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battery life on a android phone

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Iv currently got a iphone but im getting annoyed with the the little apple phone discrepincies the biggest being that actually using the phone for anything internet related really cains the battery so maybe looking at a android , s3, s4, htc one, note etc

just wondering if average use how long do batterys last on those phones i know they all have around 2500maH batterys comapred to iphone of about 1400 so can you get a full day out of it?

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Iv currently got a iphone

It seems like iPhones generally get high marks for battery performance. What model do you have? Did it ever work acceptably? Maybe you have an issue with the phone, or battery - and a new battery would address the situation.

Battery performance is highly variable, even with the exact same model, so I'm not sure how much weight I'd give to either individual reports or even these "tests", given that the first response here says "can run fro a full day" and the test says it runs for 6 hours and 48 minutes.

Some people are on their phone all day; talking using mobile/WiFi, and may have to charge it all the time, while the "average" person might get 24 hours, and another who barely uses their phone might get a few days.

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Iv currently got a iphone

It seems like iPhones generally get high marks for battery performance. What model do you have? Did it ever work acceptably? Maybe you have an issue with the phone, or battery - and a new battery would address the situation.

Battery performance is highly variable, even with the exact same model, so I'm not sure how much weight I'd give to either individual reports or even these "tests", given that the first response here says "can run fro a full day" and the test says it runs for 6 hours and 48 minutes.

Some people are on their phone all day; talking using mobile/WiFi, and may have to charge it all the time, while the "average" person might get 24 hours, and another who barely uses their phone might get a few days.

The tests were running the phone full time non-stop for the worse case scenario and very few are likely to operate it this way. If you want the longest possible time under all situations then the G2 is at the top.


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Iv currently got a iphone

It seems like iPhones generally get high marks for battery performance. What model do you have? Did it ever work acceptably? Maybe you have an issue with the phone, or battery - and a new battery would address the situation.

Battery performance is highly variable, even with the exact same model, so I'm not sure how much weight I'd give to either individual reports or even these "tests", given that the first response here says "can run fro a full day" and the test says it runs for 6 hours and 48 minutes.

Some people are on their phone all day; talking using mobile/WiFi, and may have to charge it all the time, while the "average" person might get 24 hours, and another who barely uses their phone might get a few days.

I have a 4s and dont use it that much but as soon as i use internet app browser, instragram, twitter, facebook etc it just shoots down, i even turn off the 3g becuase thats a gobbler

I just dont thing that nowadays with the way people use there phones that you should even consider releasing a phone with less than 2500 mAH battery in it, people just dont really talk anymore they IM, and go social

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I have a 4s and dont use it that much but as soon as i use internet app browser, instragram, twitter, facebook etc it just shoots down,

Did your phone's battery ever give you an acceptable level of performance based on your usage?

My best guess would some issue with your phone or battery. Depending on the exact make/model/baseband, WiFi generally is "gobbler" rather than 3G.

Maybe look/ask in some iPhone forums to see if your experience is unique, or representative of an issue faced by others? You could also get an integrated external battery case; I think Morphie has a pretty good option?


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I have a 4s and dont use it that much but as soon as i use internet app browser, instragram, twitter, facebook etc it just shoots down,

Did your phone's battery ever give you an acceptable level of performance based on your usage?

My best guess would some issue with your phone or battery. Depending on the exact make/model/baseband, WiFi generally is "gobbler" rather than 3G.

Maybe look/ask in some iPhone forums to see if your experience is unique, or representative of an issue faced by others? You could also get an integrated external battery case; I think Morphie has a pretty good option?


It gives an acceptable level just not when using the internet then its crap, do you have a iphone if so how long does it last for you if you are surfing the internet?

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If it was Android that drained your battery, I'd say your modem software needs updating, not sure how it works with iPhones though. I do have a friend however with some Sony xperia phone (don't remember the exact model), he travels a lot to different countries and he has no issues with the battery drain anywhere but in BKK, so maybe not really your phone issue but some incompatibility with network?

Furthermore regarding @lomatopo comment that wifi drains battery more than the mobile network, there are some talks on XDA suggesting opposite (can dig up a link if needed). If the network signal strength isn't perfect, it's going to suck up the battery badly. There's a guy there bragging about his amazing battery life on his Note3 but he's carrying a mobile wifi router in his pocket and his phone is connected through wifi all day. Instead of carrying another device (mobile wifi rouyer) in my pocket, i opted for an extended battery for my phone.

OP, there are a few Android phones with huge stock battery, the above mentioned G2 has a 3000 mah battery, the Note3 got 3200 mah battery, Lenovo P780 and newly announced S860 (both are dual SIM phones) got 4000 mah battery. Of the above mentioned phones, Note3 has a removable battery and there are a few aftermarket solutions (6400 mah Hyperion battery and 10,000 mah ZeroLemon battery).

As I've mentioned earlier, I've got am aftermarket extended battery - 10,000 mah zerolemon. I normally get 2 and a half days use out of it, with almost 24 hrs screen on time (the biggest battery drainer), I never use any power saving features and my screen is either on auto or full brightness (depending what I do on it).

Sent from a Nuclear Submarine.

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There's plenty of battery saving apps out there. I use Green Power and by the end of a normal day, I still have over 50% power. Most of these battery saving apps turn off wifi 3g etc when you're not using them.

What phone, what battery size? Your claim has very little meaning without more details. The battery saving apps can extend the battery life a little, I wouldn't expect and wouldn't believe in any serious gain from turning off wifi and 3G, it takes a lot more than that to really extend the battery life.

Sent from a Nuclear Submarine.

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I have a rooted GNEX 4 and tried both

Greenify https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oasisfeng.greenify


SnapDragon Battery Guru https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xiam.snapdragon.app

Both get high marks, but I found them to be a bit 'intrusive', and neither seemed to be a 'magic bullet' for me anyway.

I think you need a rooted device in order for any real battery saving apps to offer any sort of significant results.

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Tested to have the longest battery life of any phones now.

But you are talking Androids - a cheap Nokia phone lasts me a week between charges. Some of use don't need 'smart' phones and do not have to have explosive size batteries or a charger in our pants. You pay for that internet access (in more ways than one). I would prefer to watch people when out than walk head down to view a bunch of garbage on a 3 inch screen. The phone is not the only Android. biggrin.png

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The quote was "longest battery life of any phones now" which is untrue without qualification which was not included in the post. This was a quote of a third party publication; not a response to this thread and thread title.whistling.gifbiggrin.png

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