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Very Risky Business Venture Anyone ?


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There used to be a "satirical" magazine in the UK called "Private Eye" (for all I know

it's still running. I also saw a copycat in Ireland. It would print anything. It did not have

to be very true (in common with many mainstream publications you say) but it did have

to have scandal and or humour.

Many aspects of Thailand (a country I appreciate very much) might lend themselves to

this kind of periodical.

As an example , I have constructed an "article" I could imagine appearing in a Thai version.

(Obligatory mention : all events , personalities and places cited are totally fictional and if

you believe otherwise you surely believe Mother Theresa conspired with the then Pope to

assasinate JFK).



Pol. Col. PC finds himself in a dfficult position , through no fault of his own. While returning , tired

and emotional , from some serious undercover duty at the Pink Pussycat kareoke bar his car ,

a BMW747VFF , was in collision with an uncooperative tree which refused to get out of the

way. The resulting extensive damage to the vehicle will be very expensive to repair. Also ,

having the misfortune to let his policy lapse recently (about three years ago) , the insurance

company refuses to cough up. The hapless officer is unable to foot the bill himself from his

modest police salary and as his wife refuses to part with the keys to her little runabout

finds himself without a car with which to perform his nocturnal duties.

If you find yourself with a similar vehicle which you are not currently using and wish to offer

some real support to the forces of law and order give a call to Nakon Nowhere police station

any time between three and three fifteen on a Friday afternoon.


Obviously this is just my view of typical content. Would this/could this style translate into

Thai , because I always found (and I include myself) that most farang had limited recognition

of Thai personalities ?

I know there are draconian libel laws in Thailand , so some measure of clandistinity might be


Anybody any thoughts ?

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You mention Britain and Ireland. These are examples of countries that love satire and like to poke fun at themselves. Not all countries 'get it' and I certainly don't think Thailand would. Having said that, something similar might go down well with the ex-pat community. Any thoughts?

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Thai's generaly don't critisise and don't like to be critisised, so even poking a bit of good natured fun can be dodgy, IMO


I think you should have a look at one of the Thai comedy clubs. There satire, especially social and political satire has been developed to an artform where nothing is holy.

Though i believe a satire magazine has to be done by Thais as Thai humor is closely connected to subtle word plays and the tones of the language.

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Learn to read Thai and then get yourself over to Manager.com and Panthip's chat, you'll find some acidic humour aimed at Thailand's high and mighty there.

No need to start your own, the Thais are doing it for themselves.... hey there's a song in there somewhere.

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The original post was frivolous and or provocative

It was just a sudden idea (and I will be the first to admit that even my considered ideas

are not always good).

It never occurred to me as a 'farangs make fun of Thais' situation.

Firstly I do not tend to the "them and us" frame of mind. The closest I come is

"me and the rest of humanity".

Secondly , even as a serious proposal , it could only be Thais using humour to

comment on aspects of Thai life.

Opinions seem to differ on the Thai sense of humour. I always found Thai friends loved a

good joke. Obviously style of humour is different everywhere.

All in all I didn't get any of the stick I thought might come my way.


A plus

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I somehow do not think that the Thai's would appreciate our style of humour...especially when it is levelled at them!!

Do Thai's have a sense of humour????????????????????

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