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Work Permit, Extension of stay and resignation

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Hi everyone,

I am starting this topic as I am having trouble to get detailed, practical and accurate information (and also up to date).

So here is my my situation. I am a French national currently working in Bangkok with work permit, non migrant visa B and extension of stay but I am resigning from job.

I understand my company will notify Thai authorities and will cancel my work permit. I also understand that my extension of stay beeing linked to my work permit... i am not longer legally entitled to stay in the country and that I have to go to immigration to revoke my estension of stay. Once I have done that I will have to leave the country. However my questions are more practical:

1/ Which Immigration Bureau do I have to go (my work permit was done at the one stop service at Chamchuri Square Building). Can I just go there?

2/ When exactly do I have to go. On my last official day of work? the Following day,... ?

3/ What documents do I need? Is my company required to give me some official document? Is there a specific form fill in? Documents have to be in Thai or English is OK

4/I dont speak Thai, will I need an interpreter ?

5/ How long exactly after that process do I have to leave the country? Same day? within 24 hours?

I understand the general process and what I have to do but I need practical information on how and when. As my company is not willing to help me/answer any of my questions I really hope you could help me out.


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You can cancel your extension at the one stop center. You will need to get a letter from employer stating that your job will end on a certain date. You have to do cancelation on that date. One stop may give you 7 days to leave. If not you have to leave on that date or apply for a 7 day extension and pay 1900 baht for it.

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Hey thank you for your quick response.

Just one more thing though... document from my company has to be written in Thai or english (or it doesnt matter)? Also do you think I will need an interpreter (for my work permit a legal firm did everything I was just there to sign) ot I'll be fine with english?

Thanks again.

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I was in your situation 2 years ago and went to Immigration here in Isaan. I told them I was going to Laos to get a tourist visa, they told me just leave Thailand and put your new visa number on the arrival card. Yor old visa will be automatically cancelled when you arrive with a new one.

They took no action whatsoever and did not ask to see letter from employer to them or to the Labor Office regarding cancelling the W.P. I could have saved a 4 hour drive, but I was trying to be honest with them.

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I wish I knew then what I know now. My school basically cut contact with me during the March-April break and I did not know if I was going to get a renewed contract. I was signing in everyday and saw the staff but no one was talking to me. I tried to contact my head of department but no answer by phone plus she was never in the office when I went after signing in.I had 3 days left on my visa so I decided best to do a border run. My funds were short so I planned a 3 days round trip to Loas and back. I got to Nong Khai immigration and was told to go the office. I was suppossed to have receieved a letter from the school of termination which I could then go to my local work department to cancel my work permit. They were so cowardly they did not do this; so there I am stuck in an office with about 8 other teachers with the same problem. Luckily I call my gf she goes to the school, a woman who deals with the NES teacher documents was surprised I did not know I did not have a new contract and that my boss had not told her to give me this stupid letter. My gf then had to go to the work permit office cancel my permit. Then rush to a shop to fax me the correct paperwork at the immigration office. After nearly 3 hours I get into Loas, miss the opening times at the consulate and end up having to spend 6 days. Thank god my atm from home worked otherwise I would of been in deep shit! Basically the schools/business do not give a shit about the farang and have little or no understanding of the problems it can cause with immigration when they do not do their jobs right regarding hiring or firing of a farang.

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I wish I knew then what I know now. My school basically cut contact with me during the March-April break and I did not know if I was going to get a renewed contract. I was signing in everyday and saw the staff but no one was talking to me. I tried to contact my head of department but no answer by phone plus she was never in the office when I went after signing in.I had 3 days left on my visa so I decided best to do a border run. My funds were short so I planned a 3 days round trip to Loas and back. I got to Nong Khai immigration and was told to go the office. I was suppossed to have receieved a letter from the school of termination which I could then go to my local work department to cancel my work permit. They were so cowardly they did not do this; so there I am stuck in an office with about 8 other teachers with the same problem. Luckily I call my gf she goes to the school, a woman who deals with the NES teacher documents was surprised I did not know I did not have a new contract and that my boss had not told her to give me this stupid letter. My gf then had to go to the work permit office cancel my permit. Then rush to a shop to fax me the correct paperwork at the immigration office. After nearly 3 hours I get into Loas, miss the opening times at the consulate and end up having to spend 6 days. Thank god my atm from home worked otherwise I would of been in deep shit! Basically the schools/business do not give a shit about the farang and have little or no understanding of the problems it can cause with immigration when they do not do their jobs right regarding hiring or firing of a farang.

Working for a reputable employer helps smile.png

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I wish I knew then what I know now. My school basically cut contact with me during the March-April break and I did not know if I was going to get a renewed contract. I was signing in everyday and saw the staff but no one was talking to me. I tried to contact my head of department but no answer by phone plus she was never in the office when I went after signing in.I had 3 days left on my visa so I decided best to do a border run. My funds were short so I planned a 3 days round trip to Loas and back. I got to Nong Khai immigration and was told to go the office. I was suppossed to have receieved a letter from the school of termination which I could then go to my local work department to cancel my work permit. They were so cowardly they did not do this; so there I am stuck in an office with about 8 other teachers with the same problem. Luckily I call my gf she goes to the school, a woman who deals with the NES teacher documents was surprised I did not know I did not have a new contract and that my boss had not told her to give me this stupid letter. My gf then had to go to the work permit office cancel my permit. Then rush to a shop to fax me the correct paperwork at the immigration office. After nearly 3 hours I get into Loas, miss the opening times at the consulate and end up having to spend 6 days. Thank god my atm from home worked otherwise I would of been in deep shit! Basically the schools/business do not give a shit about the farang and have little or no understanding of the problems it can cause with immigration when they do not do their jobs right regarding hiring or firing of a farang.

Working for a reputable employer helps smile.png

Surprising enough this was at a large government high school with 3000 students. Funny thing is my wifes father is friends of the assistant director of this school and he said he did not know my contract was not continued. He said it must of been the head of the English departments decision as they were never informed.
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Hey i am from india i hv been to thailand 2 times ....i just love the country and people i want to start small.business in thailand is it possible for me in 10000 dollars ...if yes so what i hv to do to get work permit i hv 1 friend in thailand she will help me for documents if needed

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Hey i am from india i hv been to thailand 2 times ....i just love the country and people i want to start small.business in thailand is it possible for me in 10000 dollars ...if yes so what i hv to do to get work permit i hv 1 friend in thailand she will help me for documents if needed

I must say no that is not enough.
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Thnks 4 ur advice ,but i hv seen on internet thr is lot of shops on rent and i can afford thm but only thing i am confused abt is work permit

A good idea for you would be to contact one of the Lawyers who advertise on TV. Some give free initial advise.

Your dream may be unrealistic and unachievable.

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Thnks 4 ur advice ,but i hv seen on internet thr is lot of shops on rent and i can afford thm but only thing i am confused abt is work permit

There restrictions on the type of business you can do type of work you can do. You need to form a company to get the work permit.

I suggest you download this business guide that has lots of useful information. http://www.boi.go.th/upload/content/AW_BOI-BusinessGuide2014-20130905-web_36759.pdf

To get everything setup I would guess a cost of about $2000 minimum.

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Actually i am chef bt nt hv any qualification in culinary arts bt hv college degree ..i hv seen many restaurants on rent in thailand..so i planned to start my own business on rent...i can increase my budget to 20000 to 25000 dollars if its possible ...u send me pdf thnks 4 tht i read it ..bt they said to form a company..big company or i can do with small investment

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You can do it with a small investment but of course you need funds to keep it going for a while. The company size is not a factor. You would need to setup company with 2 million baht registered capital to get your work permit.

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I wish I knew then what I know now. My school basically cut contact with me during the March-April break and I did not know if I was going to get a renewed contract. I was signing in everyday and saw the staff but no one was talking to me. I tried to contact my head of department but no answer by phone plus she was never in the office when I went after signing in.I had 3 days left on my visa so I decided best to do a border run. My funds were short so I planned a 3 days round trip to Loas and back. I got to Nong Khai immigration and was told to go the office. I was suppossed to have receieved a letter from the school of termination which I could then go to my local work department to cancel my work permit. They were so cowardly they did not do this; so there I am stuck in an office with about 8 other teachers with the same problem. Luckily I call my gf she goes to the school, a woman who deals with the NES teacher documents was surprised I did not know I did not have a new contract and that my boss had not told her to give me this stupid letter. My gf then had to go to the work permit office cancel my permit. Then rush to a shop to fax me the correct paperwork at the immigration office. After nearly 3 hours I get into Loas, miss the opening times at the consulate and end up having to spend 6 days. Thank god my atm from home worked otherwise I would of been in deep shit! Basically the schools/business do not give a shit about the farang and have little or no understanding of the problems it can cause with immigration when they do not do their jobs right regarding hiring or firing of a farang.

Working for a reputable employer helps smile.png

Surprising enough this was at a large government high school with 3000 students. Funny thing is my wifes father is friends of the assistant director of this school and he said he did not know my contract was not continued. He said it must of been the head of the English departments decision as they were never informed.

Why didn't you get your father in law involved? Could have saved you a lot of trouble.

Where is Loas?

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