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Have I just seen a ghost in a Buddha Cave in Wat Tham Sumano - near Phattalung , Southern Thailand

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Is this an actual Real GHOST sighting in a Buddha Cave near Phattalung City - Southern Thailand ?

The Buddhist temple of Wat Tham Sumano is located about 21 km from Phatthalung city on the Phatthalung-Trang road (Phetchakasem Highway No. 4). This remarkable, tranquil and beautiful cave is situated about half a kilometre from the main Trang to Phattalung road.

The large and beautiful Buddha cave features stalagmites and stalactites, as well as a huge hall thronging with bats and wildlife that is a natural and stunning work of art. The Buddha cave has two levels; the first is on level ground whereas the second is quite deep underground. The cave houses many Buddha images in many different postures. Apart from its natural tranquility, the Buddha cave is noteworthy as a famous place for meditation practice. The temple is well known for eschewing commercial activities and is currently home to three monks and is a place of pure Dhamma (teachings of the Buddha).

Whilst walking alone through the cave from the homestay resort which adjoins the other side of the mountain from the main temple entrance I was struck by the tranquil serenity and serene peace that the cave brings and I wished to continue videoing the place for a short video I was intending to make on the temple,cave and grounds.

On closely examining the footage on return I spotted a strange artefact on the video at about the 1 minute mark for a few seconds which appears to be a shadowy figure walking across the cave briefly.

Is this really the image of a ghost caught on camera - who knows - but what I can say for certain is I didn't hear a single soul in the cave and since it has a sandy gravelly natural cave floor as you can hear from the soundtrack - if there had been anybody else in the cave running away from me with the camera I would have caught that on the camera soundtrack to be sure - which I did not.

I would warmly welcome any comments that might help shed light on what I have experienced.

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Interesting - was there any small hole or cave on the right hand side? I didn't hear any foot steps from that area or that figure. Pity you didn't film the right hand side where that ghostly figure disappeared into. maybe another poster will know the history of the caves and any other reported sightings.

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It's quite a big cave and I entered by the main entrance in the temple and spoke with one of the monk's who was with his 99 year old father in the cave ! They hold meditation classes deep in the cave and in the dark - this time I entered the cave system from the rear via a homestay resort. You can quite clearly hear the sound of foot on the gravelly floor and I was completely unaware of any other sounds in the cave other than my own. My best theory so far barring ghosts is that there was a shy meditator quitely getting out of the way as I approached. But then again who knows - when I return maybe all will be made clear.

Amazing Thailand ......fer sure.

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The monk spoke pretty good English and the Wat doesn't tolerate clairvoyants, and selling stuff and the like so it is not much visited compared to other temples in the area. I remarked I would like this temple to get more visitors (but there are a huge amount of interesting temples in Thailand) and few farangs venture this far south or off the beaten track. Before I entered the caves we were drinking fresh coconut milk freshly cut from the tree by my friend's uncle and I was itching to have a look at the back steps to the caves. My friend told me to be careful and I joked it would be good to have some miracle or 'Buddha magic' to put this place on the map. And then I got this - beware of what you wish for in Amazing Thailand ..... end of the troubles would be nice though !

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Interesting video and interesting subject. Some other comments here say that the object looked solid. I don't know anything about apparitions but aren't they supposed to be transparent? The shadowy figure blocked out the steps behind it as it passed in front of the camera although did not disturb the gravel beneath. A mystery but I must say that the cave looks an attractive place to visit and perhaps meditate. Thank you for the video.

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I think that is just a rock formation coming up from the floor. It doesn't appear to move to me. I looks like you actually go around the object as you can briefly see something at the 1:08 mark in the lower right hand corner of the screen. As I haven't myself been to the cave, I don't know.

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Surely the camera would have picked up sound from another person moving. The figure looks fully cloaked head to toe and almost seems to glide past. Did you look right when you walked past to see if anyone was walking off?

I don't know, but one thing I do know is that this would get you on that late night Thai TV ghost stories show everyone watches. Seriously, send it in, they will lap this up.

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I never saw or felt it at the time I was just a bit creeped out walking alone through the cave formation and was glad to get out where you see me exit by the Abbott's house at the back of the main temple compound. Do you know the name of this programme I should get in touch. Though the missus advises caution as she doesn't want this temple to be associated with anything bad such as pii !

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More crowded in there than you thought. From about 39 - 42 seconds, I see the lower left side of a profile in the rock, center-view. I thought it might be what you were referring to - until your "coming up" text appeared. Good adventure.

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I think that is just a rock formation coming up from the floor. It doesn't appear to move to me. I looks like you actually go around the object as you can briefly see something at the 1:08 mark in the lower right hand corner of the screen. As I haven't myself been to the cave, I don't know.

I concur.

Observation: Unidentified object.

Conclusion: Ghost.

There are a whole lot of missing steps between the observation and conclusion.

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My computer really isn't setup for hard video manipulation at the moment (tho it appears yours isn't either) But I can tell a couple of things right off. (going through the shot frame by frame)

1. It was outside the opening

2. It was solid (no doubt) a very faint color change on the subject caused by the slight wall protusion waist high left and the subject gives some sense of depth as the subject came into view.

3. It bounces as it moved just as a normal walker would do, so it didn't float.

Just for what it's worth

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I think that is just a rock formation coming up from the floor. It doesn't appear to move to me. I looks like you actually go around the object as you can briefly see something at the 1:08 mark in the lower right hand corner of the screen. As I haven't myself been to the cave, I don't know.

I concur.

Observation: Unidentified object.

Conclusion: Ghost.

There are a whole lot of missing steps between the observation and conclusion.

As This is Thailand - bpen pii ! You are probably right a return visit is in order. Which would be good anyway as it is a lovely place with lovely people.

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My computer really isn't setup for hard video manipulation at the moment (tho it appears yours isn't either) But I can tell a couple of things right off. (going through the shot frame by frame)

1. It was outside the opening

2. It was solid (no doubt) a very faint color change on the subject caused by the slight wall protusion waist high left and the subject gives some sense of depth as the subject came into view.

3. It bounces as it moved just as a normal walker would do, so it didn't float.

Just for what it's worth

Some nice forensic observations there - maybe a case for the redoubtable

Pornthip Rojanasunand to help out with.


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Interesting video and interesting subject. Some other comments here say that the object looked solid. I don't know anything about apparitions but aren't they supposed to be transparent? The shadowy figure blocked out the steps behind it as it passed in front of the camera although did not disturb the gravel beneath. A mystery but I must say that the cave looks an attractive place to visit and perhaps meditate. Thank you for the video.

No, only farang ghosts are transparent (except for the ones who look like they have white bed sheets over them). Asian ghosts are solid. Moreover, unlike farang ghosts, Asian ghosts are quite comfortable coming out in the daytime like this one here. The female ghosts also like brushing their hair down over their faces, perhaps because high quality make-up is not available in the afterlife and they feel self-conscious.


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As a Master Mystic the real name for this is an earth bound soul, not a ghost which religions have come up with to instill fear into people. Earth Bound Souls are humans once on earth who are caught between two dimensions, the dimension of earth and the dimension where we review our past lives and prepare for the next incarnation on earth. I have had an experience with one earth bound soul in 1973 who was an American slave being freed in the undergound railroad in the state of Indiana and was apparently discovered and murdered in a house basement hideing place. Using the methods I have learned in a Mystical Mystery school, I was able to relaese him to the next dimension.

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It looked like it could possibly be renegade former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, if you look carefully, you can also see the dead giveaway 'fendi bathrobe'. He's doing an Osama.

Seriously, ghosts freak me out, I have no explanation other than possibly a shadow from something near a light that resembled a person, e.g. a couple of lizards, or er, dunno.

Docno is well more familiar with ghosts than us, also, it is common that Asian ghosts just got out of the shower clothed, so are often very wet. and dripping. It's pretty inconsiderate, if you have carpet or laminate floors.

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