaining in Thailand ?

You do not need an ED visa to study !

Edited by Sceptict11
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No every "old" people have the money for a Retirement Ext to stay here, that why some of them use the ED way.

A lot of school out there teach writing and reading Thai. So tahilien8 start contact them and tell them what you want, and i am sure you find it.

You can try google "thaisolutions language school" i know they have writ and reading only.

tahilien8 you do know you can study other things then Thai language, that might be easy for you ??

I do understand that you like to learn Thai, only thinking of you situation.

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