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At least two injured in two shooting incidents near Bangkok rally site


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My thoughts about this are best summarized by John Donne. His words still echo in our lives, like all good writing:

No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.

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Many will say the Red Shirts are responsible. But they are more than just Red Shirts who hate Suthep and his southern thugs coming to their city and destroying it. Many citizens of the city are upset and angry and can't take it anymore.

Umm, no I think it is more likely reds, especially after incident from yesterday. Tempers are on edge.

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They don't have to do anything just yet. Let Suthep make the lives of his supporters in Bangkok hell through his childish antics in closing down the city, and then watch his own people kick his arse. Only if Suthep creates the violence that he needs to get the army to stage a coup will he win. But then you really will find out how the red-shirts can behave.

It looks far more likely to me that the present skirmishes are the work of individuals or groups who have some personal grievance with the yellows........friends of that taxidriver they beat up, motorsai taxi drivers losing money with all these marches and road closures, etc., etc.

Utterly ridiculous to claim that Thaksin is sitting in Dubai sticking pins in a map as he personally orders the odd bomb to be thrown!

Utterly ridiculous to claim that Thaksin is sitting in Dubai sticking pins in a map as he personally orders the odd bomb to be thrown!

You think so ?

He financed and orchestrated the events of 2010 where part of the city was blockaded for months, lots of fires started, bullets were fired and bombs were thrown causing loss of life and billions of baht in damage to public and private property. You really don't think he is capable of doing it again ? Get real and stop hiding behind your dumb denials, you are sounding like Yingluck !

This is so weird. I stayed home all day and nobody shot at me.

Could this be because I didn't piss off any people?

Oh really ? You were posting comments on TV weren't you ? Good chance you did piss people off, without even leaving your lair.

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Watch this before it's removed:


Was that video done by North Korea's propaganda department? You can't attack police officer with Molotov cocktails and expect them not to fight back. That video is portraying the police as the bad guys and protesters as heros, when its really the other way around.

I believe that most police officers are RED, while the military supports the yellow

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Criticize these protestors all you like, but the violence (just like 3.5 years ago) appears to be almost exclusive to the Red Shirt side of things.

Yingluck ought to get tough, she's being a cowardly liberal. There are millions of people hurt by this, so much so that many will go bankrupt and lose their life's work, be it a store, or small, medium business of some kind. They've shut down the country losing billions in tourism and local business, creating confrontation, not wanting to bargin, they just want power. The charges are next to nothing and relate to years ago. She should arrest them, shoot whoever resists if necessary. Conservatives would not allow this, its not democratic, only an attempted takeover. It would be one thing if they had substantial claims. They don't. They are committing treason. Wake up Yingluck!

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Yingluck ought to get tough, she's being a cowardly liberal. There are millions of people hurt by this, so much so that many will go bankrupt and lose their life's work, be it a store, or small, medium business of some kind. They've shut down the country losing billions in tourism and local business, creating confrontation, not wanting to bargin, they just want power. The charges are next to nothing and relate to years ago. She should arrest them, shoot whoever resists if necessary. Conservatives would not allow this, its not democratic, only an attempted takeover. It would be one thing if they had substantial claims. They don't. They are committing treason. Wake up Yingluck!

.............................."They've shut down the country losing billions in tourism and local business, creating confrontation, not wanting to bargin, they just want power."..............................................

................................."She should arrest them, shoot whoever resists if necessary."................................

Interesting. So in your opinion the Army was justified in their actions back in 2010 ?

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So what really happened last night? The news agencies get themselves in such a muddle. Seven people shot and one attacked by a bomb. Two injured. One dead. Seven injured. One brought back to life from the dead. Five people hurt twice.

Can you imagine if you multiply this fifty fold over the coming week? Scores dead, hundreds injured and then the story will disappear and the top news story we'll be reading will be about a panda having a miscarriage or a man getting his head stuck getting his balls stuck inside a Pepsi can.

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We all knew this was coming, with redshirts being unleashed.....

Yeah! people are getting irritated with those demonstrators.

When I made my own survey to students when the first rally held, almost all of them were against Yingluck and were pro-Suthep.

Just few days ago, they suddenly hate Suthep and now Yingluck's sympathizers.

Of course those students have made their choice based on what they heard from their parents. So, people are now annoyed with the

continuous demonstrations.

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Yingluck ought to get tough, she's being a cowardly liberal. There are millions of people hurt by this, so much so that many will go bankrupt and lose their life's work, be it a store, or small, medium business of some kind. They've shut down the country losing billions in tourism and local business, creating confrontation, not wanting to bargin, they just want power. The charges are next to nothing and relate to years ago. She should arrest them, shoot whoever resists if necessary. Conservatives would not allow this, its not democratic, only an attempted takeover. It would be one thing if they had substantial claims. They don't. They are committing treason. Wake up Yingluck!

.............................."They've shut down the country losing billions in tourism and local business, creating confrontation, not wanting to bargin, they just want power."..............................................

................................."She should arrest them, shoot whoever resists if necessary."................................

Interesting. So in your opinion the Army was justified in their actions back in 2010 ?

That wasn't an elected government, it was a coup to begin with. So no. This wouldn't happen in the U.S. which is more corrupt than thailand. Take the drug war. the US is harvesting humans for jail cells, profit and politically scaring people into giving up their freedom. The Thais are naive by comparison. The "corruption" everyone talks about means those in power treat their cronies better, as if that's not the case everyone in the world in every government every to hold power. The yellow shirts are just mad because the want to let the farmer's rot and take over their land. F!ck that. Once something gets big like this people just follow along as if they are on the right side. The point of democracy is to work with people, that's never been good enough for the yellow shirts. They are wealthier and want to rub dirt in the face of the poor, worsening the cycle of poverty. Think about the video, how they frame supporting rice farmers as corruption. What government doesn't do THAT? Hell he US supports the OIL INDUSTRY! with subsidies!

Erm,, okaaaay

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BKK Post: 1 dead, 7 injured

Nation: 2 injured

If the local news boys have problems counting bodies now, then they are really going to struggle in the coming week.

Maybe when "The Nation made the report, those injured were still alive and was battling for lives.

And when the Bangkok Post made the report, one had died. So the report are not the samebiggrin.png

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Whoever said "Red Shirts are peaceful people" better get their heads out of their arse. Now I know some will say how do we know they were Red Shirts? Well, who else is there? Red Shirts fighting with protesters in Phathum Thani yesterday comes to mind.

I personally I think all groups need to get off their "my way or the highway" attitude and start thinking about how they can solve the problem of the country as a whole. Wishful thinking....but it IS possible.

I'm waiting for comments that include the infamous ' third part ', ' dark forces ' or ' unseen hands ' who of course cannot and will never be identified.


As an alternative can I suggest it's the evil spirits that cause aircraft and railway crashes and caused the excessive road death toll over the New Year holidays ?

I guessed who are you referring to. You are really funny mate! biggrin.png

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Yingluck ought to get tough, she's being a cowardly liberal. There are millions of people hurt by this, so much so that many will go bankrupt and lose their life's work, be it a store, or small, medium business of some kind. They've shut down the country losing billions in tourism and local business, creating confrontation, not wanting to bargin, they just want power. The charges are next to nothing and relate to years ago. She should arrest them, shoot whoever resists if necessary. Conservatives would not allow this, its not democratic, only an attempted takeover. It would be one thing if they had substantial claims. They don't. They are committing treason. Wake up Yingluck!

.............................."They've shut down the country losing billions in tourism and local business, creating confrontation, not wanting to bargin, they just want power."..............................................

................................."She should arrest them, shoot whoever resists if necessary."................................

Interesting. So in your opinion the Army was justified in their actions back in 2010 ?

That wasn't an elected government, it was a coup to begin with. So no. This wouldn't happen in the U.S. which is more corrupt than thailand. Take the drug war. the US is harvesting humans for jail cells, profit and politically scaring people into giving up their freedom. The Thais are naive by comparison. The "corruption" everyone talks about means those in power treat their cronies better, as if that's not the case everyone in the world in every government every to hold power. The yellow shirts are just mad because the want to let the farmer's rot and take over their land. F!ck that. Once something gets big like this people just follow along as if they are on the right side. The point of democracy is to work with people, that's never been good enough for the yellow shirts. They are wealthier and want to rub dirt in the face of the poor, worsening the cycle of poverty. Think about the video, how they frame supporting rice farmers as corruption. What government doesn't do THAT? Hell he US supports the OIL INDUSTRY! with subsidies!

Erm,, okaaaay

That figures it would be all you have to say because I laid it out pretty clear. THey aren't protesting in the us for price supports for farmers. Because it's not corruption. It's what humane societies do and have done for centuries. And,she's already scheduled an election. This is a coup and nothing more. And AGAIN people are having their lives and businesses ruined just so the wealthy can have a bigger piece of the pie. If they came out with a compromise I'd support them, but they are offering nothing. Shoot them.

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Okay I don't mean shoot them needlessly. But she has a responsibility to maintain order so that people can make a living and survive. They don't want to compromise, they only want her to step down so that THEY can have power? They were already in power and got voted out. The poor suffered too much under their regime and they don't try to make compromises, so why would anyone want them in power? They are border line terrorists.

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That figures it would be all you have to say because I laid it out pretty clear. THey aren't protesting in the us for price supports for farmers. Because it's not corruption. It's what humane societies do and have done for centuries. And,she's already scheduled an election. This is a coup and nothing more. And AGAIN people are having their lives and businesses ruined just so the wealthy can have a bigger piece of the pie. If they came out with a compromise I'd support them, but they are offering nothing. Shoot them.

Good thing you are not running the government (Thaksin is) or it would be a bloodbath. And if the Shinawatra regime is not kicked out of the country soon and blanket banned from politics, there won't be any pie left, just an empty dish. biggrin.png

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Riches are rarely the reason people come out of the woodwork to join politics.

Most, if not all are already doing fine.

Albeit i haven't seen anyone frown form having more, more & more..

I can only deduce it to Power.

Power in itself is THE catalyst for the majority of politicians.

I'm sick of everyone telling me who my "hero" should be..

Pick the lesser of two evils. If all else fails, flip a coin!

"keyboard warrior" was here!

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It was the "harvesting humans" that caught my eye to be honest, but having read rest of that post and the last two words in particular of your response to me I stand by my comment.

I support elections, but if after the election it turns out the govt is corrupt, inept, authoritarian and considers itself above the law, then democratic protests are justified.

What suthep wants is another matter, I have no time for him and his fascist council, but PT as an elected govt created this mess with their misrule.

I hope elections take place, I know PT will win, they will be the next govt and that's as it should be. However, if they rule in the same criminal manner then protests to remove them will be fully justified. It's not enough to win, by winning you are obligated to rule for the good of all, not for yourself and your family.

I pretty much agree with much of this, PT shouldn't have pulled the vote for amnesty but its not exactly "misrule". It's only speculative the bro would even dare come back. The US congress pulls that shit every week. Wrong yes, but typical. and she's already called for an election and they are still putting everyone out of work, people who can't afford it. That's not protesting, its tyranny. They don't want an election , they want power. I feel you are giving yellow shirts the benefit of the doubt but not yingluck..... truth is nobody knows precisely how corrupt or honest she is. I just haven't heard much substantial criticism, everyone repeats the word corruption without demonstrating anything she's done wrong except an amnesty bill, I can't see that is an impeachable offense.... now, her brother, they should bring him to justice or at least keep him out of the way.

I stand by my harvesting humans characterization in the US. Corporations push the drug culture heavily in the entertainment biz, then arrest the kids when they copy the big stars. They don't by in large arrest the big stars and wealthy kids. Its a crime to be poor. Of course all the kids are copying the entertainers who do drugs openly. You can't allow the corps to make money promoting it and then give kids 2o years for the same behavior, It's worse than anyone can describe. The Thais have no idea how bad corruption can get. I sense most are gentle and humane by comparison. I know there are exceptions but they don't lock people up or allow luring them into crimes like the US does.

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It was the "harvesting humans" that caught my eye to be honest, but having read rest of that post and the last two words in particular of your response to me I stand by my comment.

I support elections, but if after the election it turns out the govt is corrupt, inept, authoritarian and considers itself above the law, then democratic protests are justified.

What suthep wants is another matter, I have no time for him and his fascist council, but PT as an elected govt created this mess with their misrule.

I hope elections take place, I know PT will win, they will be the next govt and that's as it should be. However, if they rule in the same criminal manner then protests to remove them will be fully justified. It's not enough to win, by winning you are obligated to rule for the good of all, not for yourself and your family.

I pretty much agree with much of this, PT shouldn't have pulled the vote for amnesty but its not exactly "misrule". It's only speculative the bro would even dare come back. The US congress pulls that shit every week. Wrong yes, but typical. and she's already called for an election and they are still putting everyone out of work, people who can't afford it. That's not protesting, its tyranny. They don't want an election , they want power. I feel you are giving yellow shirts the benefit of the doubt but not yingluck..... truth is nobody knows precisely how corrupt or honest she is. I just haven't heard much substantial criticism, everyone repeats the word corruption without demonstrating anything she's done wrong except an amnesty bill, I can't see that is an impeachable offense.... now, her brother, they should bring him to justice or at least keep him out of the way.

I stand by my harvesting humans characterization in the US. Corporations push the drug culture heavily in the entertainment biz, then arrest the kids when they copy the big stars. They don't by in large arrest the big stars and wealthy kids. Its a crime to be poor. Of course all the kids are copying the entertainers who do drugs openly. You can't allow the corps to make money promoting it and then give kids 2o years for the same behavior, It's worse than anyone can describe. The Thais have no idea how bad corruption can get. I sense most are gentle and humane by comparison. I know there are exceptions but they don't lock people up or allow luring them into crimes like the US does.

Last word from me on this. I have no time for PAD (the yellows) or UDD or suthep. They are all shades of the same brand of intolerance and tribalism.

The original protest against PT I did have sympathy for. People had seen too much misrule and the get out of gaol free amnesty bill was the final straw for many of them.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Bangkokians ended up getting frustrated with red shirts a few years ago when they really started getting out of order, chased them out of a few neighborhoods. Obviously if you start stopping people from just going about their business, causing the closure of over 200 schools and most importantly f*@king with peoples cashflow.......well, tensions will just reach a break point. Not saying the incident had nothing to do with the reds (or affiliates), but just saying.

Sent from my GT-S7562 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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