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iMessage about as unreliable as you can get


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Were you sending it to your iPhone or someone else?

If the former, you can always let iCloud take care of it (if you're not in a hurry) if your iDevices are synced up, alternatively, I had a similar issue with iMessage right after the launch of iOS 7 where iMessages weren't sending.

Had to do a hard reset and re-sync to reboot it.. Haven't had any issues since, just make sure you've got a current back up available before doing it, as it goes without saying what'll happen if you do and you don't..

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I've never had that problem. You could try Line?

It was a fairly widely reported issue with iMessage when the iOS7 update rolled in that along with Panarama photos from previous versions not syncing either was another painful pill to swallow. I don't think Apple's even brought out an update to combat these issues, instead suggesting work arounds.

Thankfully haven't had any issues with iMessage since using the "work around"...

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