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Thai student activist vows to fight her 'suspension'


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who do you call this transvestite "her"? gender is not what one can choose by himself (herself) but an objective reality. This transvestite, "Neko" (pussy cat in Japanese, I guess) should definitely be expelled from the uni, he does not deserve an education.

When he was admitted to Thammasat he was granted a main right - to learn, and if he is not interested in that - just give a place to someone who does!

Deeds of the Rector is none of his business - "Neko" did not establish it, didn't contribute to it in any means - so why should he has a right to assess the rector's actions?

Didn't you take note, that all these leftist activists in Thammasat who get media attention, are katoeys? This has an easy explanation: "if world does not accept me, world should be changed" - this simple idea fuels radical youth all over the world.

Sad but true.

You wrote: "who do you call this transvestite "her"? gender is not what one can choose by himself (herself) but an objective reality."

In fact, you are referring to the biological sex of a person, not their gender. Gender is not an "objective reality" but rather is a construction. See:


There are cases of children who are classified as "intersex"--having features of both males and females--and whose parents choose the gender they will grow up as. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex. So much for the 'objective reality' of gender...

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I wonder if they're going to investigate the code of conduct of the member of the university hierarchy who posted on his Facebook page that he wanted to stand on her face?

She might very well be a mixed-up girl/boy. Or not. But you're attitude is not unexpected, home-grown British homo-phobia? I love your pinkish colouring, by the way, - you're abhorring freckles and your fat, pale asses. Wouldn't touch one of you're women though. Not because of the women, they're great! But because of you.

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I wonder if they're going to investigate the code of conduct of the member of the university hierarchy who posted on his Facebook page that he wanted to stand on her face?

She might very well be a mixed-up girl/boy. Or not. But you're attitude is not unexpected, home-grown British homo-phobia? I love your pinkish colouring, by the way, - you're abhorring freckles and your fat, pale asses. Wouldn't touch one of you're women though. Not because of the women, they're great! But because of you.

Er.....pardon? Either the point of my post flew above your head at about the altitude of a weather satellite ( but which everybody else seemed to grasp) or you posting at 4 a.m. means it's still beer o'clock in your neck of the woods and you're either finishing late or starting early on the Leo. smile.png

Edited by mca
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It make shame for the rest of lady boy by code of dressing in University , What the h**l it dress like carnival?

Thai uni student have dress code.

Biological boys to be dress as boys.

Biological girls to be dress as girls.

Just google photo of Thai university uniform for example.

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yes, because elders make a favor when they share there knowledge with youth. And youngsters are appreciated for what they are getting from elders. This is how human civilization works.

do YOU have any knowledge to share? I think, I know the answer...

If the education you recieve is so great could you please advise me why allmost all policical leaders in this country including Mr Thaksin and M/sThaksin have been educated in universities overseas.

Could it be that they need to be in order to be able to make decisions even if some are probably not the right ones?

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It make shame for the rest of lady boy by code of dressing in University , What the h**l it dress like carnival?

Thai uni student have dress code.

Biological boys to be dress as boys.

Biological girls to be dress as girls.

Just google photo of Thai university uniform for example.

Absolutely and not to mention how sad Neko makes some farangs feel looking a lot better (and perhaps smarter) than many of our female teeraks.

Edited by atyclb
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Nice to see someone challenging the system and status quo, takes balls to do in Thailand. As for a flag ? its a piece of fabric no big deal at all really, its just there as a part of a control system, all she did was replace it... so much fuss about nothing. coffee1.gif

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In an ideal world both parties should be working towards a standard of education that allows everyone to make an informed decision.

this is a perfect example of leftist idealism and denial of truth

the truth is majority is not and will never be enough conscious to make a wise decision.Its never happened (even in UK "universal suffrage" was introduced in 1918, and where is the British Empire now?) Masses are exposed to fears and phobias and behave according to their instincts. Populist, a person who knows how to push these buttons, will always win a person who tells the truth. Because most of the population don't want to hear the truth, they want to hear that the one to blame for there misery and poverty is someone else.

And populist will deliver what masses need - rob intelligent and successful minority in favor of stupid and unsuccessful majority.

The result will be the growth of percentage of lazy and unsuccessful majority - this is what you have in Europe, Africa, Latin America and US now.

Don't you realize: Western world is not a pattern, or a goal to achieve for developing countries anymore. Developing world feels sorry for what Western countries are entrapped in by socialist ideology.

Please keep your moldy ideas for yourself.

clap2.gif At least you are an expert in what you do!

Trolling, that is!


Well, where is the British Empire now?

Some might say, it has evolved into a democratic nation called Great Britain and is a well respected, leading world- nation (I know, to some it is not, but...).

But most of all, it is pari inter pares.

"...this is what we have in ..."- so tell me what you have/

I assume for a minute you are Thai (a shame, really!)- so tell me what YOU have here?!

I know the answers you have and I already know, they have nothing to do with reality and they will make me laugh...before I cry!

The pattern for your idea of development sure doesn't come from the moldy west...they don't even come from this planet!

In all the post I read from you, you pose yourself as a backward, sexist, rascist ...and I could tell you what you are, but you, sir , are not worth loosing my posting rights!

Most people know the difference between right and wrong. The basis of the "British", Western, Magna Carter court system.

Most ordinary, intelligent, hard working people in most countries can conceive that there is a wildly deceptive, duplicitous, greed driven bunch of vampires, who work in, for and through their governments. Who have access to State secrets, treasuries, agreements with giant corporations and banking dynasties.

What most people are beginning to understand is that where two party systems exist, they are only ever two heads of the one beast.

Those that believe in either of the heads are betrayed. The heads create enough deception to keep people happy that at any given time, one of the

heads is telling the truth and the other isn't. For a time. The voters keep on chopping at one of the heads, as if the other head will bring change.

Its frustrating when the change does not happen.

What do we do next?

In your case, roll another one, I would think.

Edited by SheungWan
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In an ideal world both parties should be working towards a standard of education that allows everyone to make an informed decision.

this is a perfect example of leftist idealism and denial of truth

the truth is majority is not and will never be enough conscious to make a wise decision.Its never happened (even in UK "universal suffrage" was introduced in 1918, and where is the British Empire now?) Masses are exposed to fears and phobias and behave according to their instincts. Populist, a person who knows how to push these buttons, will always win a person who tells the truth. Because most of the population don't want to hear the truth, they want to hear that the one to blame for there misery and poverty is someone else.

And populist will deliver what masses need - rob intelligent and successful minority in favor of stupid and unsuccessful majority.

The result will be the growth of percentage of lazy and unsuccessful majority - this is what you have in Europe, Africa, Latin America and US now.

Don't you realize: Western world is not a pattern, or a goal to achieve for developing countries anymore. Developing world feels sorry for what Western countries are entrapped in by socialist ideology.

Please keep your moldy ideas for yourself.

clap2.gif At least you are an expert in what you do!

Trolling, that is!


Well, where is the British Empire now?

Some might say, it has evolved into a democratic nation called Great Britain and is a well respected, leading world- nation (I know, to some it is not, but...).

But most of all, it is pari inter pares.

"...this is what we have in ..."- so tell me what you have/

I assume for a minute you are Thai (a shame, really!)- so tell me what YOU have here?!

I know the answers you have and I already know, they have nothing to do with reality and they will make me laugh...before I cry!

The pattern for your idea of development sure doesn't come from the moldy west...they don't even come from this planet!

In all the post I read from you, you pose yourself as a backward, sexist, rascist ...and I could tell you what you are, but you, sir , are not worth loosing my posting rights!

Most people know the difference between right and wrong. The basis of the "British", Western, Magna Carter court system.

Most ordinary, intelligent, hard working people in most countries can conceive that there is a wildly deceptive, duplicitous, greed driven bunch of vampires, who work in, for and through their governments. Who have access to State secrets, treasuries, agreements with giant corporations and banking dynasties.

What most people are beginning to understand is that where two party systems exist, they are only ever two heads of the one beast.

Those that believe in either of the heads are betrayed. The heads create enough deception to keep people happy that at any given time, one of the

heads is telling the truth and the other isn't. For a time. The voters keep on chopping at one of the heads, as if the other head will bring change.

Its frustrating when the change does not happen.

What do we do next?

In your case, roll another one, I would think.

Heavy...man! (Sorry, thats my 70's hippy impression)

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Magna Carter

Its spelled Magna Carta; If you're going to write <deleted> about a country you clearly know little about, at least have the decency to do some very basic research first......

I say fair play to him/her. Nice to see someone with the guts to stand up against the establishment....

But most of all, it is pari inter pares.

Don't you mean Primus inter pares? (First among Equals) Didn't you learn nothink at your school?

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Magna Carter

Its spelled Magna Carta; If you're going to write <deleted> about a country you clearly know little about, at least have the decency to do some very basic research first......

I say fair play to him/her. Nice to see someone with the guts to stand up against the establishment....

But most of all, it is pari inter pares.

Don't you mean Primus inter pares? (First among Equals) Didn't you learn nothink at your school?

...ahm ...no... I meant "equal among equals"...and ahm... cheers!

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ahm ...no... I meant "equal among equals"...and ahm... cheers!

That would be Omnes aequales....''All are equal'...cheers....Parilis is equal as in (amounts).Aequus/Equus is equal as in standings. There endeth the lesson for today....

Yeah, thanks...I always sucked at latin...but I guess, you got my point!

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Whatever suspension she uses for her jiggly bits is up to her.

Most Universities throughout the world do encourage students to demonstrate even if they feel they are misguided as an important part of gaining experience and maturity. Few of them are concerned unduly at any feelings of embarrasment the University may feel and it can only be embarrassed in these cases if the students show the university to be wrong.

Suspensions in all the Universities I have been associated with have only been applied when students have either caused considerable damage to property or more importantly to those who in demonstrating try to stop others expressing their ideas.

I apreciate that the flag issue here is seen differently to how it would be percieved in my country but such issues if ilegal would be left to the courts and not the University to handle.

I am reminded of the old discussions between two proffessors. "The students are revolting." and the reply "Well they are students."

Edited by harrry
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