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I Want To Move To Thailand...? Help!


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Hello. I am new here. I am 23 years old and tired of the US. I want to get away. Many of my family members love Thailand and some are going to move very soon. I want to make the move. I have an online business that brings me $1,000 to $2,500 a month. I have been told that this type of US income will allow me to enjoy myself and save a lot of money incase I ever want to come back to the states. I am looking for any info, advise or comments on me wanting to move. I am tired of Bush, cost of living and people. I have a 15 month old son and an ex wife. Here are some questions but please feel free to give me more input.

1. If I wanted to have TV and internet in my own house. I hear you can have a nice house for about $200 US a month. Any of this true and how true. I don’t need to live near a big city but at the same time i don’t want to live in a jungle with no electric etc etc

2. Do I need to worry about being white and having money? Some friends are telling me i may be looked down on?

3. What are the BADS about moving there because all i ever hear about is the good. I have little to no family other than my son. I can adapt to my surroundings. I am pretty likeable and easy going but a hard worker. All I need is TV and internet and I can survive.

Also any info on how a young man like myself might have fun. How are the clubs, girls etc. I also love sports so any input on that would help.

Can anyone help me? Thank you for taking the time to read all of this. I look forward to some responses. Thanks!


Edited by bailey020205
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Hello. I am new here. I am 23 years old and tired of the US. I want to get away. Many of my family members love Thailand and some are going to move very soon. I want to make the move. I have an online business that brings me $1,000 to $2,500 a month. I have been told that this type of US income will allow me to enjoy myself and save a lot of money incase I ever want to come back to the states. I am looking for any info, advise or comments on me wanting to move. I am tired of Bush, cost of living and people. I have a 15 month old son and an ex wife. Here are some questions but please feel free to give me more input.

1. If I wanted to have TV and internet in my own house. I hear you can have a nice house for about $200 US a month. Any of this true and how true. I don’t need to live near a big city but at the same time i don’t want to live in a jungle with no electric etc etc

2. Do I need to worry about being white and having money? Some friends are telling me i may be looked down on?

3. What are the BADS about moving there because all i ever hear about is the good. I have little to no family other than my son. I can adapt to my surroundings. I am pretty likeable and easy going but a hard worker. All I need is TV and internet and I can survive.

Also any info on how a young man like myself might have fun. How are the clubs, girls etc. I also love sports so any input on that would help.

Can anyone help me? Thank you for taking the time to read all of this. I look forward to some responses. Thanks!


Is that $1k - $2.5k before or after child support, etc? If it is after, then assuming you moderate your consumption of booze, hookers, etc, Im sure you could eek out an existence. I could certainly live cheaply at age 23 but I had been conditioned to poverty at that age because I had just gotten out of college. hel_l, you are 23. Try it out for a year. The States will always take ya back if you change your mind.

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Is your son going with you? That money would be fine for 1 person but a child has additional needs. Just don't show off any money you have.

Girls well I don't think there's any better place for them on earth.

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Not sure about my son yet but my cuz has gone back and forth for 6 years. She tells me she rents a place on the beach for about $1 a day, food cost was about $5 a day and over all she would spend about $100 a month on clubs, drink etc. Your comments about $1500 a month may not last too long goes against what i have been hearing. Can anyone give more input to this? I found places on this forum that are 1 bedroom with pool gated tv internet etc for $150 a month in rent. If i was making $1500 or $2000 it seems after rent I would have more money than i would know what to do with.

Also as a side note.. Keep in mind I wanted to move there before i even knew about the girls.. even now im not too sure what its all about. I just keep hearing girls are pretty easy to come by.

I am not worried about spending too much money on drink and girls.

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I am not worried about spending too much money on drink and girls.

then you'll have no problem living off the budget you have.

just remember you'll need to factor in the cost of visa runs and health insurance might be a good idea

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So does anyone have anything bad to say about moving there? I am open to anything.

Hiya bailey020205...Ever been to Houston on the 4th of July??? Factor in that Heat & Humidity X 365 & you'll have a "Vague" idea of LoS weather! :D...O.G. old.gif

BUT...You'll "adapt" in short order! :o

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As I said....You are young and apparently in a position to earn money while you are there. That's an amazing combination in my view. If you have no anchors in the US holding you back, then you will be crazy not to at least experiment and give it a shot. You have nothing to lose. Worst case is you decide that it's not time to live there full time. I'm willing to bet that, even if that's the case, you will at least put it at the top of your places to vacation.

Chok Dee !

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wow, well since no one really has anyhting bad to say i guess im all for it LOL What about hospitals and getting sick? I assuem fi you have money its not a problem. Schools? Internet? I dont mean to keep this going its just here in the US when its too good to be true thats because its not true! lol thanks guys

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She tells me she rents a place on the beach for about $1 a day

ahhh yes, those 40 baht a night beachside bungalows are quite common and really enjoyable. Has she ever shared photos of these terrific places with you?

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She tells me she rents a place on the beach for about $1 a day

ahhh yes, those 40 baht a night beachside bungalows are quite common and really enjoyable. Has she ever shared photos of these terrific places with you?


sj - read carefully. She rents a 'place' on the beach......probably 8 square feet of sand where she pitches her well-worn tent! :D

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wow, well since no one really has anyhting bad to say i guess im all for it LOL What about hospitals and getting sick? I assuem fi you have money its not a problem. Schools? Internet? I dont mean to keep this going its just here in the US when its too good to be true thats because its not true! lol thanks guys

Have you ever been to Thailand? Why not just start with a visit so you can better decide if you want to move here.

Bad things?

- The humidity and heat are brutal.

- Mosquitos can drain all your blood overnight.

- Traffic at rush hour in the cities run at full speed with vehicles so close you can't squeeze a sheet of paper between them.

- Cockroaches are as big as your fist.

- House lizards (jing-jok) scurry across ceilings and crap on everything.

- One inch out of the tourist areas and everyone speaks Thai.

- Taxi drivers overcharge you and always take the longest way to get you to your destination.

- Pizzas are made with mayonaisse instead of tomato sauce.

- Never go anywhere without knowing where the nearest toilet is located.

- Never use any ice that has anything inside that can look back at you.

- Out in the boonies, never drink water that was pumped from a pond surrounded by outhouses.


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I think you're too young for that move but like the bar girls said "up to you". Work hard at home for 5-10 years and save some money than make that move to Thailand. I don't think you'll follow my advice so I'm not going to waste your time or mine. Best thing to do is make that move to Thailand and realized for yourself that its not all fun and glorious as some might think.

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Not sure about my son yet but my cuz has gone back and forth for 6 years. She tells me she rents a place on the beach for about $1 a day, food cost was about $5 a day and over all she would spend about $100 a month on clubs, drink etc. Your comments about $1500 a month may not last too long goes against what i have been hearing. Can anyone give more input to this? I found places on this forum that are 1 bedroom with pool gated tv internet etc for $150 a month in rent. If i was making $1500 or $2000 it seems after rent I would have more money than i would know what to do with.

Also as a side note.. Keep in mind I wanted to move there before i even knew about the girls.. even now im not too sure what its all about. I just keep hearing girls are pretty easy to come by.

I am not worried about spending too much money on drink and girls.

LOL, $150/mo all inclusive eh? Must be paradise. I live on $3000/mo and I have no transportation expense or medical. I spend every dollar of that 3 grand. When I was 23 in the mid 1980s, I was bird dogging hot chicks all over the beaches of Southern Cal. Thailand was the last thing on my mind. Coming here to live in a $100 shack is no way to start out in life. If you were coming here for a good corporate job in BKK to live like a normal person in a normal $1500 spread, then that would be different. What you are talking about doing has no future. You will end up destitute in a 3rd world land. It's all a pipe dream. Get a real job with some real benefits, take vacations here, then ponder coming to live 25+ years hence. What do you hope to achieve anyway?

Oh also, my son is 18 y/o and entering Harvard in the fall. He came to visit for a month 2 years ago. He scoffs at the notion of his living in Thailand at anytime. He wonders why I do it. His theory was that I was here because it was cheap; then I told him my expenses and it left him dumbfounded.

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I was bird dogging hot chicks

Oh also, my son is 18 y/o and entering Harvard in the fall. He came to visit for a month 2 years ago. He scoffs at the notion of his living in Thailand at anytime. He wonders why I do it. His theory was that I was here because it was cheap; then I told him my expenses and it left him dumbfounded.

Guess you left out that part. :o

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I've lived here in Phuket for the past 8 years. The secret is giving up all you knew in your past life and adjusting to Thai style living. If you don't you'll always be looking back at what you once had. Myself, my girlfriend and baby manage on less than 15,000 Baht a month. We own our own 3 bedroom bungalow and have everything we need - we're happy. Forget the West if you come to live here!

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Read what monochaser is saying in Post No.17 above. He's giving you good advice.

I'd add to it, you should be working out what is best for you AND your child.

$1000~2500/month is not a lot of money, how much are you paying maintenance for your child, how much does that leave to live on, to save for the future, to have available for your next family when it comes along (as it inevitably will)?

Oh and here's a downside. Skip maintenance for your child and your ex wife can apply to have your passport revoked.

As for Bush, he's on his last term.

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As far as $200 amonth homes, Ive seen some very nice upcountry city homes that rent for $100 a month. You can live very well for $1000 a month. Car motor cycles, internet, sattelite TV aircon etc.

As far as women, the hardest part is getting rid of them. At 55 years old, it seems that I cannot spend more than a few days anywhere in Thailand, without having a twenty something year old girl attaching her self to me.


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Well, I get so many mixed things from you guys. For one, my wife and I are not fighting we are not together. We will do what's best for my son. Its that's with me or her. Also, I have been told and researched that If my son were to live with me in Thailand school are great for people who have money. I am not looking to stay in a big city but also not looking to live in a shake on the beach. I have found nice places for less than $200 a month in rent. That leaves $1,300 out of $1500. Food cant be more than $100 a month for me and my son. $1200 left. Lets say baby stuff and toys and clubs and transportation and what not is another $300 a month or even $500 why not. Leaves me with $700. Lets say im not even thinking of $300. I still have $400 left over each month and as I right this my cuz who has been in Thailand for years is going crazy because she said I can do everything I just said for under $500 a month.

Still wanting to know why the mixed answers.

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You're getting mixed responses because you're asking lots of people. All will have different perspectives, different tastes, different ideas.

The best advice here is to do it for a year or so and see how you feel.

However, one word of caution. The biggest downside to living here is making a decision based on wildly inaccurate stories of how cheap it is. Your cuz who lives on a beach for a dollar a day .. sorry, but it sounds like one of them.

however, you seem like you're doing your research well.

My recommendations would be to avoid Bkk on that budget. You can live, for sure, but not like a king. Go instead to somewhere like Hua Hin or Chiang Mai which will give you a good lifestyle and a smattering of the 'girl' scene you're looking for.

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Work hard at home for 5-10 years and save some money than make that move to Thailand.

Disagreee with you here, Gary74. If he is running an online business, he will make the same money wherever he is - but he will spend less in Thailand than the US (unless he goes bar-girl crazy).

But I would say to Bailey020205, as someone else said earlier, take an extended holiday here first, see if you like it. Just because others do, doesn't mean you will. Also try other places - in your position you can live almost anywhere :o

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Well, I get so many mixed things from you guys. For one, my wife and I are not fighting we are not together. We will do what's best for my son. Its that's with me or her. Also, I have been told and researched that If my son were to live with me in Thailand school are great for people who have money. I am not looking to stay in a big city but also not looking to live in a shake on the beach. I have found nice places for less than $200 a month in rent. That leaves $1,300 out of $1500. Food cant be more than $100 a month for me and my son. $1200 left. Lets say baby stuff and toys and clubs and transportation and what not is another $300 a month or even $500 why not. Leaves me with $700. Lets say im not even thinking of $300. I still have $400 left over each month and as I right this my cuz who has been in Thailand for years is going crazy because she said I can do everything I just said for under $500 a month.

Still wanting to know why the mixed answers.

My only real comment, and it may help with your confusion of the mixed reviews you have got, is you have to realize that Thailand is 3rd world or developing country. Practically everything you grew up with and take for granted does not apply if you are living here, particularly on 40k baht a month with infant son.

This is not to say you can’t do it, but it does take a certain type of person. Who knows, you may be the type, but you are in for a huge adjustment.


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Thank you guys. And again im not worried about the girls really.. all i was asking about me having fun was more like do they have basketball courts or teams and other stuff. Anyway, I will take a month stay and see h goes. So far I understand that my $1500+ a month can go far in some parts but just about the same as here in other. Also, my son may or may not be coming with me.

Thank you for all your input and please keep it coming if you like.

Also, if anyone has or knows of any spaces for rent or good places to stay when i am in country let me know. thanks!

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"Hello. I am new here."

Hi, me too.

"I am 23 years old and tired of the US."

I'm 52 and have gotten away. I live in Thailand full time now for a couple years, and have been visiting and staying long periods for 12 years now. My youngest son is 23 by the way.

"I want to get away. Many of my family members love Thailand and some are going to move very soon. I want to make the move."

Thailand is a cool place to visit. Living here is different to say the least. The thing is, what exactly do you expect to do here? Language is a problem. English is spoken minimally by some-at least in the tourist areas, almost non-existent by many elsewhere around the country-some do have small English skills, but not enough for a general converastion.

"I have an online business that brings me $1,000 to $2,500 a month."

That's good. But how much of this can you use for living expenses? I figure to live decently here, in Bangkok, you would need around $1,600 a month. But, if you were to live outside the city it would be less expensive, but then you would have very few people to talk to and socialize with. You'd be surrounded by Thais in your neighborhood. Most of them speaking little or no English.

"I have been told that this type of US income will allow me to enjoy myself and save a lot of money incase I ever want to come back to the states."

Possibly, but practically less so I think. Depends on your extravagances and lifestyle.

"I am looking for any info, advise or comments on me wanting to move. I am tired of Bush, cost of living and people."

Understandable. And at your age, since it seems you have no 'career' to hold you back a short visit of say 6 months here would be a great experience. Grab it while you can. You may not get the chance again until later in life.

"I have a 15 month old son and an ex wife."

As someone asked, what are your legal payments for the ex and the boy. Is this coming out of your 1,000 to 2,500 dollar 'income'? And how steady is this income? Also, what is your 'average' monthly income, and how much time do you need daily to do this and keep up with your business?

"Here are some questions but please feel free to give me more input."

I'll try to answer your questions and give you some input as best as I can from my own experiences visiting and living here in Thailand. BTW, I live up in Isan in a smaller city called Surin. But I have many friends here who live in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Phuket, Hua Hin, etc. So I know about these areas as well, as I have been to them all over the years and know a bit about what it costs them to live there as well.

"1. If I wanted to have TV and internet in my own house. I hear you can have a nice house for about $200 US a month. Any of this true and how true.

True, to an extent. 200 to 250 US dollars a month can get you a small studio apartment in Bangkok, near the Skytrain and near the farang (foreigner) areas of Bangkok, which is on Sukhumvit Road basically. A house I doubt you can find for this price. More like 400 to 1,000 a month for a decent house in Bangkok. Bangkok is expensive compared to other cities in the country. Up here in Surin I have a 2 story townhouse style apartment. Costs me 2,500 baht a month (around 65 to 70 dollars). But, I have a Thai wife and it was easy for me to find a place, as she did the searching and talking to the owners, and we have Thai friends who vouched for us as tenents. And this is a nice city, but not somewhere for a 23 year old guy I think. As a lone young farang I doubt you could even find a place like this on your own, so that is basically out. Plus, like I say, this isn't really a 'fun' place that you would want to spend lots of time in unless you were married to a Thai and living here full time.

"I don’t need to live near a big city"

Actually, you do. Unless you can speak some basic Thai you will need to reside in an area where some speak English. Otherwise this would be difficult for you, alone, and unable to speak the language. Living here is different from just visiting.

"but at the same time i don’t want to live in a jungle with no electric etc etc"


"2. Do I need to worry about being white and having money? Some friends are telling me i may be looked down on?"

No, actually you will be looked up to in some ways, and looked upon as someone to maybe get money off of. :-) And the girls will all love you unless you look like Quasimodo, and even then you have a shot. Who the h*ll told you this baloney?

"3. What are the BADS about moving there because all i ever hear about is the good."

There are good and bad things about Thailand. The good is it is very inexpensive to live here if you know what you are doing. The weather is hot and sunny. Even in rainy season it only rains an hour or two a day most days, and then the sun is out and it is hot. Foods are cheap and tasty, but can be very spicey, and definitely is not western food. Some love it, some hate this. Outside of the tourist areas it is hard to find ANYTHING that you are used to eating, most likely. Do you like Thai food/Chinese food, etc? This is why I say most need to live in the touristy areas, as most everywhere else in Thailand, except the occasional KFC shop, you will be eating Thai food. The people are friendly, but sometimes this is a facade. Everyone is friendly as long as you are flush and have cash to spend. :-) It is a totally different culture than what you have grown up in. You might want to read more on this site, and on other sites about the country.

Bad things? Rip offs, no western foods outside the tourist areas, theft, muggings, rapes, scams abound. No real English outside the tourist areas. But someone with some common sense can get along easily with some idea of what to watch out for. Same as any person living in a strange country really. Especially alone. Plus, outside of the tourist areas (Bangkok) really you have no way of getting around except by bus or train, or plane if you can afford it. It is cheap to fly really.

"I can adapt to my surroundings."

That's a good quality. Also try learning some Thai now.

"I am pretty likeable and easy going but a hard worker."

Which is all good, but remember one thing; you cannot work here on a tourist visa. Speaking of which, you can, as a Yank, get a 30 day tourist visa upon arrival. If you want to stay longer go to your local Thai Embassy or Consulate General's office and get a 6 month tourist visa. Good for 60 days at a whack (you will need to leave Thailand every 60 days and re enter) for 6 months. So you will need to leave twice during the 6 months.

"All I need is TV and internet and I can survive." Easy enough to get in your apartment really. But also, easy to do in the farang tourist areas as well from internet cafes, which are everywhere in the country really, and cost little to use. But the tourist areas seem to have the best set-ups for that. And it is inexpensive to use. So you really don't need a computer in your home, but yeah, it is easier if you do. I'd suggest bringing a laptop.

"Also any info on how a young man like myself might have fun."

Plenty to do in the cities, especially Bangkok. I'm not a clubber, but I hear from younger guys who do that scene who say they love it. If you want and decide to go ask me and I can give you the names of places to go to. Plenty of girls, but many are looking for a husband, or are hookers, or even part-time hookers, but sincere women are available to date as well. Especially at your age group. But if you can't find women to be with here there is something wrong with you. :-)

"I also love sports so any input on that would help."

Which sports? Soccer is big here. Cycling can be done. In some cities there are gyms to workout in. Plus you can jog. But the Thais have different games than we do, except soccer. There are expats living here that have clubs for different sports.

"Can anyone help me? Thank you for taking the time to read all of this. I look forward to some responses. Thanks!"

No problem, Brandon. If you have more questions just ask. Be specific though. :-)

I'm sure you could do a six month visit here and have fun and see some of the world, and it shouldn't be that expensive to do once you get some tips from others here. Later if you really think you will move here let me know and I can give you some URL's to different places for you to check out.


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Brandon you should feel honored. Cent is a pretty famous guy. His writing has given me hours of pleasure and thousands of laughs and some thoughtful moments. I imagine he is easy to find by google.

For living in Thailand with good nightlife, Western restaurants, economic housing, cool climate a few months a year and excellent English speaking health care my choice is Chiang Mai.

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The 'past' is unchangeable, the 'future' can't be predicted & 'this moment' is the only thing you have total control over.

I say go for it!!!

If you wait around until you've done all the planning for the unplanable future & procrastinate with your strong desires, the moment may pass & you may never have the opportunity again.

If you truly are an mutable person, don't hang around feeling miserable. Motivate yourself now & take the risk. Human nature is a much more reliable thing than maybe you think it is. Use the talents you have to 'get going' & then once you are in Thailand, expand your talents so that you become useful at actually doing something. I would not suggest that you rely upon one source of income...it may 'dry up' one day. What will you do then?

Geez, I tried out Papua New Guinea when I was 21...& I had nothing but the 'shirt on my back'...& I'm still alive.

Good luck, have fun & misbehave. :o

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