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Thaksin: 'I am Yingluck's caddie’


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She is 18 years younger than me, so it feels more like a father-daughter relationship.

Rumor on Facebook has it that statement may be closer to the truth then anyone realizes.

OH! what are you saying?

post-46292-0-98397000-1383717609_thumb.j Sorry I feel like your dad

post-46292-0-20026500-1383717863_thumb.j First I was a bit.......

post-46292-0-41124400-1383717707_thumb.j then I prefer them more.......

post-46292-0-17597600-1383717673_thumb.j Whos your daddy?

post-46292-0-91093800-1383717730_thumb.j and sorry I was lonely

Edited by waza
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She is 18 years younger than me, so it feels more like a father-daughter relationship.

Rumor on Facebook has it that statement may be closer to the truth then anyone realizes.

OH! what are you saying?

attachicon.gif602568_381584225252177_579547667_n.jpg Sorry I feel like your dad

attachicon.gifPojaman_Shinawatra.jpg First I was a bit.......

attachicon.gifThaksin grin.jpg then I prefer them more.......

attachicon.giflydia Thaksins GF.jpg Whos your daddy?

attachicon.gifSunisa Lertpakawat.jpg and sorry I was lonely

Would you like to link the Facebook for all to see - Nah! thought not.

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She is 18 years younger than me, so it feels more like a father-daughter relationship.

Rumor on Facebook has it that statement may be closer to the truth then anyone realizes.

I've heard the same... no real facts, a bit more like gossip at the hair salon in Issan...

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She is 18 years younger than me, so it feels more like a father-daughter relationship.

Rumor on Facebook has it that statement may be closer to the truth then anyone realizes.

Oh robby, I thought you would have given up on your rumours from facebook after the "Yingluck flight risk" embarassment. Oh look, an anonymous page on facebook claiming that Thaksin is Yinglucks father, mmm that's believable. What's that you say, Yinglucks in a helicopter now with two planes on standby ready to whisk her off if it all gets too naughty in Bangkok, you have photo's to prove it Wow!. Stop press: Elvis is going to head up the New Dem Party when abhisit steps down as head of the party and actually means it?............ got to be true it's on facebook innit?

Remember that Cry Wolf fable, robby nz?

Edited by fab4
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So, he's the caddie of the clone, who has been cloned after the caddie?

I think he's slowly bust irreversibly losing the thread.

And he spent 9 million of his beloved money on a "new concept" so Thais abroad can open restaurants, supposedly investing their own money to establish their business? He's been robbed! But then again, it's probably just petty cash for him.

Have watched a few videos of his visit to Norway. He walked stooped-over and looked shockingly frail, considering he's only a little over 60 years old. Perhaps all that burdensome caddying has gotten to him - or maybe it's the unhealthy desert climate, who knows.

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Absolutely, dear fabby. One learns not to believe what one doesn't want to believe.

BTW leave Elvis out of this. He's more interested in playing with Thaksin, Jailhouse Rock comes to mind biggrin.png

She is 18 years younger than me, so it feels more like a father-daughter relationship.

Rumor on Facebook has it that statement may be closer to the truth then anyone realizes.

Oh robby, I thought you would have given up on your rumours from facebook after the "Yingluck flight risk" embarassment. Oh look, an anonymous page on facebook claiming that Thaksin is Yinglucks father, mmm that's believable. What's that you say, Yinglucks in a helicopter now with two planes on standby ready to whisk her off if it all gets too naughty in Bangkok, you have photo's to prove it Wow!. Stop press: Elvis is going to head up the New Dem Party when abhisit steps down as head of the party and actually means it?............ got to be true it's on facebook innit?

Remember that Cry Wolf fable, robby nz?

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It's strange, but this image came to mind when first reading the headline: 'I am Yingluck's caddie


Bit of a convoluted way to express your hatred for a person you've probably never met, isn't it? Even if you have met him I'd still say you've got issues.

Thaksin is the Devil himself.. we should all express our revulsion at such an evil horrid excuse for a human being.. Hate is not strong enough word for this creature of the demons. Satan out..!!

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Absolutely, dear fabby. One learns not to believe what one doesn't want to believe.

BTW leave Elvis out of this. He's more interested in playing with Thaksin, Jailhouse Rock comes to mind biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.png

Gave up reading and feeding the 'not a troll' some time back Rubi.

Thinks it is doing a great job for the reds and the party.

Leave it alone and it will either post to its self or go away.

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Judging by the comments here it sounds like the PM is having a terrible round of golf. She must be landing in all the traps and water hazards and getting double or triple bogies on all the holes. Perhaps she needs a new caddie or should take up a different sport. Maybe she doesn't realize that it's the caddie who should know the course very well and advise about the club to use and where to land the ball. Maybe her caddie has been away from the course or the game for so long that his advise is just plain bad.

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The poor guy is constantly misquoted. He's just practising his next Karaoke hit, soon to appear on his upcoming "Square face, round CD" album to raise funds for the next Bangkok shopping sit in and barbecue. All together now: "I am Yingluck's Caddie, and she's my Morris Minor...".

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"Q: “A widely-circulated criticism that paints a picture of you as the true leader of Thailand, who is controlling your sister, the prime minister, via Skype. What do you say to that?”

A:”I think that sometimes there are too much criticisms against my sister and I. She is 18 years younger than me, so it feels more like a father-daughter relationship. To illustrate how it works, I will say that I consider myself mostly as Yingluck’s caddie in politics. I carry heavy burdens and sometimes I advice her to take another way.”"

So, the answer is

- there too much critisism

- my sister is 18 years younger

- father-daughter relation works like caddy.

- Thaksin carries heavy burdens

- sometimes he advises her

Somehow it fits in with Ms. Yingluck's answer on CNN to the question how she felt with Thaksin calling the shots "Just think that okay we have to work harder to show and to prove."

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“This is not about me. I am part of it, that is true, but this is more about reconciliation, unity of all Thai people"

This sentence say it all

The only reason he put the word all in is so he can come back and turn it into a dictatorship.

He could care less about the people. For him they are just tools. $9,000,000 to develop a concept. I am quite sure a team of experts could have brought in a concept for under $200,000 including travel expenses.

Thaksin Shinawatra arrived in Norway in his private jet on November 2 to meet hundreds of supporters from Norway and other Scandinavian countries.

About as welcome there as he was in the states.

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