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Autoimmune Testing Thailand


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There are a number of labs in North America who do autoimmune testing but wow... Very expensive. Anyone one no a lab similar to Cyrex Labs in Arizona? I'm having good results by eating a Paleo lifestyle and removing the traditional western medicine (steroid base) and my energy has gone way up. Given the success I need these tests to fine tune the lifestyle. My ND in Canada will work with me once the results are in. Anyone know of a lab?

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It's autoimmune testing. Autoimmune will trigger various responses in the body if you have intestinal permeability or leaky gut. Looking for blood tests where the results confirm the triggers. This is beyond testing vitamin levels or cholesterol. :). I've heard these tests are available in India but I need a visa and flight. Rather do it here if any ND works with a Bangkok lab.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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It's autoimmune testing. Autoimmune will trigger various responses in the body if you have intestinal permeability or leaky gut. Looking for blood tests where the results confirm the triggers. This is beyond testing vitamin levels or cholesterol. smile.png. I've heard these tests are available in India but I need a visa and flight. Rather do it here if any ND works with a Bangkok lab.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

If you wish for someone to help you must specify what you want to access.

Which tests are you looking for ?

The Cyrex Labs you quote have an extensive menu of tests ! Do you wish to have all of the tests or just some ?

Edited by Sceptict11
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Best bet nearby for anything more exotic is probably Singapore.

I would doubt the regulatory authorities in Singapore would permit a facility such as Cyrex Labs to operate within the country.

There are , of course reputable, conventional, immunologists available for consultation within Singapore.

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Why do you suggest Singapore wouldn't permit advanced technology such as specialized blood screening to be done?

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Further to my last post... It's really of no regard to the specificity. There are either specialty labs in Thailand or their not. If there is a lab dealing in advanced blood screening I would be in contact with them. They may do some or all or more than CYBEX. :) If you're using an ND or Functional Medicine doctor then maybe you know of such a lab.

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There is no such thing as "autoimmune testing" as such. There are a number of tests specific to various autoimmune disorders, there are specific antibodies that can be tested for, there are even specific genetic tests that can be done relative to certain autoimmune reactions. But not a single "autoimmune" test.

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As stated above. Specialty Labs in Europe and North America do testing for intestinal permeability aka leaky guy.

Thanks to those of you replying but I simply need names of specialty labs. Contact info if you might have them. My ND can discuss details with the lab directly.

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Sceptic please take your comments elsewhere. Thanks anyway.

Sheryl I appreciate your comments and it app rears you may of know some labs. My ND can work with those labs and cherry pick what she can use.

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I appreciate your thanks smile.png but saddened by your addiction to Quackery !

Any scientific , peer reviewed, published ,in reputable journals only , evidence of this "intestinal permeability aka leaky guy." (sic)

Thanks in advance . I am always willing to learn !

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Quack Quack... Healthier so I guess I should go back to being unhealthy and that would make you happier. Get a life. So much for a site where people work together instead of some idiots with closed mind.

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Quack Quack... Healthier so I guess I should go back to being unhealthy and that would make you happier. Get a life. So much for a site where people work together instead of some idiots with closed mind.

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If you suspect you have leaky gut you should clean up you diet ie avoid sugar, fresh veggie juices, no refined carbs etc and add a good probiotic along with vitamin supplementation.

Dont worry about Mr Sceptics posts his knowledge base is restricted to western type medicine and he considers anything that is not taught at Med school or drugs sold by big pharma companies to be quackery. He is very insecure when anything outside his range of limited health knowledge comes up.

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Nothing available in Thailand. Only thing here available for "auto-immune" testing is a basic ANA-profile and antibodies for specific viruses/bacteria etc.

For other stuff like intestinal permeability, advanced stool tests, genetic testing etc. you could contact N-health, they are Metametrix / Genova's Asian distributor.

Immune function testing like cytokines, th1/th2/th17 balance, CD's NK's etc. is only done by specialty labs like Cyrex, REDlabs and such. And then you need a practitioner who can interpret the results. Show that to any Thai doc. and it will look like Chinese to them. Look at Sheryl, although she has the best intentions with her conventional background she has probably no clue about the advanced tests you require.

I recommend you not to go the Thai route for testing and diagnosis, i've tried it and failed. Spent ten's of thousands of euro's just to be wrongly diagnosed and had unnecessary expensive checks by conventional run-of-the-mill "specialists" in the so-called best hospitals Bumrungrad and Bangkok hospital.

Conventional doctors, what a bunch of quacks. When you break a bone then sure go to a conventional doctor but for chronic diseases and achieving optimal health stay far far away from them.

Edit: For leaky gut testing you could do a mannitol/lactulose urine test which is offered by n-health -> genova.

Also IgG food intolerance testing kinda confirms you have intestinal permeability if you are positive to multiple foods.

There's also IgM/IgA against intestinal bacteria like kleb. pneum. and others that proof leaky gut.

I believe CD56?? (not sure) can also be a suggestive marker.

I've had the honor to meet a brilliant professor/researcher who is now treating me for all my problems and the F*ups made in Thai hospitals.

His main practice is in Europe but due to demand he now also runs a practice in Nevada.

Just send me a PM if you need to know more.

Edited by PoisonedinBKK
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Posters are reminded of Health Forum rule # 3:

"...aggressive attempts to persuade other members to either adapt or abandon alternative vs. modern forms of treatment will not be permitted. Experience has shown that this invariably leads to arguments and flame fests that serve no useful purpose"

as well as rule #1:

...Forum rules regarding flaming etc will ....be enforced with particular strictness. The level of banter that might be acceptable in other forums will not be allowed here if, in the opinion of the Moderators, it is likely to make other members uncomfortable or hesitant to post."

The last few posts have contravened these rules, so please review them before posting again. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/224498-health-forum-rules/

OP, now that it is clear that what you want is testing of intestinal permeability: there are at least a few places in Bangkok with the capacity to do this, mainly ones associated with major medical schools, but you cannot just walk in and request it, it would have to be ordered by a GI doc. I suggest you try this doctor at Bumrungad, even if the test cannot be done there he would know where in Thailand it could be. (Whether or not he will agree as to its necessity in your case, of course depends). http://www.bumrungrad.com/doctors/Rujapong-Sukhabote-

BTW noninvasive tests of intestinal permeability are accepted have been in clinical use for many years http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7729650. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7729650

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PoisonedinBKK I'm very interrested to talk with you, I've spend many bahts at Burumgrad and Bangkok hospital for nothing

Yes conventionnal doctors don't learnt so much about environnemental/chronic diseases

I think it's the CD57 count can be a good indicator to check the immune system, if you add the western blot "all diag" test it can give an idea about the Lyme disease

The candida albicans seem not to be recocnized in Thailand, like in many countries. Why would the universities teach to the future doctors a sikness mainly based on problems with antibiotics... ?

The leaky gut can also come from a problem with mercury. I will test it soon by sending it to a german reputated lab. But I'm sure at 80% to have a problem with mercury because I feel bad when I take some selenium (they are antagonist), I will also do a test with iodine tincture on the skin. The mercury is known to disturb selenium and iode in the body.

I have eaten a lot of products from the sea these last months, and since I've stopped I feel a bit better, but the problem is still not solved

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Yeah lyme's (borreliosis) and co-infections like bartonella, babesia etc. are nasty ones. It's a serious overlooked chronic disease which is not understood by 99% of the conventional doctors.

I tested positive on ELISA IgG for borrelia here in Bangkok but the conventional infectious disease doctor said it didn't mean anything, that i had a past infection and that was it. Talk about illiterate.......... I only went to see him to get the test done and didn't care much about his opinion.

Recently i've done several other borrelia and co-infection tests ordered by the LLMD (lyme literate MD) i'm seeing now.

CD57 like you mentioned and some tests more sensitive than the western blot as well. Some results came back and it's all positive so far for chronic lyme.

Candida is another problem and indeed usually not recognized here in Thailand unless you have an extreme coating on your tongue or other bodypart.

There are many different species of candida, i actually had a candida test done at bumrungrad where they scraped my tongue. They were only able to check for candida albicans and not the other forms. The test came back negative so i did a CDSA stool test and extensive candida culture with genova diagnostics.

5 different candida species positively cultured and positive IgM / IgG antibodies against it. they also found a high growth of mold which is not candida, perhaps from the aspergillus mold that grew in my bathroom and made me very sick?
I took the results to my gastroenterologist and ofcourse she didn't know how to interpret the test so shoved it away. LOL.

Mercury can build up in certain organs like the brain and liver causing problems there whilst it might show as normal or negative in the blood. A provocation test is not very healthy but might reveal if you really have mercury poisoning. Read upon methylation if you want to get rid of the mercury "safely". -> mercury overload -> block in methylation cycle -> toxic.

One test also offered by genova is called nutreval and it checks for mercury and a few other metals in your red blood cells. You can have your sample taken at home which they will ship to the US.

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Note that the presence of antibodies to organisms does not necessarily mean that they are causing disease.

Normal, healthy people will encounter and be host to a wide range of organisms and their antibodies will reflect this.

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Antibodies always mean that an immune response formed (though not necessarily that it was sufficient to cure). The rickettsia that causes Lyme is not encountered in normal day to day life and is very pathogenic, so Lyme antibodies do indicate a current or past Lyme infection. But to antibodies to candida. various molds etc, are of dubious clinical significance.

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  • 2 months later...

It's autoimmune testing. Autoimmune will trigger various responses in the body if you have intestinal permeability or leaky gut. Looking for blood tests where the results confirm the triggers. This is beyond testing vitamin levels or cholesterol. smile.png. I've heard these tests are available in India but I need a visa and flight. Rather do it here if any ND works with a Bangkok lab.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Ok, it sounds like what you want is Cyrex Array 5 (Autoimmune Reactivity).

The short answer is yes, you can get it and the other Cyrex Arrays done in either Thailand or Singapore apparently. We have just listened to a series of lectures on Gluten Sensitivity and extended testing for it which stated that it was available.

However, having said that, details of which Dr's to go to for these tests wasn't in the lecture.

My wife is the one that is Gluten sensitive and we want to get the extended arrays done to check for cross-sensitivity with other foods.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's autoimmune testing. Autoimmune will trigger various responses in the body if you have intestinal permeability or leaky gut. Looking for blood tests where the results confirm the triggers. This is beyond testing vitamin levels or cholesterol. smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png. I've heard these tests are available in India but I need a visa and flight. Rather do it here if any ND works with a Bangkok lab.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Ok, it sounds like what you want is Cyrex Array 5 (Autoimmune Reactivity).

The short answer is yes, you can get it and the other Cyrex Arrays done in either Thailand or Singapore apparently. We have just listened to a series of lectures on Gluten Sensitivity and extended testing for it which stated that it was available.

However, having said that, details of which Dr's to go to for these tests wasn't in the lecture.

My wife is the one that is Gluten sensitive and we want to get the extended arrays done to check for cross-sensitivity with other foods.

The "cross sensitivities" will be found, guaranteed, but you should ensure the big expensive tests are undertaken to identity all of the 600 + potential "problems".

Do not worry about the findings. Very expensive "supplements" , "herbs" and an odd diet ( the details of which will be sold) will effect a cure but only if repeated , very expensive, testing is undertaken.

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It's autoimmune testing. Autoimmune will trigger various responses in the body if you have intestinal permeability or leaky gut. Looking for blood tests where the results confirm the triggers. This is beyond testing vitamin levels or cholesterol. smile.png. I've heard these tests are available in India but I need a visa and flight. Rather do it here if any ND works with a Bangkok lab.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Ok, it sounds like what you want is Cyrex Array 5 (Autoimmune Reactivity).

The short answer is yes, you can get it and the other Cyrex Arrays done in either Thailand or Singapore apparently. We have just listened to a series of lectures on Gluten Sensitivity and extended testing for it which stated that it was available.

However, having said that, details of which Dr's to go to for these tests wasn't in the lecture.

My wife is the one that is Gluten sensitive and we want to get the extended arrays done to check for cross-sensitivity with other foods.

Leaky gut which is usually related to candida overgrowth can be seen very easily using live blood analysis techniques along with urine samples.

Not very expensive. Many naturopaths do them in Oz. Curing the leaky gut is not so easy and may take lots of work supplements like L glutamine, zinc, phyto greens , spirulina and special diets.

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