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Graft committee begins probe to impeach 312 Thai legislators


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Graft committee begins probe to impeach 312 legislators
By English News


BANGKOK, Nov 27 – The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has set up a working committee to compile evidence to impeach 312 legislatures for breaching the Constitution, according to a senior commission official.

Sansern Poljieak, NACC deputy director general, said the agency has received five petitions to remove the 312 MPs and senators for voting for a charter amendment on composition of the Upper House despite knowing that it was unlawful.

He said NACC members were not pressured by the widespread anti-government demonstrations in handling the case, adding that the NACC will wrap up its investigation as soon as possible. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-11-27

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Graft, corruption in Thai Parliament? Who would have thonk!!!

The Parliament now and always has been a reflection of the way Thais are , think and act. Khun Voranai said it best not long ago:

"...We cheat and lie for a good cause. It’s a matter of cultural perception
...we cheat because how else are we to get anything done?

The system that runs this country, from top to bottom, is generally incompetent.
Furthermore, if we cheat to get things done, no wonder our politicians also cheat. Politics is simply a by-product of society. Corrupt politicians are but a reflection of corrupt people."

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Posted prominently in Pahon Yothin's Central Plaza shopping center:


Will anyone volunteer a translation?

I can only translate the three numbered items on the bottom of the poster. They say, roughly,

1) Only accept bribes from friends and family.

2) Only offer bribes to friends and family.

3) There is no bribery here; only unpaid bills that lead to arrest.

Edited by FangFerang
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Posted prominently in Pahon Yothin's Central Plaza shopping center:


Will anyone volunteer a translation?

I can only translate the three numbered items on the bottom of the poster. They say, roughly,

1) Only accept bribes from friends and family.

2) Only offer bribes to friends and family.

3) There is no bribery here; only unpaid bills that lead to arrest.

Harrumph ... I knew better than to trust you people. Hey! Check out this stopcorruption.go.th site that has many images of Yingluck's smiling personage (for the corruptible only)

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What strikes me as funny here is that the petitions request impeaching MPs for voting on a bill - nowhere in the constitution does it state that you cannot amend the makeup of the senate.

After all the voting had been done, the court comes along and says - "No".

So what are you impeaching them for? Not asking their fortune teller?

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The above picture is a box for receiving complaints about corruption. Or you can log onto the website given, or call the hotline on 1206.

Either way, I wouldn't be giving any personal details.

Edited by ballpoint
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What strikes me as funny here is that the petitions request impeaching MPs for voting on a bill - nowhere in the constitution does it state that you cannot amend the makeup of the senate.

After all the voting had been done, the court comes along and says - "No".

So what are you impeaching them for? Not asking their fortune teller?

They are not being impeached for merely asking to amend the makeup of the senate... They are being impeached for going about the thing in an undemocratic and unconstitutional manner.

They rushed the bill through both houses without allowing a full debate for those opposed to it. Then to top it all off, they organized a rigged one-sided voting session after declaring that the debate would end at midnight and re-start at 9am the next morning, thus arranging it so that a lot of the nay vote would be safely asleep, then voted it in at 02.30am.

That is why the constitutional court ruled against it, and yet spared them dissolution and banning orders from politics for 5 years. They were very lucky to get away with it. That is why it is on the NACC casebooks, because it was an extreme example of corruption and illegality in action.

The NACC don't really have to look very far for the evidence, the constitutional court ruling and the session records for the procedures that were taken to attempt to ram this through are all a matter of public record.

There is one thing I can guarantee... The PTP, the 'owned senators' and Yingluck will all be impeached because it is pretty much an open and shut case.

The question is how long will they take... It could reasonably be done within a day or two. or at least the NACC can find grounds for a case in the high court... If that happens, I am pretty much certain that the protocol is immediate suspension for all on impeachment charges.

Or will Thaksin order them to ignore it like they think they can ignore the constitutional court?... I would like to see them try to assemble in parliament with official suspensions on them from the high court. Because I do believe that the court can issue warrants for their arrests.

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