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The Worst Jobs you have to do in or around your abode?


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Sure David,

Would love to see full evidence on you tube.

Next time my wife says "He's done poo poo pee pee" "do the dogs bum" ( I do laugh so hard when she says thatlaugh.png )

i will even get her or sister to video it. 555

Yes I know a chihuahua is kind of an insult for the dog species in general.

Being my first dog I really wanted a larger dog like at least a Thai Ridge Back.


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Sure David,

Would love to see full evidence on you tube.

Next time my wife says "He's done poo poo pee pee" "do the dogs bum" ( I do laugh so hard when she says thatlaugh.png )

i will even get her or sister to video it. 555


Well, speaking of Poo Poo ...

The gf's parents own a Fish Farm.

Over the years their excrement builds up and can create a problem over the years if occasionally it's not removed.

Sometimes the water is simply exchanged, sometimes they drain the pond, let it dry and get an excavator in to scrape the 'bottom' layer.

This was the first time I saw this approach ... wash the pond floor.

post-104736-0-65702400-1385411974_thumb. post-104736-0-42018000-1385412113_thumb.

First they net the Fish

While they do this ... they are walking the pond floor ... does some of the <deleted> stick?


Yes! A footprint ... the inside is mud ... the dark outline is what sticks.

Last netting before they completely drain the pond.

The reason for was water slapping is to scare the fish to move in front of the net.

More in the next post ... haven't got to worst job in Thailand ... yet ... w00t.gif


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That rather photographic steel blue colour isn't wet mud ... it's ... it's ...

The working is hunting a few crabs that shelter in the puddles.

post-104736-0-25147600-1385413368_thumb. post-104736-0-38327000-1385413272_thumb.

So the pond floor is rinsed and the cleaned and the excrement is directed towards the machine which pumps it into the wider system.

Turn down the sound ... I must have been standing next to the pump.

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Last one ...

So, after the stuff is washed ... how is it transferred out of the pond?


Look to where the pump is ... there is a small image at the base of it's shaft.


Yep, there is a guy there in a half metre deep hole.

His job is to ensure the pump head doesn't foul.

He is chest deep in liquid poo ... bah.gif

So, probably not the worst job in Thailand ... but it's a contender ... w00t.gif


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Washing down the outside of our garden walls as part of the aftermath of the Loy Kratong stall vendors stint. I mean guys, at least do it in the same place! And take the disposable nappies with you.....

It's worse that they dig little holes in our external flowerbeds to leave their little "messages of gratitude"... :/

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  • 3 months later...

2) If our dog a long haired chihuahua does his business out side and he comes in all squishy and runny so to speak.

I have to wipe my dogs ass thoroughly on the occasion. (only if I am near by or up in the kitchen at the time).

So yes I admit I do wipe my dogs ass from time to time. biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.png xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.CwSpBGGvqN.png laugh.png.pagespeed.ce.SDkxrRteka.png clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif

Bum gun works equally well on canines.

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heh, reminds me of when I first moved into a house here. Few months in, sure enough, we ended up with maggots in the bin. I'm from Canada, and honestly, that's the first time I've ever had to deal with maggots in my life.

Was the only one up at the time, and noticed tons of maggots in the garbage bin in the kitchen. Completely freaked me out, and I didn't know what to do. So I grabbed a can of cockroach spray, and basically emptied it into the garbage bin with hopes of killing the maggots, so I could get the bag outside. Didn't work. Instead, the maggots just got pissed off, left the garbage bin, and hundreds of them started crawling all over the kitchen floor.

Freaked out even more, I jumped online and looked at how to kill maggots. Can't remember the chemical name, but there was one mentioned, and it was contained within dog shampoo. It said that with boiling water will kill maggots. Perfect, I thought! I have dogs, and dog shampoo! So there I am boiling pots of water and pouring dog shampoo into them while maggots are crawling all over the place, and once at a boil, would throw it on the kitchen floor. Still didn't really kill the damn things.

Once everyone else finally woke up, the SO wasn't very happy with me. :) I've now learned, if there's maggots in the garbage, just leave them in peace, and carefully tie up the bag, and put it into the bin. No need to disturb them.

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