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Red-shirt leader Kwanchai proposes 500,000 baht reward for Suthep's arrest


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I thought that there was already a warrant out for the arrest of Suthep. The question is why have the police not arrested him already? The guy is staging insurrection to over throw the legal and democratically elected government. Are the police afraid of him? Or are they on his side? Either way it is disgraceful that he is still allowed to conspire, act and threaten to end any semblance of democracy in Thailand.

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You have been a generally quiet member for 6 years now. Why all of a sudden the for you the large amount of post that boil down to leave the Shinawatra's alone?facepalm.gif

Don't you have better things to do than stalk other members?

I'm interested, is all.

I have opinions, is all.

I have time, is all.

I absolutely loathe autocracies, is all.

Is that OK with you?

And you indicate that you have money, as you want to donate 1000 Baht.

Now put your money where your mouth is and donate the money.

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Thais will sell their own grandmothers for less than that and they love them. You just may find a few of Suthep's loyal followers licking their chops and ready to devour the master.

You certainly hang out with some very crass thai's to have formed that opinion. The Thai's I know love their elderly.

It was a metaphor my friend and not meant to be taken literally.

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I am pretty sure that there are a lot of people including me who want to put in some money. If there are a few hundred who puts in 50,000 baht each for a dead of alive capture of Suthep Thailand would be a better place.


Tragic, in fact.

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Thais will sell their own grandmothers for less than that and they love them. You just may find a few of Suthep's loyal followers licking their chops and ready to devour the master.

You certainly hang out with some very crass thai's to have formed that opinion. The Thai's I know love their elderly.

It was a metaphor my friend and not meant to be taken literally.

I'm sure it was a case of engaging mouth before brain - something that seems to be the norm with some on here

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The red-shirt leader charged that Suthep, the Democrat party, independent organization and some academics had conspired to prevent the February 2 election from taking place, hence it was necessary for all red-shirt followers to come out to protect democracy TS.

He is asking 1 baht from each red shirt follower? Come on la.. your big boss can fork out this money anytime. Why now become so pathetic to ask from the supporters? Are you just for the sake of some self-publicity tactic to show your supreme leader TS that you are still some value worthable?

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So one of the people that was implicated during the Ratchaprason uprising in 2010 wants to arrest Suthep ? Same charge, or different ? Why doesn't he make the arrest and claim the money himself ?

"Red leader" is an honorific title, and is not meant in any way to indicate that the person holding it would approach the front where they could possibly be hurt.

How can you say that, you must remember "We will fight to the last drop of blood" from the brave leaders in 2010 and see what happened ?

Oh yes OK you win.

Was wondering how much he chipped in to start it off, after all he became a millionaire from the 2010 riots along with his mate Jatuporn.

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Well I'm sure that 500,000 Thai Baht will buy you an elite team of Navy Seals or SAS to do the job,won't it?rolleyes.gif

Akin to signing your own death warrant,<deleted> is the point I mean really?bah.gif

A team of SWAT in a helicopter or 5 could easily arrest him.

Edited by oldthaihand99
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Strange country is this, which allows to a single guy who is starting a civil war, to run free,

when its police is asking to catch him are not allow to do it because some strange law,

otherwise it's needed a half million baht reward to stops him.

Who is ruling this country, the Marx Brothers?

Probably would be better. w00t.gif


-mel ;)

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Thats right, pay the police a bonus to do a job they are already being paid to do

otherwise it just won't be done. tongue.png

Like that foreign journalist that was mugged? Or another who was killed?

Suicide isn't part of the job description & Thai police are poorly paid as it is.

So exactly how do you propose they do this? Slaughter all the protestors guarding Suthep?

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Many countries allow for citizen arrests. That is how bounty hunters can work. In Thailand a Google car driver was arrested by citizens in Northern Thailand who suspected him of being a government spy. So the question is, can any Thai citizen arrest Suthep as he does have an outstanding warrant against him?

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Only way to get police to do their jobs in Thailand is offering them money / bribes .... par for the course

Arrest Suthep and a civil war will break out ... anyone with half a brain knows it ... that is why he is still not arrested

Guess this person being quoted here has less then half a brain ... 555

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It just shows how the whole country is pretty much French Connection UK up. The very same people who are supposed to be locked up for deaths, terrorist actions against civilians and terrorism against the state call upon the law and publicly trying to raise funds to get rid of a political opponent by all means necessary. As I said many times, people like Jatuporn, Nattawut, Kwanchai etc...etc...should have been imprisoned for many years. They're threat to normal people. Instead of being locked up for good, they were rewarded with public functions and jobs they are not fit to do. No wonder Thailand has been turned into a jungle, when people like that occupy high offices. Suthep has just taken a leaf out of their book. As simple as that. Violence breeds violence. And all because proven terrorists were let off the hook in 2010.

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Will be interesting if TS and the jester should share a cell. That is if there was rule of law and both served the terms they derserve. TS out after 2 years and Suthep after 20 years (term for insurrection), perspective on each ones wrong doings.

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Well I'm sure that 500,000 Thai Baht will buy you an elite team of Navy Seals or SAS to do the job,won't it?rolleyes.gif

Akin to signing your own death warrant,<deleted> is the point I mean really?bah.gif

A team of SWAT in a helicopter or 5 could easily arrest him.

Thai SWAT team. post-9891-0-93742200-1388829874_thumb.jp

No problem with helo. Day operation.

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Is this said with the same sincerity as Thaksin when offering B10,000,000 to information leading to the arrest of anyone involved in the burning of Central World? ALL these people (ha) think about is money. Sickening.

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Strange country is this, which allows to a single guy who is starting a civil war, to run free,

when its police is asking to catch him are not allow to do it because some strange law,

otherwise it's needed a half million baht reward to stops him.

Who is ruling this country, the Marx Brothers?

Probably would be better. w00t.gif

They didn't do it for this guy. They can't do it for Suthep.And if you don't know why, you must be a recent arrival.


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I doubt very much if this is Kwanchai's brainchild. He is a specialist in violence, usually having his brainwashed supporters to do the hard graft.

Looks more like he has had another call from Dubai as the notion has scam written all over it.

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Kwanchai's desperate to be relevant to current events, he dislikes the Bangkok based red leaders such as Nattawut and Jatupon, ( though they are really from the south)as he's probably envious of their public speaking skills, all he has is his claim he can mobilize thousands of Issanites in no time at all, he himself is not Issan at all, he's from Suphanburi.

The suspension of the amnesty bill has affected him personally, his conviction and jail sentence for violent assault in Udon on the PAD a few years ago is now in the last court, the Supreme court.

This maybe a sign that the red shirts amongst it many factions maybe in conflict with each other. Everyone wants to be famous I guess. That is why YS doesn't understand the meaning of unity. But that is expected. Big empires always falls....and this will soon fall.

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And how much for the arrest of the missunderstood fugitive in Dubai?

And how much for the arrest of kwanchai who should be on charges for (recently)

wearing a police uniform in public and actually impersonating a police officer.

I hopes that works....because we can charge the same for YS impersonating as a PM

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Will be interesting if TS and the jester should share a cell. That is if there was rule of law and both served the terms they derserve. TS out after 2 years and Suthep after 20 years (term for insurrection), perspective on each ones wrong doings.

There is so much criminal cases on TS, if he comes back, he will be in jail for 100 lifetime. Why do you think he doesn't want to return without the amnesty.

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