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'Operation Valentine' not designed to disperse protesters: CMPO


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"Operation not designed to disperse protesters: CMPO"

So, in simple terms, a complete and utter failure.

Just a few tents, barriers and sandbags moved. Oh dear and I was expecting more from Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Police Captain,Cabernet Minister Chalerm.

Chalerm hasn't been a Deputy Prime Minister for a long time now.

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It happen I was there when 2010 in sala deang silom a group of local residents protest about red shirts soon after my train on BTS left the station a M79 grenade exploded, lucky my train just left few min it recalls how violent the red was but this time they said have this and that it never used on normal citizen like us it's not a treat compare what I felt last time.

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BP is reporting in today's operation the Police took back the Makkhawan Rangsan Bridge rally site with little resistance.

Regards Chaeng Watthana it occurred to me that the police may of advanced there in part to keep pressure on many sites and avoid movements by the people and guards known as protestors from shifting around to support other sites. At the same time testing further Issara.

Other reports are saying the police plan to move again tomorrow against the people and guards known as protestors at Chaeng Watthana, Government House and the Interior Ministry.

Today was a prelude and typical of the soft approach taken by the government so far leaving it to the people and guards known as protestors to use violence. Sounds also like Issara is determined to invite a serious confrontation. He certainly deserves one.

Seems painfully slow process but reminds me of Chinese water torture - water dripping on a stone- drip, drip, dripping wearing down the stone.

I would not want to be on the PDRC side of those barricades tonight and in days ahead.

Well said.

The authorities have been at it today since before dawn. Unlike Suthep's people in the streets and at TVF, the authorities know when to stop. Tomorrow is another day in what will be a series of days.

Police conducted their operations during daylight hours, under full scrutiny of everyone, to include international observers, media and the like.

It is prudent to suspend operations of this nature which necessarily are high stress operations conducted under continuous scrutiny, and operations appear to have been suspended as the daylight hours ended.

It's also clear that authorities have decided to arrest the insurrectionist leaders and that the decision to begin to move now against the anarchists, coming as it has after the Constitutional Court decision earlier in the week not to hear the case to nullify the Feb 2nd elections, means the government very likely expects to be around a while yet. Much longer than the voices of insurrection here might expect.

Right, So you don't believe it was actually a cock up starting on a major religious day then backing down from clearing the ONLY site's that were either empty or that had a Monk at it?

When did the government say everything that's happened the past three months was going to be cleared up in one day or less than a day. If you guys can't give credit to a government that wins elections like Sherman marched through Georgia - it has handled everything since November with a lot of smarts - then you whistle blowers might know a lot less than you think you know. You might have blown your brains out blowing on those whistles as your fingers fly about the keyboard.


Don't you know Chalerm is the front man in this, that the decisions are being made by others while Charlerm is left to his own devices to create whatever associated noise. Was Chalerm out there leading the charge today or was he in his command bunker autographing his tin foil hats. Chalerm has the police rank of captain, which in Thailand means he could get the coffee each morning for the colonels but their higher ups first (which he didn't always get right). Chalerm doesn't know beans about taking charge of such an operation as this and couldn't organize a Boy Scout camp.

Ninty-nine percent of the people enjoying themselves carrying on about Chalerm are ensconced right here at TVF, not looking any brighter than he does or is.You guys should slow down before you break your treadmill and because the piece of cheese doesn't actually move with you. You guys need yourselves to go easy on the ear drops.

The operation launched today is ongoing - nobody knows how long it will take. It also says the government has read the CC's decision not to nullify the Feb 2 election or its ongoing voting as a clear indication it can expect to be around for some time longer than Suthep or any of his whistle blowers here might expect. Or would like.

The operation is ongoing? Which one? If you refer to the stumbling one that started after the first arrest warrants were issued, then yes it is still ongoing, and yet pathetically executed at the same time. Achieving next to nothing. The operation to arrest protest leaders is about as successful as the rice scheme has been for the unpaid farmers.

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The police is saying that yesterday they tried to negotiate with Luang Pu at Chaengwattana but the negotiation failed. That is FALSE!!! My relatives and friends are with Luang Pu, and nobody has approached to negotiate with them. There is lack of reliable information about what is happening there.

Right now the Police is close to them again, but still nobody is approaching to negotiate with Luang Pu. The same situation as yesterday.

What is the Police waiting for? Waiting for Thaksin's “Men in Black” or the Pop-Corn guy to spark violence and start the clashes?

Edited by MGP
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No rush and no injuries,

Can take as long as it takes and with no violence, people should be grateful this isnt clear up 2010 style.

All in front of the world media nice and gentle, what exactly do you jokers want, a riot and people hurt ? I wonder sometimes with some here.

Jai yen yen

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The police is saying that yesterday they tried to negotiate with Luang Pu at Chaengwattana but the negotiation failed. That is FALSE!!! My relatives and friends are with Luang Pu, and nobody has approached to negotiate with them. There is lack of reliable information about what is happening there.

Right now the Police is close to them again, but still nobody is approaching to negotiate with Luang Pu. The same situation as yesterday.

What is the Police waiting for? Waiting for the "third hand" “Men in Black” or the Pop-Corn guy to spark violence and start the clashes?

Maybe the bloke in robes is lying and has had talks on his mobile, maybe your friends are not party to negotiations, maybe they were having som tam at the time and missed it or maybe they are making things up who knows. Who cares, It dosnt matter, protesters should just go home now and go get on with their lives like the rest of us.

Don't worry there will be another little drama along shortly,there always is wink.png

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Safe to assume this operation has failed .

I guess chalems surprise was " look at me flop again"

I think that it was a case of "look at how many people do what they are told by me and obey my commands" - I have my own private army now!! "Just how cool is that"!!

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No rush and no injuries,

Can take as long as it takes and with no violence, people should be grateful this isnt clear up 2010 style.

All in front of the world media nice and gentle, what exactly do you jokers want, a riot and people hurt ? I wonder sometimes with some here.

Jai yen yen

But what is the point!!!

Its like the referee blowing the whistle to start a game and then two players keeping on passing the ball sideways between them for the entire 90 minutes with everyone else standing there watching them do it (with no injury time obviously).

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No rush and no injuries,

Can take as long as it takes and with no violence, people should be grateful this isnt clear up 2010 style.

All in front of the world media nice and gentle, what exactly do you jokers want, a riot and people hurt ? I wonder sometimes with some here.

Jai yen yen

But what is the point!!!

Its like the referee blowing the whistle to start a game and then two players keeping on passing the ball sideways between them for the entire 90 minutes with everyone else standing there watching them do it (with no injury time obviously).

The point is exactly the example you gave, draw means no loss of anything just some time, the police can do this every day.

Every day the police show they arnt going in hard as everyone has kept on saying will happen it just shows how it can be done non violently if required. Its deliberate, its considered and its actually pretty smart as a strategy, the protesters protecting a virtually deserted area for the sake of it look pathetic.

Now whilst in any other country this would be seen as a weakness of the police and probably is here for future incidents I agree, it is pretty obvious to the whole world the the gov really is not trying to hurt anyone at all.

At every turn demands have been met with offers of talks and please go home and all manner of concessions yet there is no compromise. Where do you think the sympathy card is here, with the protesters or the tolerance of the government ?

Its also making the army look very brutal compared and that also makes it almost impossible for them to interfere..

Protests should have stopped the moment the amnesty bill was crushed and an acceptance to call elections... right there all efforts should have been directed at the polls... protesters have blown it big time they had the moment and let it slip away by being stubborn ... now, at least on the surface its the gov that are appearing reasonable, its the gov that care about peoples safety, and its the gov who are being democratic and tolerant. This might or might not be the case under the surface but its impressions that count.

This is just observation btw i dont have a side

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No rush and no injuries,

Can take as long as it takes and with no violence, people should be grateful this isnt clear up 2010 style.

All in front of the world media nice and gentle, what exactly do you jokers want, a riot and people hurt ? I wonder sometimes with some here.

Jai yen yen

But what is the point!!!

Its like the referee blowing the whistle to start a game and then two players keeping on passing the ball sideways between them for the entire 90 minutes with everyone else standing there watching them do it (with no injury time obviously).

The point is exactly the example you gave, draw means no loss of anything just some time, the police can do this every day.

Every day the police show they arnt going in hard as everyone has kept on saying will happen it just shows how it can be done non violently if required. Its deliberate, its considered and its actually pretty smart as a strategy, the protesters protecting a virtually deserted area for the sake of it look pathetic.

Now whilst in any other country this would be seen as a weakness of the police and probably is here for future incidents I agree, it is pretty obvious to the whole world the the gov really is not trying to hurt anyone at all.

At every turn demands have been met with offers of talks and please go home and all manner of concessions yet there is no compromise. Where do you think the sympathy card is here, with the protesters or the tolerance of the government ?

Its also making the army look very brutal compared and that also makes it almost impossible for them to interfere..

Protests should have stopped the moment the amnesty bill was crushed and an acceptance to call elections... right there all efforts should have been directed at the polls... protesters have blown it big time they had the moment and let it slip away by being stubborn ... now, at least on the surface its the gov that are appearing reasonable, its the gov that care about peoples safety, and its the gov who are being democratic and tolerant. This might or might not be the case under the surface but its impressions that count.

This is just observation btw i dont have a side

Sorry to say, but you don't have a very knowledgeable perspective on the situation either!!!

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