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Horrific Sight


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One poster earlier said that you should only eat what you raise or kill yourself (or words to that effect), what a great concept!

Compensate all the pig farmers and release the 'bred for slaughter' animals into the wild. You fancy a bacon buttie, get out and hunt a feral pig.

Given that scenario, I could almost guarantee that in a couple of years, complaining topics on this forum about soi dogs would be on the back burner................thumbsup.gif

Of note, in no way do I support cruelty towards animals, bred for slaughter to fulfill demand or not.

One poster earlier said that you should only eat what you raise or kill yourself (or words to that effect), what a great concept!

Yeah great concept indeed, ask those living in condos about the problems caused by owners of dogs.

Cant wait for new condo rules to be drawn up when the owners start moving in livestock.

Goats, camels, sheep, buffalo, where do you draw the live?

Where do you suggest these animals are housed, on the condo roof?

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kikoman said: But once they state that anyone who eats pork is part of the problem, they are attempting to force their value judgement on to others.

I made the statement. It's reality, and nothing to do with values.

tw25rw said "I made the statement, it's reality, and nothing to do with values"

I see it differently you stated your "Value" of not eating pork, and in your "judgement" anyone eating pork is part of the problem = "Value judgement", and in

my reality, as soon as I eat these delicious Thai pork chops, I will go to my keyboard to post to that!!



Edited by kikoman
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Lol! youve obviously never seen how chickens are raised in western countries! glass houses pal?? lol

Sorry but I don't understand how your post relates to this topic.

The way it relates is quite clear.

The perennial Thai-bashers on this forum tend to take every opportunity to show that Thais are somehow less civilized than Westerners.

Certainly, the cruel mistreatment of the dogs depicted in the video is abhorrent and indefensible. But this happens in many countries.

In the U.S., for example, the treatment of chickens, pigs, cows, and even horses is often equally inhumane and repugnant. One need not

be a rocket scientist to understand that cruelty of this kind can be found in most societies. Thailand is nothing special in this regard.

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Did you know that pigs are smarter than dogs?

Are they? I am not saying that pigs aren't "smarter" (regardless of how you choose to define "smart"), but from a strict critical review standpoint it'd be interesting to hear whether this is your personal speculation based on something you read "somewhere", or if you can refer to some hard facts...?
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If you eat pork, you are contributing to this.

Out of sight, out of mind.

I love a good bacon butty in the morning, served up with lashings of HP sauce.

The one this morning was just fine and I dare say tomorrows will be just as lovely.

This is absolutely Outrageous!!

HP sauce should be free roaming, but instead the poor little bottles are packed into little cardboard boxes a dozen at a time with no room to move, shipped all over the world in horrific conditions, and then literally slathered mercilessly on bacon butty sandwiches in SE Asia.

I prefer an egg with mine BTW. thumbsup.gif

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This is not the west ,if it offends you ,live somewhere else .

I always hate people saying crap like this, "if you dont like it, move somewhere else", Some people want to give awareness to a topic in hope of change. If change offends you, then go back under your rock and let the forward thinkers do their thing.

If you want change ,do it in your own country ,do not moralise here ,

Edited by i claudius
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Lol! youve obviously never seen how chickens are raised in western countries! glass houses pal?? lol

Sorry but I don't understand how your post relates to this topic.

The way it relates is quite clear.

The perennial Thai-bashers on this forum tend to take every opportunity to show that Thais are somehow less civilized than Westerners.

Certainly, the cruel mistreatment of the dogs depicted in the video is abhorrent and indefensible. But this happens in many countries.

In the U.S., for example, the treatment of chickens, pigs, cows, and even horses is often equally inhumane and repugnant. One need not

be a rocket scientist to understand that cruelty of this kind can be found in most societies. Thailand is nothing special in this regard.

Thanks for bringing some sanity to this thread. Animal cruelty occurs in pretty much every society. Has nothing to do with being "civilized." Has nothing to do with Buddhism or any religion. And it doesn't mean that everyone in that society agrees or condones it. It's sad that even talking about the humane treatment of animals, some racists just can't help but show their spots.

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Yes it is grim, especially if you come from an animal farming background in another country where you really cared for animals.. But even there the changes in regulations about handling and transport of livestock are fairly recent, and there are still grim stories about transporting sheep to the Middle East from Australia for instance, that don't get much publicity.

But as some of us have already said in other posts, values here about life and death, whether its people or animals, are different to ours. While I don't stick my head in the sand about it, I have to walk away, sometimes, to keep calm.

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Did you know that pigs are smarter than dogs?

Are they? I am not saying that pigs aren't "smarter" (regardless of how you choose to define "smart"), but from a strict critical review standpoint it'd be interesting to hear whether this is your personal speculation based on something you read "somewhere", or if you can refer to some hard facts...?

I have farm experience and pigs are smart and cute when they are small. The problem is they get big and they become dangerous. Pigs are the least domesticated of livestock. When a pig gets loose and becomes feral they revert to wild in a matter of weeks. Their hair changes back to very coarse and grow tusks.

Definitely the most dangerous animal on a farm. Pigs will eat anything. Children, farmers, chickens. You name it.

Once a pig gets to a large size they have to be handled with caution.

Many farmers have been eaten by pigs. It's not uncommon to just find the farmers boots and the only remaining evidence of the body are the parts of the foot inside the boot the pig could not get at.

It's not like older pigs are going to be sent to a retirement home so they can watch game shows on TV.

There is a famous country song Salty dog with the lyric.

"My finger on the trigger and eye on a hog"

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Did you know that pigs are smarter than dogs?

Are they? I am not saying that pigs aren't "smarter" (regardless of how you choose to define "smart"), but from a strict critical review standpoint it'd be interesting to hear whether this is your personal speculation based on something you read "somewhere", or if you can refer to some hard facts...?

I have farm experience and pigs are smart and cute when they are small. The problem is they get big and they become dangerous. Pigs are the least domesticated of livestock. When a pig gets loose and becomes feral they revert to wild in a matter of weeks. Their hair changes back to very coarse and grow tusks.

Definitely the most dangerous animal on a farm. Pigs will eat anything. Children, farmers, chickens. You name it.

Once a pig gets to a large size they have to be handled with caution.

Many farmers have been eaten by pigs. It's not uncommon to just find the farmers boots and the only remaining evidence of the body are the parts of the foot inside the boot the pig could not get at.

It's not like older pigs are going to be sent to a retirement home so they can watch game shows on TV.

There is a famous country song Salty dog with the lyric.

"My finger on the trigger and eye on a hog"


Oh hell yea, very common, in fact one of the leading causes of death in Iowa is ta be eaten by hawgz.. oh yea, ,,,, Im callin' BS on this one.

sure piggy goes feral, but they don't "morph" into boars in weeks, they will interbreed with the wild stock and the offspring will look more natural but still retain domestic patterns.... take a look at hogzilla. They are scavengers and opportunists, not hunters and will eat most anything. What that has to do with their humane treatment in captivity, nothing.

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