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Thai police, drunk drivers and cabbies: an unholy alliance


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I don't see the difficulty in tackling this problem. As far as I can see, there are two approaches, one stealthy and one to make a splash:

The stealthy one would be for the police to note quietly note the number of the car that the taxi driver gets into or out of - it should be possible to set up some surveillance, even if it is a cop hiding in the bushes. A mile down the road will be another cop car waiting for the offender. After a while the cops will know who the taxi driver is anyway and can simply radio ahead whenever he passes through the road block.

The splash would be to borrow a taxi on a busy drinking night and put an undercover cop in it. Once he leaves the car on the other side, the cops are there to arrest the drunk driver. They could put it on TV and make a splash - that would stop the practice.

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I agree that something needs to be done about the drunl driving

I read a few months ago they put some real teeth into the drunk driving laws but apparently the police are ot enforcing

these new laws

but I do not wish to see groups from the USA taking up vigilence in Thailand

if you wish for this maybe you should be living back in the USA instead of trying to make other countries into what

you left

p.s. have never diven any type of vehicle in Thailand,,,I value my life

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The Thai police again not knowing what to do...the poor fellas

establish a checkpoint, then about 200-300 meters position some more officers...problem solved, dummies

lazy fellas I think, they use to stuck at the same place, they hardly move their asses

Otherwise I think what you propose it may be not 100% effective, if they stop the supposed hired driver few metters after the first control, then he may say that he is going to drive the customer until his home, and the police can not fine them for that.

Easiest solution would be like they are doing in other countries, make random control points everywhere instead of always at the same place.

If now they are doing that is because the drunk and the taxi drivers know exactly where the controls are, and they know that they use to be there.

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I honestly don't even know why they are called "police." That is an insult to real law enforcement around the world. At best, they are poorly trained mall guards with guns and just enough authority to be dangerous.

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