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Thai Commerce Minister affirms 60 billion paid to farmers


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I'm a little concerned that downtown Chiang Mai and darkest Isaan are not more vocal.

Were they fast-tracked before February 2nd I wonder?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Can't speak for Isaan but downtown Chiang Mai is a much paler shade of red these days and I know of rice farmers in Chiang Mai and Lamphun waiting to be paid too. I can tell you that they are not happy bunnies.

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Let me get that straight: The PT government bought rice from the farmers worth THB 600 billion and paid them THB 60 billion?

That's a meagre 10%. What happened to the 90% who apparently did not get paid?

I really wonder how Yingluck has ever done business before she became a PM?

Maybe some of that 90% went into "commission" payments, you know thumbsup.gif

Don't forget this is a complicated scheme aimed at disruptive innovation on the the world's rice markets. The inventor may have retained IP rights and therefore will have to be paid accordingly.

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Let me get that straight: The PT government bought rice from the farmers worth THB 600 billion and paid them THB 60 billion?

That's a meagre 10%. What happened to the 90% who apparently did not get paid?

I really wonder how Yingluck has ever done business before she became a PM?

Apparently she was very good in telesales.

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What the caretaking minister somehow seems to suggest is that October paid (in november), but later months not paid. Difficulties securing enough money and all to blame of the anti-government protests I guess ? Nothing to do with having the rice price pledging scheme costs OUTSIDE the National Budget and outside normal parliamentary scutiny?

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And the whole damn thing just gets more and more opaque


Beidahuang Group, a state-owned enterprise and the largest agricultural firm in the country, cancelled the contract that would amount to 14% of the annual rice exports of Thailand. The Chinese government made the decision after the Thai National Anti-Corruption Commission started an investigation into the deal's transparency and discovered that Thai officials and companies were allegedly falsifying the amount of rice exported.

The cancellation has dealt a blow to the Thai government, already besieged by protesters blocking general elections on Sunday. The protest delayed the forming of a new parliament, which cannot fund money to pay rice farmers until it convenes. The Thai government has bought rice from the farmers at higher-than-market prices over the past two years but failed to pay since October last year.

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"However, he admitted that payments for November through January are still outstanding. Based on the information, the ministry is only two months behind in its payments, not four as claimed."




= 3 MONTHS, right?

Maybe I could lend him my hand for counting on, mind you I would need to check I still had 4 fingers and a thumb after he had finished!

January is due by the end of February.

Maybe I am counting wrong but on my calendar it's not the end of February yet.

The only poster on the thread that continues to blindly believe all the lies.

What does that tell you?

Good luck the next time you need to tie your shoe laces.

It's not a lie, it's a fact. Please stop trolling if you don't know how payments are made.

They are NOT made...herein lies the isssue

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ndly believe all the lies.

What does that tell you?

Good luck the next time you need to tie your shoe laces.

What does that tell you ? That he was dropped on his head when a pup, and he can't count ?

Or that the world is full of nugget brains.

We are talking about overdue months, not about outstanding months.

Under the rice scheme, farmers don't be paid on the same day that they send the rice. They get paid 1-2 months afterwards. I wasn't aware it required a Doctorate to understand that.

You guys obviously have never ran a business or had anything to do with financials higher than paying buying something in a 7/11. It's impossible to argue with an ant about satellites in space, so I'll stop here.

Oh dear, an accountant talking now...overdue months...outstanding months.

Well, Jack, tell that to the farmers who have committed suicide having seen no way out of the situation they find themselves in.

Tell that to their surviving wives.

Tell that to their children who now have no father.....and in some cases no mother either.

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"However, he admitted that payments for November through January are still outstanding. Based on the information, the ministry is only two months behind in its payments, not four as claimed."




= 3 MONTHS, right?

Maybe I could lend him my hand for counting on, mind you I would need to check I still had 4 fingers and a thumb after he had finished!

January is due by the end of February.

Maybe I am counting wrong but on my calendar it's not the end of February yet.

Yes, as usual you are wrong. This time by omission.

Quote: "About 3,000 farmers from Uthai Thani, Prajinburi, Chachoengsao, Ayutthaya, and Petchburi, who pledged their rice during July - September 2013 have not yet been paid"

July not paid by end of August. Now include September, October, November, December, January non- payments and the farmers have not been paid for 6 months. And this is not the worst overdue account from what I've read.

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I must admit that I was never a star in math and thus not qualified to argue with a financial expert, such as a commerce minister.

But if I add up July, August, September, November,December and January, I keep coming up with SIX months, NOT TWO.

Where am I going wrong here, your excellency pray tell???

Add in October, too. :)

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I must admit that I was never a star in math and thus not qualified to argue with a financial expert, such as a commerce minister.

But if I add up July, August, September, November,December and January, I keep coming up with SIX months, NOT TWO.

Where am I going wrong here, your excellency pray tell???

you missed October that's seven
July, August, September and October are already paid you nugget brains.

"About 3,000 farmers from Uthai Thani, Prajinburi, Chachoengsao, Ayutthaya, and Petchburi, who pledged their rice during July - September 2013 have not yet been paid"

You and prbkk. Classic redshirt supporters. At least explain away your ignorance as a result of being on the take?

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"However, he admitted that payments for November through January are still outstanding. Based on the information, the ministry is only two months behind in its payments, not four as claimed."




= 3 MONTHS, right?

Maybe I could lend him my hand for counting on, mind you I would need to check I still had 4 fingers and a thumb after he had finished!

January is due by the end of February.

Maybe I am counting wrong but on my calendar it's not the end of February yet.

The only poster on the thread that continues to blindly believe all the lies.

What does that tell you?

Good luck the next time you need to tie your shoe laces.


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Just a note, but it seems to be getting harder and harder to read the posted articles from TV/Nation. I'm convinced that either the posts are made after Google Translate or the author is using some smartphone or tablet with auto correct because the grammer and editing is crap.

"As for those who wish to get their back instead of payment,..." Wha..wha..what??

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A lot of very ugly comments....such certainty and such hatred...if the EC would allow the government to borrow the money the farmers could be paid...it's that simple...the EC said no, and the government doesn't have the authority to raise the debt it carries.

Commenters who ignorantly claim to know that the money has been stolen by Thaksin, my question is what money? The government hasn't raised any money for people to steal...those who have stolen are the important rice brokers who have the export monopoly, and the customs agents who have accepted bribes to let in foreign rice for pledging, and the millers who falsify documents with amounts and grades of rice that don't exist...

IT is a ludicrous scheme that appears to have been designed to facilitate corruption...but think before you type...the money hasn't gone into Yingluck or Thaksin's personal pockets.

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A lot of very ugly comments....such certainty and such hatred...if the EC would allow the government to borrow the money the farmers could be paid...it's that simple...the EC said no, and the government doesn't have the authority to raise the debt it carries.

Commenters who ignorantly claim to know that the money has been stolen by Thaksin, my question is what money? The government hasn't raised any money for people to steal...those who have stolen are the important rice brokers who have the export monopoly, and the customs agents who have accepted bribes to let in foreign rice for pledging, and the millers who falsify documents with amounts and grades of rice that don't exist...

IT is a ludicrous scheme that appears to have been designed to facilitate corruption...but think before you type...the money hasn't gone into Yingluck or Thaksin's personal pockets.

"IT is a ludicrous scheme that appears to have been designed to facilitate corruption."

And the architect of this imaginative, brilliant scheme was...................?

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The government and people talk mostly about the rice farmers who did not get paid.

But there are other farmers, who also got promised money from the governement and still wait and wait and wait.

The rubber tree farmers were promised a one-time financial support mid last year, many are also still waiting for their money. The thing is, they are not in the North or Isaan and therefore totally not important for the PT.

Edited by dominique355
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janpharma post # 69

How much of these 60 Billion will reach the farmers???

Under the present regime and its self serving stance, the answer is above.

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jackrich nugget brain has just been appointed the new PTP government Commerce Minister.

Khun Nugget Brain's first duty will be be to pay all the rice farmers who have been waiting up to SIX MONTHS for their payments. whistling.gif

What is the constructive discussion value of a post like this?


And it's not even on topic. This post is about money paid to farmers, not about chicken nuggets and false appointment rumors.

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Suthep's own words this evening:

Suthep: Pay these farmers their money even if it means the country is in deficit.

But a few days ago he said that he would block any bank that gives loans to the government to pay farmers, in order to prevent Thailand from borrowing money?

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Suthep's own words this evening:

Suthep: Pay these farmers their money even if it means the country is in deficit.

But a few days ago he said that he would block any bank that gives loans to the government to pay farmers, in order to prevent Thailand from borrowing money?

Maybe the government should pay from the National Budget allocated moneys and at the same time make it visible and accountable?

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