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Rollerblades -


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Did a lot of road rollerblading and roller skating in my home country, but honestly I wouldn't dare in Chiang Mai considering the state of roads and sidewalks, unless you live in a moobaan with nice and even asphalt surfaces. Most important, get her a helmet, wrist and elbow protections. Even at slow speed you can hurt yourself badly. At the age of 9 it shouldn't be too difficult. She should start slowly on a flat surface like a school playground or an empty parking lot with no traffic, downhill is more fun but requires some experience. Be very flexible in the knees and slightly bent forward, beginners tend mostly to fall backwards, which is worse (hence the wrist and elbow pads). The whole body must be relaxed, stiffness is the ultimate enemy (easier said than done in the beginning). The first time she should just try to keep balance and walk slowly, you may walk beside her and hold her hand. Thereafter, it's just a matter of experience and gaining confidence. But like every sport we are not equally predisposed, so progress can be slow or fast. Sorry, I did not really answer your query, but I do not know any rollerblading place where you can get instructors or lessons, as I am fairly new to Chiang Mai.

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The wife and I rollerblade in the late afternoons on the paved road that encircles the agri-site of the CMU, off of Canel rd ,near Doi Kham temple . Lots of joggers,dog-walkers et.. and minimal vehicle traffic.Our 4yr.old daughter tags along on her bike. My nephew has taken an interest and I have been instructing him over the last few days.

If you can bring your daughter out to this area I would be happy to get her started.

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