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Thai farmers protest in new challenge to PM


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Do us a favour and stop writing like people need every other word highlighted or underlined it dosnt make it any more real and really just makes you post less credible to bother reading

Its always about the other side here but most of all its about themselves. You'll see in years to come if all parties and class demographics are not included then more unrest will follow.

There is nothing special about here its just a country that has been little bit by little bit, tearing itself to pieces coup by coup, corrupt governing and selfish elites for decades.

Nothing is going to change much here and certainly not for the poor farmer, ysee the only ones who can affect a change are the same ones who have kept it where it is today. This latest episode is just another chapter in the mismanagement of a country that has lurched from crisis to crisis for the past 80 or so years. Thailand has had everything and every opportunity not afforded other nations in Asia in terms of support, finance, fertility and resources. They have wasted and squandered it always but for the few to benefit, it runs deeper than just this gov.

Thailand in the next decade if it dosnt wake up will become the real failed state people fear, its well on the way but its taken decades to get here. Ousting PTP or whoever will not do much other than forestall it a few years unless things change, which having known the Thais for a good couple of decades now it wont.

Sometimes people cant see the wood for the trees in front of them.

Yes it is hard to read his posts. You are right some times the people can not see the forest because the tree's are in the way.

Also some times they can't see the tree's either because they have there eye's shut. Suthep is proposing a way to bring unity to the country. Even a mindless idiot can see that having an election is not going to do it. There needs to be some changes made. Like it or not like Suthep or not makes no difference he at least has a plan. I personally think it is a good one. But he is not the one to chair it and neither is Yingluck both are to set in their ways.

Would you mind to tell me which is the clear Suthep plan? Maybe I wasn't too much focused and I lost that part in every of his nightly speeches.

I listen him about reforms, delete corruption, destroy Shinawatras but... How? Putting up a People's Council... Who will compose the council? Good people? Yes, ok. Who? Will this people only related to Dems or anyone that must be not PTP?

Who will choose those people? And how reform could be made? Any ideas about that? I think he does not have a clue.

He said: 12-18 months to make reforms and then will have elections... It sound so similar to 2006, but nothing changed. And since 2009 Dems had more than 18 months to make any reform to counter the PTP disaster, but... Nothing has been done.

This country needs real changes, not another wanna be dictator, an elite's council, a military coup. This country needs to believe in democracy. Needs real independent courts and offices to do the necessary checks. Needs to overcome divisions and hatred.

I see reforms are needed, but think reforms done but just one side will necessarily make division harsher. Khun Suthep and Khun Yingluck should think about Thailand, not their ego. Negotiate, sit and find an agreement. Make a government together during which put reforms in action. The point is both sides needs power, money and advantages, and not keen to share the cake...

I not foresee any change with Suthep reform, I see a disaster. Because the other side will have a violent reaction... They spoken about reconciliation since 2010, but what I see is just a bunch of hungry money/powermongers... No future for Thailand: not under PTP, not under Dems, not under People's Councils...

Are you really that conversant with Thai to understand his speeches. Or are you just picking and choosing the points you want to and them challenging them by filling in your view of what would be negative and ignoring any possibility of some thing positive.

Now instead of seeing how negative you can make a positive suggestion let us here your idea. Probably just like a red shirt have an election never mind the fact it didn't help.

Explain to all of us how the commission is going to make Suthep or you or me a dictator. I don't want the job. But I could do a better job than you or Suthep or Yingluck. Remember I said he was too closed minded to chair the commission. Yingluck also

Are you saying that out of 66,000,000 Thais there is not enough suitable people to form the council. Sounds like Thai bashing also.

First of all, no Thai bashing. My family in law, and many other friends I have are Thais, and I just love them for the way they are. I never wrote Thais are bad and I would be a total idiot stating that, as I have a Thai wife, I have kids, and I planned to live here for the rest of my days.

I wrote my idea for maybe 10 times along last 3 months. But I will write down once more for you:

Plan a) a technocratic government with also politicians involved from both sides (only one side is not good I guess, because will cut out a big slice of population), and all together make reforms.

Plan B) A mixed government with PTP and Dems member checking each other and bring on the reforms.

I'd prefer the plan A, as I am sure have brilliant heads here in Thailand, only too much biased, so a mixed government with politicians both sides to support technocrats would be the best.

You said Suthep cannot get the power? Why? Who will prevent him to do if at the end of the day he will success in overthrow government? He could be not the classic dictator, but the host for the Elite that clearly is supporting him.

I really don't think his idea to choose a Council will cover all the classes and people in Thailand.

His daily boutade is there to be read and listened (I don't speak or understand fluent Thai, but I let my wife graduated at Chulalongkorn University help me with translation). And his speeches are too much extremist, vulgar and discriminatory, sexist and you can continue...

You can think he has good ideas, but I sure not agree.

Maybe we both agree with this government have been a total disaster, corruption sure, but mismanagement first of all. Too much incompetence and short sight lead Thailand at this point. Most of ministers are inadequate for their roles and only made lots of damage.

Chalerm is the alter ego of Suthep, both of them speaking nonsense and foaming mouth while making their laughable speeches.

And no, I am not a red shirt. I have my balanced opinion that I try to express freely, hopefully people can be balanced and respect my opinion as I respect everyone else.

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