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What Is Your Definition Of “retirement”?


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Living longer means making decisions about what to do with that retirement chunk of life. It’s not your father’s retirement anymore! Retirement, by “old” definition, means to withdraw and retreat So whether you are already retired, or just starting to plan for retirement, it becomes obvious many of us have completely reinvented the concept of retirement. I think today retirees are doing more planning than just looking at their financial assessments. Many of us, facing potentially more than twenty years of retirement, seem to be putting a good deal of time into deciding just how we want to spend our retirement.

So just curious ….What is your definition of “Retirement”?……and for those who are already retired, How do you spend your retirement time?

For me “Retirement” is about finally having time to take care myself better so I can be healthier and better able to enjoy my later years and thrusting myself happily into activities that will fulfill my lifelong dreams or looking for new adventures that will further my knowledges and opportunities

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...For me “Retirement” is about finally having time to take care myself better so I can be healthier and better able to enjoy my later years and thrusting myself happily into activities that will fulfill my lifelong dreams or looking for new adventures that will further my knowledges and opportunities

In your definition it looks like I'm retired since the day I was born :D

"Weekend", "Holidays", "Retirement" - I don't think in such terms :D

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I fully agree that "retirement" in our grand parents or parents sense does not really cover what many here do. Also "early retirement" has become much more normal these days - people burned out from coorporate life (or private life) wishing to do what THEY want to do.

Personally "financial independance" is what retirement now stand for. I.e. one can decide to keep working at a "hobby-job" or even a real job, but one is doing exactly what one WANTS to do.

Maybe "retirement" stands for "buying my life back"?


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In my twenties I was a professional cyclist, I put that asside to move into my current carreer as an engineer. I plat to put that asside to do other things in my life.

I just see it as another stage of life. I enjoyed my youth, I am enjoying my middle years and I plan to enjoy my old age.

Retirement for me means having the financial security to do what I want with my time. That might be enjoying hobbies or even working now and again, but the emphasis will be on doing what I want to do when I want to do it.

I thoroughly enjoy my career and have no plans to chuk it all in anytime soon, but I am planning to have the choice to do so at anytime in my fifities - Why, because I have watched other people, including my parents, and I know for most people our prioirities change.

Financial security in retirement for me means never having to go back to work because I need the money.

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My idea of retirement is not knowing what day or time it is and not caring. Getting up when I feel like it and not HAVING to do anything I don't want to do. I do very little and I do it well. :o

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I have tried retirement.. it does not work for me.. in a year (under the agreement of the sale of my Company )I will be free to compete with the company that brought me out.

I used to raise money for CLIC (Cancer and Lukemia in Children) from the profits I made. (not all of course but 1% at least,,1% of over a 1m pouns ain't bad. My business was Golf related.. You can all help me..PM me any great Golfing stories so I may complie them for a book which I will then sell advertsing space to make a profit for these kids with all the proceeds going to the charity..minus costs (telephone sales etc)

Jai Dee (Top Guy) has already given me a lot of stuff..not that I have asked him if I can use it yet...but any GOLF stories would be welcome

I have prevouisly auctioned golf memrobilai from Woods Clarke Rose et al

I still have a Reteif Gossen signed cap in my wardobe.. anyone want to make me an offer on it? ..all the money will go to CLIC

PM me if you do...bidding starts at 5.000 baht


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Living longer means making decisions about what to do with that retirement chunk of life. It’s not your father’s retirement anymore! Retirement, by “old” definition, means to withdraw and retreat So whether you are already retired, or just starting to plan for retirement, it becomes obvious many of us have completely reinvented the concept of retirement. I think today retirees are doing more planning than just looking at their financial assessments. Many of us, facing potentially more than twenty years of retirement, seem to be putting a good deal of time into deciding just how we want to spend our retirement.

So just curious ….What is your definition of “Retirement”?……and for those who are already retired, How do you spend your retirement time?

For me “Retirement” is about finally having time to take care myself better so I can be healthier and better able to enjoy my later years and thrusting myself happily into activities that will fulfill my lifelong dreams or looking for new adventures that will further my knowledges and opportunities

I retired in 89.I have the time,money and health(with insurance) to do anything I want.That's what I do,anything I want. :o:D:D:D:D

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My idea of retirement is not knowing what day or time it is and not caring. Getting up when I feel like it and not HAVING to do anything I don't want to do. I do very little and I do it well. :o

Same here. I know today is Monday - WAS Monday - because there was an F1 Grand Prix yesterday. The only other clue I get is which street market is open.

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Well…right now I’m in the retirement transitional period and my thought is to keep on working in the same line of work (still like my job) but with diff twists....in Thailand instead of in US. And like many of my friends from the univ do not view retirement as the end of work but rather as a change in workplace and lifestyle, a time to do what you like rather than what you have to, including travel, volunteering and more education (whether from adventures or acquired academically).

I also will be looking at hobbies or second careers - something that will give me life satisfaction, better health, among other factors. My own point of view…..I see retirement as more a journey than a destination…therefore I’m looking to find more personal PURPOSE in my life than I ever had before. I want to do something new, something different, perhaps something novel, and certainly something interesting at deep personal levels.

That's really what I’m looking forward to .....to pursuing my passion, my dream, my own goal—not someone else's.

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I fully agree that "retirement" in our grand parents or parents sense does not really cover what many here do. Also "early retirement" has become much more normal these days - people burned out from coorporate life (or private life) wishing to do what THEY want to do.

Personally "financial independance" is what retirement now stand for. I.e. one can decide to keep working at a "hobby-job" or even a real job, but one is doing exactly what one WANTS to do.

Maybe "retirement" stands for "buying my life back"?


Nignoys definition of retirement,Move to Queensland,purchase bungalow near beach,organise funds , now that 3 pensions are rolling in, purchase alternate home in thailand,spend silly season in thailand and rest of year fishing in Oz, add the odd hospital interlude for surgical repairs(pacemaker, insulin implant , new knee) and continue to grow old disgracefully, if boredom sets in!! the occasional international house swap helps break the monotony, Eeh aint life grand :o Nignoy
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