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Renewing EU passport with criminal charges


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Iam no lawyer but I would think the nature and severity of the crime would be the indicator.

Again , just guessing, but wouldnt the existing passport be requested to be surrendered if their was an issue concerning travel?

Edited by CharlieH
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I suspect they would issue a new passport unless it's an offence for which you can be extradited for, a serious offence.

It would be interesting to know this as it will be an extension of 'big brother creep' betweeen government departments and I'm sure the rules and regulations will vary between the different countries.

I know in the US they will prevent you from renewing a passport for things such as being behind on child support payments but I have a feeling the EU will be slightly different.

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Unanswerable question for four reasons:

1) EU , as you know, regroup quite a large number of countries where laws vary from one to another

2) Pending charges, meaning that, in some democratic countries, the suspect is still considered innocent until proven guilty, only a restriction to travel would be an obstacle to obtaining travelling documents. And the op is not clear about it

3) Has a warrant been issued for any reasons since the case was brought.

4) Last, but none the least: the nature of the charges. Criminal means anything and does not describe the importance of the charges

I should point out that, if one is not resident I this country, it is useless to ask for a passport to be renewed as some embassies will turn their request down. A travelling document would be issued in order to leave Thailand and boarding a plane to the country of origin ( of course there are exceptions but I doubt that the OP fits the profile)

It would be like asking what will be the weather like in Europe

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