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10 year old Girl sexually assaulted by Finance Company Assessor in North Pattaya


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10 year old Girl sexually assaulted by Finance Company Assessor in North Pattaya


PATTAYA: -- A 10 year old Cambodian girl was reportedly abducted at the front of a North Pattaya Campsite by a Finance Company Assessor who managed to sexually assault the girl in his car in broad daylight despite the girl screaming for help.

Mr. Tisoom aged 33, the father of the child, who works as a Security Guard at the construction site in North Pattaya where the pair live, took his daughter to Banglamung Police Station on Wednesday afternoon and reported the incident.

Police later spoke with Khun Prichar aged 50, who works at the site and had arranged for a Car Finance Assessor to visit hime so the company could take pictures and make a report on his car to see if it could be re-financed.

After the inspection, the assessor, who works for a company based in Ban Bung in Chonburi District and was driving a White Nissan car, began to leave the site but first stopped at the front entrance where he saw the 10 year old girl sitting on the wall.

Full story: http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/108211/10-year-girl-sexually-assaulted-finance-company-assessor-north-pattaya/

-- Pattaya One 2013-11-07

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This guy in the picture, is wearing a sign saying "I like to touch breasts", after he got carried away during Songkran. The "Assessor" in this case, should wear a sign saying "I am a phaedofile"bah.gif

Leave him on the mainstreet and let people see to, that justice is served!!post-137512-0-89983700-1383791730_thumb.

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And what were the witnesses doing, while he was slapping the girl and raping her? How does something like this happen, and no one does anything about it? Maybe the guy that needed to get re-financing, thought it would be in his best interest if he just watched!

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Two comments; or rather two quotes, which I view as summing this up (both taken from here):

My Thai wife told me years ago that it's not at all uncommon for a Thai father to have sex with his daughters, whether the girls were willing or not. She said everyone knows about it, but no one talks about it.

I am quite certain that the police are considerably upset that the foundation had to go and put their fellow Thai in such a bad light with these medical reports. The fact that the police initially investigated the foundation to be certain that the girl had contacted them suggests some truth to this. What? The police weren't certain and didn't believe the foundation or the medical reports, but they will jump when nosy neighbors accuse a foreigner, regardless of the lack of evidence or guilt or innocence?

I am quite disgusted that the nosy neighbors, for many years and hundreds of brutal rapes, did not accuse their Thai neighbor. I am also disgusted at the mother, the schools, and the police. It is quite possible that the girl had told people, other than the foundation, throughout those many years, yet finally in an act of desperation she had to travel all the way to a foundation (and I can only guess at how she found these people or even knew about them) and beg for their help.

As I think about it, this is not six months. This is many years and hundreds of times. I can only wonder about all the nosy Thais that knew this was going on and did absolutely nothing. As easy as it is for some to say "cut off his balls" I would be remiss if I did not state my feelings of wanting every person who knew about this for those many years to have a bullet put neatly between their eyes.

My point is; I am more interested and disgusted in the disparity with which the Thais favor their fellow Thais when they know that their fellow Thais are committing these acts and behaviors, as opposed to the way Thais are quick to accuse foreigners. In the former, it takes clear evidence and practically an act of Parliament. In the latter, merely an utterance from a Thai.

One cannot argue against clear medical reports, but clearly the police regretted arresting this man when their first call to action was to instead investigate the ones reporting the crime without regard for the medical reports. We can only guess as to whether or not the girl had gone to them in the past over those many years and hundreds of brutal rapes; ... I mean, why does a girl have to go all the way to a foundation to get her message out? This reads like desperation to me. It seems inconceivable and near impossible to believe that she did not tell at least some adult over those many years and hundreds of brutal rapes.

Mom? Nosy neighbors? Anyone? ... *downcast silence*

That these dirt bags in brown had to "cooperate" with the foundation to perform the arrest (to do their dam_n job) is ludicrous. It seems they didn't have the heart to do it themselves out of sworn duty. Clearly the poor bastards will get no money from the poor father. Aw nuts! No smiley faces in the photo snap (curiously at the police station and not at the home of the pedophile, sitting on his soiled bed with that confused look).

That is the reading between the lines as I see it, and the reporter gets my middle finger as well for this foot-dragging article and clearly holding back on the atypical sordid assumptions generally reserved for foreigners; as if the reporter, too, regrets this unfortunate event in the life of a poor, misunderstood Thai father.

Three huzzahs for the foundation and for forensic evidence and my heartfelt sympathies to the innocent girl, as the medical reports confirm!!!

Although it is not a foundation putting a foot in the <deleted> of the police, this time it is a CCTV camera.

Nothing will change. They utterly disgust me.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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We all know how this case will go down, don't we? As the father and the poor little girl are Cambodian (Non-Thai) and the pedo rapist most likely a Thai national, the "embarrassing" Cambodians will be double- and triple checked for Visa or work permit violations, and if nothing is found, some irregularities will just be pulled out of a hat, so the officers in charge can send father and daughter home for good with a red stamp in their passports, the officers don't need to "waste" their time looking for the white Nissan and embarrass the culprit or his employers, the officers have time again to watch some more "Muay Thai" on their 52' flat screen, a present from a friendly finance company director... somebody brings some fried chicken and sticky rice and they all have a good laugh... case closed.

I hope that the girl's father realizes early enough that there will be no justice so that he gets the chance to take matters in his own hands, something I would do if anyone would touch one of my little boys. There would be nor mercy and no remorse from my side. Never - in a case like that - would I put trust in the so-called justice system, neither here in Thailand, nor elsewhere.

Edited by catweazle
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Have you seen what happens in India with so called 'Eve teasing' ? I propose we deal out punishment in a similar way, put such offenders as this beastly poor example of a human in stocks for a week in the public square and anyone who feels the motivation can come and repeatedly kick him in the balls as hard as they like. If he suffers permanant injury or even dies, ah well, one less bad apple.....

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Have you seen what happens in India with so called 'Eve teasing' ? I propose we deal out punishment in a similar way, put such offenders as this beastly poor example of a human in stocks for a week in the public square and anyone who feels the motivation can come and repeatedly kick him in the balls as hard as they like. If he suffers permanant injury or even dies, ah well, one less bad apple.....

Nice idea, I like it a lot.

Strange how this guys photo does not seemed to be splashed across the media.

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At some point in this country's near future there has to be a protest the size of 2011 against police indifference and corruption...

What's that got to do with this report? The police are investigating, aren't they?

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