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. A friend of mine had 650,000 Baht stolen from his house along with the safe it was in. He had only put it there a few hours earlier and just popped out, when he got back it was gone!

Sad indeed, that was the best part of his profit for the year.he had so much cash as he gets paid in foreign currency and had just had it converted to Baht and was about to take it to the bank that afternoon.



my first thought: the money changer had an accomplice follow you home, or someone 'hanging around' the bank watching for people withdrawing/changing large sums of cash.

my second thought: a relative of the missus

Regarding your first thought......he recieved the money in Pattya and brought it to CM

Your second thought...he has no Partner

It was either somebody that works for him or just an opportunist who saw the safe being delivered and just hung about on the off chance... but he only suspects one person would possibly do that and he was on his way to Pattya when the robbery occurred...its a mystery!

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Slept most part of the day only to find the front door wide open, forgot to lock it this morning and the wind blew it open. I can always rely on my dog and it's soi friends, no one approches our house or the neighbour's without the dogs barking.

Between the hours of 10:00 and 15:00

Moderator At Work, Do Not Disturb




Sorry to hear about the theft.

Out in chanabot land in the villages, just about everyone puts up the ornamental iron grills on the inside of all windows. We got ours from a small home fabricator out towards where the Prem school. I am sure most tambons have a family that makes and installs these things. They are a bit tacky, but serve nicely as the lazy man's clothes hanger and they are effective in deterring home break-ins.

sincere wishes of good luck to the OP, but IMO this was clearly an inside job....however, i suppose that there is a very limited possibility of coincidence.

Thanks for the good wishes, but I'm the only one on the inside :o My maid has been with me for over eight years, and doesn't have any money problems, and if I can't trust her now, I may as well give up. The police maintain that it's a local gang, seeing that so many farang houses are going off lately all over town.

Most of the items stolen wouldn't be offered for sale to the farang community, but you never know.

Computer, with dual racked HD's P4 3GHz 512MB memory, GE Force graphics card. DVD CD RW. DVD CDR Four slot cad reader in the front of the unit. Acer 19" LCD Monitor. Option DVD player.


You could have saved yr computer for a small amount, but it's too late now. Install a spyware program with an email function, if anyone uses yr computer without formatting the drives first, copies of any emails they send or receive will also be sent to you.

You could have saved yr computer for a small amount, but it's too late now. Install a spyware program with an email function, if anyone uses yr computer without formatting the drives first, copies of any emails they send or receive will also be sent to you.

That wouldn't have stopped the computer being stolen, and I had PC Anywhere installed, so that I can remotely access it...Nothing.....

You could have saved yr computer for a small amount, but it's too late now. Install a spyware program with an email function, if anyone uses yr computer without formatting the drives first, copies of any emails they send or receive will also be sent to you.

What programme does this? Where can you get it?


. A friend of mine had 650,000 Baht stolen from his house along with the safe it was in. He had only put it there a few hours earlier and just popped out, when he got back it was gone!

Sad indeed, that was the best part of his profit for the year.he had so much cash as he gets paid in foreign currency and had just had it converted to Baht and was about to take it to the bank that afternoon.



my first thought: the money changer had an accomplice follow you home, or someone 'hanging around' the bank watching for people withdrawing/changing large sums of cash.

my second thought: a relative of the missus

Regarding your first thought......he recieved the money in Pattya and brought it to CM

With the amount of money involved, a pro would not balk at following him, even all the way to CM whether by car, bus, train or plane. I don't know the details and am not saying that this is what happened in this case, but it is definitely a possibility. A Thai friend lost 45,000 baht in this way a few years back (still in the same city however) . The pro just followed her from the exchange shop until she let her guard down before she got to the bank. She foolishly stopped at an internet cafe before the bank and her bag was simply gone when she was not focused on it for just 1 minute. Very risky, changing money and then carrying the cash. As implied above this is SOP at these exchange places. One must assume when changing large sums at these places (and even at banks) that it is noticed by someone who would like to have that cash.

To MM, my condolences. I'll certainly keep an eye out for the jacket and call you if I spot it. I've programmed your number into my phone.


You could have saved yr computer for a small amount, but it's too late now. Install a spyware program with an email function, if anyone uses yr computer without formatting the drives first, copies of any emails they send or receive will also be sent to you.

That wouldn't have stopped the computer being stolen, and I had PC Anywhere installed, so that I can remotely access it...Nothing.....

Dear mm,

Sorry to hear about the loss. Will be on the look out for the jacket in my travels


You could have saved yr computer for a small amount, but it's too late now. Install a spyware program with an email function, if anyone uses yr computer without formatting the drives first, copies of any emails they send or receive will also be sent to you.

What programme does this? Where can you get it?

No they could have still stolen it, but as soon as they used it, u would know their email addresses, their friends addresses, the passwords to their email accts, and lots of other good stuff. And of course you could have alerted the police, and it would be an easy thing for them to get the residential address. As an aside it might be a good idea (myself included) to write down yr computer serial #. I had "eblaster" a rather expensive program, 70 bucks, and the management are not nice people, but it paid for itself when i found my employee cheating on me. This was in P.I. , I came here and the computer was stolen, and now I know who stole it. Since calling the P.I. police prob wouldn't do too much, I will satisfy myself with getting all the guys passwords, on line banking, yahoo, whatever, and see what oppurtunities arise.


You could have saved yr computer for a small amount, but it's too late now. Install a spyware program with an email function, if anyone uses yr computer without formatting the drives first, copies of any emails they send or receive will also be sent to you.

What programme does this? Where can you get it?

Since explained by chingching but I have PM'd you on the other...


You could have saved yr computer for a small amount, but it's too late now. Install a spyware program with an email function, if anyone uses yr computer without formatting the drives first, copies of any emails they send or receive will also be sent to you.

What programme does this? Where can you get it?

No they could have still stolen it, but as soon as they used it, u would know their email addresses, their friends addresses, the passwords to their email accts, and lots of other good stuff. And of course you could have alerted the police, and it would be an easy thing for them to get the residential address. As an aside it might be a good idea (myself included) to write down yr computer serial #. I had "eblaster" a rather expensive program, 70 bucks, and the management are not nice people, but it paid for itself when i found my employee cheating on me. This was in P.I. , I came here and the computer was stolen, and now I know who stole it. Since calling the P.I. police prob wouldn't do too much, I will satisfy myself with getting all the guys passwords, on line banking, yahoo, whatever, and see what oppurtunities arise.

ermmmm, stupid question, sorry....... this works for ALL kind of email system ? web-based as well ? u will even get a copy of the email sent from hotmail, yahoo a.s.o. ?

or only using something like outlook express ?

and wouldnt NORTON or McAFEE or Kaspersky be able to detect that spyware programm and try to get rid of it ?


Well it's been a week now, and the BIB have moved on. No leads and no suspects.

I'd like to thank all the members of TV for their support and PM's that I have recieved, but it's still difficult to get over the fact that so mant personal items were stolen. Even now, as I go to get something, only to find that it's no longer there. Replacing important items has put a rather large hole in the bank balance, but at least the sun is out :o

Many thanks to all concerned...MM

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