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what's the reason for alcohol restriction hours at 7-11?

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I believe it has something to do with not having alcohol for sale when school kids are let out for the day, although it seems to be in force at the weekend too so that doesn't make complete sense to me....perhaps I was misinformed.

Edited by inthepink
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I believe it has something to do with not having alcohol for sale when school kids are let out for the day, although it seems to be in force at the weekend too so that doesn't make complete sense to me....perhaps I was misinformed.

I think that was why Taksin introduced it in the first place. But yeah doesn't really make any sense at all.

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Because it's the law.

(Note purchase of more than 10 litres of alcoholic beverage is allowed at any time if the shop has a wholesale licence.)

no shyt sherlock just wanted to know the logic behind it.


You really are new here.......a genuine newbie.......welcome. thumbsup.gif

that would have been some measure of an insult if i was truly a long time member of this forum or a long term resident in thailand which i am neither.

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Because it's the law.

(Note purchase of more than 10 litres of alcoholic beverage is allowed at any time if the shop has a wholesale licence.)

no shyt sherlock just wanted to know the logic behind it.


You really are new here.......a genuine newbie.......welcome. thumbsup.gif

that would have been some measure of an insult if i was truly a long time member of this forum or a long term resident in thailand which i am neither.

No chance whatsoever of it being an insult.

A long time member or long time resident wouldn't ask the logic of such a thing.

So, once again welcome to Thailand and TV. smile.png

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No logic, its the law.

Argument; keep school children away from alc (as might have been the argument for this law) is ridicolous.

As - by theory - no one younger than 20 (legal age) is allowed to buy alcohol anyway.

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Well it's certainly not a farang friendly law, given that many tourists probably don't know about the Mom'n'Pop option or want different alcohol than just beer, Thai whisky or Spy. So maybe Mr T was killing three birds with one stone ie pandering to some conservative forces, being unfriendly to tourists and not giving people unfriendly to him who control 7/11 Big C Makro etc a slice of the 24 hour action. Tourists are probably small fry in regards to the alcohol sales business in Thailand anyway.

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Well that didn't take long to descend into (yet another) Thaksin bash by the usual suspects, eh?

Do you chaps have TV configured so it sends you an SMS or email alert whenever the word Thaksin appears in a new post?

Thaksin made this law, or not?

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As I vaguely recall, it was implemented by Thaksin with several different excuses, but the real purpose was to punish Charoen, who owned the 7-11 franchises across Thailand, for leaving Thaksin's supporters and moving into either a neutral or opposing political stance.

Loads of excuses for a bad law, but it had personal motives behind it.

Mom and Pops don't have to follow it; big stores got caught up in the personal dispute; it was aimed at 7-11 which follows it rigidly to avoid the backwash from what could happen.

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I believe it has something to do with not having alcohol for sale when school kids are let out for the day, although it seems to be in force at the weekend too so that doesn't make complete sense to me....perhaps I was misinformed.

OR............. they could just ask the student for I.D. ,If he/she is of age then fine, if not, then............... Common sense really but alas Thailand is lacking in lots of this.

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The law was introduced during the Thaksin regime. Same for early closing hours for bars/night clubs.

I think the laws are progressive and have greatly reduced alcohol abuse. (roll eyes) Same for the innovative method of reducing traffic accidents by appeasing evil spirits- or maybe it was kicking them out :)

Alcohol abuse down, traffic accidents eliminated, why can't the dear readers here be a little more positive :)

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