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Vaccinations for new born babies


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I'm sorry and don't want to sound rude, but maybe you need to do some research before posting...

1.) The mother of the child does not have Hep B

2.) Hepatitis B is transmitted through blood and infected bodily fluids. It cannot be transmitted casually...

My decision is not based on this assumption at all. It's based on months and months of studying and reading different forums about adverse side effects of vaccinations.

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Cool. Like I said, I'm sure some are necessary.

I just don't agree with giving a new born baby a jab for hep-b - a sexually transmitted disease. It's not like he's going to be heading to Nana the night of his birth.

You need to do some research on Hep B. It can be contracted by mother to child contact if the Mother is a carrier or if others around the baby are carriers. And let's face it, Hep B is far from rare in Thailand.

I'm no expert, but if you're basing your decision solely on the assumption that it is a sexually transmitted disease, do some research.

I certainly can be caught by other means than just sex.


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I'm sorry and don't want to sound rude, but maybe you need to do some research before posting...

1.) The mother of the child does not have Hep B

2.) Hepatitis B is transmitted through blood and infected bodily fluids. It cannot be transmitted casually...

My decision is not based on this assumption at all. It's based on months and months of studying and reading different forums about adverse side effects of vaccinations.

I did the research and stated facts. Let's hope that everybody kissing, cuddling, feeding, dressing, playing, changing, sleeping with the baby is free from any communicable disease whatsoever.

It's obviously a conundrum as to why health systems in the developed world recommend Hep B within 12 hours of birth.

One last thing and I'll leave you to it - you say you spent months and months studying adverse side effects of vaccinations. That would be the "against" if this were a debate. I'm sure you also spent equal time studying opinions from the "for" side of the debate. You know, balancing the pros with the cons. I have no particular axe to grind on this subject. My only concern with this and many emotive subjects is that often people tend to be swayed by emotive stories rather than facts and can find it difficult to make a balanced and informed decision.

Anyway, the choice is ulimately yours to make.


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Dear Lord, if any doctor tries to do this to my child, they'll be removing the syringe from their eye...

Your child will be given the government approved shots, with or without the parents' consent.

This is just the way things are done here.

If you manage to avoid any of the shots, the children will not be allowed to enter government schools until the shots have been given.

I've already tried and failed to control the shots my kid was given.

The nurse just took him out of my sight and did it.

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Hey man, no worries, it's cool.

Many thanks for the information. The mother (to be...) wishes that child is not vaccinated.

My question now, what is the best way to enforce this?

You must remove the child from Thailand before birth.

Here, the child will be injected within moments of birth.


I am against vaccinations in general, and some in particular.

In the UK I had some control, here the doctors and nurses have allowed me none at all.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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Yes, the main reason is adverse reaction to the shot.

This is about the vitamin K shot they give


An example of an adverse reaction:


A documentary worth watching:


These are just some of a few...

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From what I remember they give it the day after birth and then the BCG one 1 or 2 days after that. Oh and from someone who has several doctors in the family I just wanna say. Please read up on the serious litarature on the subject. Not questionable sources on the internet.

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I'm only kidding about the violence of course.

Would it be best to have my lawyers draw up a letter refusing consent to any vaccinations - signed by the mother?

I'm absolutely serious when I say I don't want my newborn baby stuck with the hep-b vaccine.

Don't blame you at all.

We had 3 boys born here in CM and the first two had all the usual shots. Then our 2nd son had a severe reaction to a shot he had at 15 months old and became autistic because of it. He lost mobility, speech, focus, would spend ages looking at the wall and lost his daily glowing responsive smile.

My wife being Thai and totally accepting of regular procedures (especially any that were at government insistence/protocol) wouldn't accept that the shots were at fault until I proved it to her and she started doing her own research and also went through years of us having the provide therapeutic treatment to help our son who is now starting to come back into our world and could be described as having mild autism but nontheless it's there. Now she's an advocate for anti-vaccination of infants and children!

Needles to say that none of them, including the last born has had any shots and nor will they be having any.

Just sharing our experience and full support for anyone opting out of the vaccination scams promoted by Big Pharma and world governments.

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Keep in mind that babies will get into anything and everything they can. I was at my village playground a few months ago and there were several toddlers there. The parents were off to the side chatting. One of the babies had a loaded makeshift diaper and apparently removed it and continued playing naked and smearing his waste on everything he touched, while another older kid (maybe 3 years old) thought this was hilarious and started dragging the loaded diaper around like a pull-toy. The parent noticed a few seconds after I did, and got control of the situation. I don't know what else happened or if anyone tried to clean up the skid marks all over the ground, because I grabbed the boy I was babysitting and got the heck out of there ASAP.

I don't know if Hep-B can be transmitted via feces; this was just a little anecdote to remind you of the kinds of things kids will be getting into.

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Uh, it was more than just dirt. And we don't build immunity to every kind of communicable disease that can kill or disfigure a child.

I don't want to turn this in to a debate about vaccinations - I'm asking about our options to refuse vaccinations - not if they're necessary or not.

If this is a sincere statement, you'd be well advised to refrain from linking to anti-vax sites and quack medical blogs (Mercola, et al). By linking to these sites, you're baiting the argument you've said you don't want to have.

Edited by attrayant
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My wife who is a nurse here in Thailand says that vaccinations in the public health programme are given as follows:

1. BCG (TB) - when new-borne

2. Hepatitis B - when new-borne

3. DTP (Dipteria, Tetanus, Pertussis) - second, forth and sixth months plus 1 1/2 years

4. OPV (Polio) - second, forth and sixth months plus 1 1/2 years

5. MMR (Mump. measie, Rubelia) - ninth month

6. JE (Japanese encephalitis) - 1 1/2 years

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Sorry, but your ignorance about feces is simply amazing.

You're out of line. I'll thank you to stop with the insults. The OP has clearly said he doesn't want a debate.

Not an insult, just a fact.
Loads of people in the world mistakenly think a bit of pooh is a big danger of some imagined infection.
Even more go wild about dog pooh. Not that much of a problem associated with it as a one off event.
(Buffalo pooh in villages is a much bigger problem as part of the liver fluke cycle)

You clearly don't have much experience of infections and disease in Thailand.

Whilst nothing to do with the original purpose of this thread- --- It is important that misleading information is not allowed to assume any degree of credibility!

The major source of "liver fluke" in Thailand is not buffalo but fish !

Read all about it here


And here


Koi pla a popular dish in the North/North East of Thailand, made with raw fish is responsible for many infections.

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My baby was given Vit K on the first day and that's all.

As per the birth plan that was given to the doctor no vaccines were given until 2 weeks after birth. No hassles and no arguments by anyone at the hospital - Sripat private in Chiang Mai. They basically let us do it our way and I followed the nurses everywhere they took my baby to get weighed etc.

For the record we're not married either.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

My baby was given Vit K on the first day and that's all.

As per the birth plan that was given to the doctor no vaccines were given until 2 weeks after birth. No hassles and no arguments by anyone at the hospital - Sripat private in Chiang Mai. They basically let us do it our way and I followed the nurses everywhere they took my baby to get weighed etc.

For the record we're not married either.

Just as a matter of interest -------were you actually present at the time of birth ----next to the g/f ? ..

Or were you somewhere else ?

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If you were,legally, father of the child, You can simply tell the staff you willing not to do so, the hep B will be part of the combination shot when the child turns 2,4 and 6 months anyway (DTaP HIB IPV HepB). Unless the mother has Hep B, they would not force your child to do the injection on the first day of life. According to new recommendation( thai follows american's recommendation) the early vaccination for hep B the better and it use to be 3 shot now it's 4 shots series in infant.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So there is absolutly no way to avoid the mandatory vaccination ?



Crank websites will not aid the cause.

You could always move to another country (not the USA) which will allow unvaccinated children to attend school.

However ,as said before, if not married , any decision about the babies well being is the Mothers and the Mothers alone.

If the Mother does not wish the child to be vaccinated she must tell her medical advisers and also accept the child will probably not be allowed to attend school .

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