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Treatment for YaBa Addiction


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i was Hilary 2 in January when across the road i saw 3 guys beating the poo out of one guy, "POLICE" the lady with me said, (you would never have known it by their appearance) so after a good roughing up, sure enough, on went the handcuffs, and off he was carted with one of the cops with the arrested guys rucksack on his back, (he had a big smile on his face) and no i will say nothing more on the subject. ok then, Lol !!!

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I had a live-in GF who gathered every day with her friends in the apartment building. They smoked ganja mixed with speed and gambled and of course she lost. After a couple of months of this I put her belongings outside the door. She beat on the door until I opened it and then stabbed me 3 times in the stomach with a butcher knife. Drugged women so some crazy things. Watch your ass if you break up.

Not to self. Do not include knives in stuff put outside the door when kicking girlfriend out.

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Great,, GREAT FOR YOU!,,, honestly,, I mean that,,, until,,, a strange drugged IDIOT,,, enters your home,, with wife/kids asleep,,,,,

The guy kicked drugs and he is trying to provide some guidance. I don't see how your post is supposed to help in any way.

I agree,,, MORE POWER TO HIM,,, but you never,, "kick" drugs,,, you just don't take them,,, UNTIL the day you do,,AGAIN,, and they show up in,, YOUR HOME!

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thanks Ulysses G, yep crystal meths is as bad as it gets, i have seen someone on it and it seems to make one an absolute "skitso" and strong as a bloody ox, unbelievable stuff, and the paranoia that comes with , sleep well my friend, i am thinking of you, dont be a statistic that we read about on these pages,

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Hi Chris

Sorry to hear about your partner and your problem now. You obviously love her/him to make this effort. If your partner been on it for a long time you have close to an impossible task to get them off it.

Cutting the money off could be very dangerous for you, very dangerous, her/his suppliers would convince her/him that they could put you away and they could get all your money.

The best and most sensible way out Chris is to pack your bag mate and get out of it. Her/him has to want to get off it to. Make it possible in a treatment place. Good Luck Chris.

Kiwi Kenny

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An excellent place yes, but it is not possible to "send" anyone there. They have to voluntarily choose to go.

Re prior poster who recommended breaking from your partner, I have to agree that unless s/he chooses to seek help, this is what you should do. Things are going to get very hairy and unpleasant otherwise, maybe even dangerous. You can always leave the door open for reconciliation later if your partner agrees to get help getting off the drug but unless/until then, you really are best advised to put some physical and emotional distance between you.

Your situation is not an easy one...


More than often addicts finally CHOOSE to go on rehab when they went just about as low as one can get. And they look terrible.


She has some way to go before she gets to a point of asking for help. Meanwhile, she still looks attractive, More difficult to break loose.


This stuff will damage the brain. Some recuperation can be achieved through rehab. But the brain will NEVER work the same as b4.


She certainly still has her own reasons to do that stuff. And will be in denial until she cannot hide it even from herself.

Unless you are in need of doing a good deed to ascertain your after life, get out of there...

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Great,, GREAT FOR YOU!,,, honestly,, I mean that,,, until,,, a strange drugged IDIOT,,, enters your home,, with wife/kids asleep,,,,,

The guy kicked drugs and he is trying to provide some guidance. I don't see how your post is supposed to help in any way.

I got what he meant. I no longer have the right to keep and bear arms but I would handle that situation if and when it arose Adeeos. I have distanced myself from all those people in my life that dragged me down. Part of the process. If I had an ex girlfriend like you did who needed help I would probably have done the same thing you did. It is over now so get on with your life. All the best to you. Sorry you had that happen in your family home.

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Sometimes we have to be cruel to be kind. No doubt you have tried to talk with her about this problem.

The best thing for you is to tell her that you wish to finish with her until such time as she can prove she is clean & sober.

I have had a lot of experience with alcoholics and drug addicts but not with the drug you are talking about YaBa.

The worst thing you can do for the addict is to prop them up, pull out all of the props and let her get to her rock bottom.

Its called "Tough Love"

I wish you luck

Exactly. If you even buy her food, clothing, a place to sleep....when nobody else would....you are a "facilitator". You are preventing her from reaching rock bottom and "enabling" her to continue on with her habit. Sometimes when they reach rock bottom, they want to change their life and go clean. Unfortunately, sometimes rock bottom is death, by one of many possibilities. (Even including "old age", after a miserable life, full of lies and stealing and pain.) If you don't break off from her, you will be dragged down the same path she goes down... we all know too well where that path leads. Johny Cash talks about his speed addiction in his book, "The man in black". He got through it,eventually, after a lot of needless pain. (Or, I guess, NEEDED pain.)

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After treatment are very important like environment, if he or she mixed back to same group of friends it cannot get rid of it. Support from family members like if he or she close to parent always put a picture of the parent in wallet to remind how sad the parent was if born into addiction children.

The loved can over come brain needs for the drug. If you are fasting don't look at people who are eating and put a fat person picture to always programmed that fat are bad and ugly.

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excuse my ignorance what is "YABBA" exactly , i have heard many reports but they seem to conflict, is it, cocaine - etc, or isit a common term for any drugs "weed" etc thanks

This video titled 'The most dangerous drug', is worth watching.


Some drugs are ok to experience, I believe,

But stay away from this one.... It will fry your brain....

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Great,, GREAT FOR YOU!,,, honestly,, I mean that,,, until,,, a strange drugged IDIOT,,, enters your home,, with wife/kids asleep,,,,,

The guy kicked drugs and he is trying to provide some guidance. I don't see how your post is supposed to help in any way.

I got what he meant. I no longer have the right to keep and bear arms but I would handle that situation if and when it arose Adeeos. I have distanced myself from all those people in my life that dragged me down. Part of the process. If I had an ex girlfriend like you did who needed help I would probably have done the same thing you did. It is over now so get on with your life. All the best to you. Sorry you had that happen in your family home.


GREAT,, HONESTLY,, GREAT,,, I TRULY hope,, you keep your sobriety,,, I REALLY do,, good on you!

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excuse my ignorance what is "YABBA" exactly , i have heard many reports but they seem to conflict, is it, cocaine - etc, or isit a common term for any drugs "weed" etc thanks

Ya is the common word for medicine, while Baa means insane, or crazy. So it's the "crazy medicine." Please see post #17 and click on the youtube link.

Saves much time to explain. .

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It is very strong speed. Also called ice or crystal methadrine. Cocaine is a different drug with similar effects, but Ya Ba is much cheaper and lasts much longer.

It's methamphetamine, but a very dirty mixture, easy to produce, while Crystal's is usually white and shimmering like crystals. That's where it came from, the substance differs, depending on purity.

Ice is nothing else than crystal meth. Cocaine is produced with Coca leaves, while JaBa can be produced by only using a few chemicals..

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Been there done that! cutting off the money supply will TEMPORARILY work, Cold turkey is a good way to stem the addiction, However the problem comes from whom she is associating with. if the people she hangs out with are still smoking yaba you have no chance! most of the ladies do smoke it to lose wait. Then when you stop, it is piled back on, my lady went from 52 kg to 64kg in a very short space of time, and hated herself for this, she was off it for ages, and turned into a lovely lady. Then met up with old smoking friends and was hooked again, she became a nightmare! with her moods, aggressive, behavior, and violent outbursts. Had to cut her loose as her mind was going too..so sad I think she is now dead due to the drug debts that she started to rack up..my suggestion Run!if she is not willing to give it all away!

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excuse my ignorance what is "YABBA" exactly , i have heard many reports but they seem to conflict, is it, cocaine - etc, or isit a common term for any drugs "weed" etc thanks

Yaba is a red pill like a smartie(the small little chocolates) it is made from caffeine and speed, it is smoked on tin foil or a pipe,,Ice is crystal meth looks like little white crystals not exactly sure what is in it ,it is smoked similarly or through a pipe! Both will keep you awake for 3 days or more will kill your appetite and make you go nuts!
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Maybe I missed it but I didn't see the OP mention this was a girl. In my experience, referring to a long standing companion as a "partner" is indicative of a male : male relationship. Not that this matters.

Perhaps the main problem is that the OP seems to have lived 13 years in the boonies with his partner. It would appear that if anyone is moving out it would be him, as he appears to be in the midst of a 100 strong extended family. If he owns his own house, then this may present a logistical and potentially financial problem.

Yet whatever the circumstances, the required course of action is the same. The partner has to go.

The OP may well be willing to fund, assist, etc. the partner in their quest for recovery but I would not do it from within the current home and relationship. If things work out well, then the relationship can return but if, as usual, matters take several turns for the worse, then the OP has the relative safety of being at arms length.

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I would like to say, as a farang you should also be very careful, if she by one way or another she manage to bring some Yaba or similar stuff to your home you'll be probably in danger, I mean with the police, I hope not, but it is another facet of the problem, health is one, police/justice another. I wish you good luck for I believe you're a good person, but don't forget it.

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Sorry to hear about this. My first wife in the USA got hooked on drugs. It took a long time before I realized it. They can hide it very good. First hint was when she said someone broke into her locker at work and stole her paycheck after she cashed it at lunch time. I wanted to call the police and go to her work. She said she didn't want any problems at work so I agreed. There were a few other things. The final in my face clue was when I came home from work and found the TV, stereo and anything of value gone. No evidence of a break in.

I called the police and it was figured out she took everything as she pawned it. Police could not do anything as it was her stuff too. It has hard to face. The girl I loved, I married was not the same girl I was with now. It was a difficult time. I tried to get her help, she would say ok and then not go, check her in and she would check out later that day or the next and disappear for days or weeks. I finally left her. I did hear from her 5-6 years later that she turned things around and was in school to get an engineering degree. So there is hope. It wont be easy and it's good you have a good support team you will need it. I wish you all the luck!

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Could never have put it as well as djvolak and ericthai have, but I WILL add, since apparently he is too polite, that all of the self-serving, even murderous (Adeeos) approaches above are, to quote Marsellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction, "pretty f***ing far from OK." To all of those advocating this so-called 'tough love' I'd ask if you are prepared to confront the friend, sibling, or possibly the mother of your children in the wraith-like state of the advanced methamphetamine addict. Or, just as likely, in death in a squalid Banglamung hovel (as that's where many of them end their days).

I relocated from Ubon Ratchathani to Albuquerque a decade ago, after almost 20 years in the trenches of SE Asia, and long before poor Walter White was diagnosed with the cancer that morphed into the even more deadly disease of ambition which lead to his climb up the corporate ladder and eventual spectacular fall from same. I fancy myself as rather more informed of the topic than many, from both perspectives (the addict and the mental health practitioner). And perhaps it was not coincidence that several episodes of Breaking Bad were filmed in the home directly opposite my own and on neighboring streets.

<deleted> DO NOT set her adrift. You'll never see her alive again, nor live down the guilt you will rightfully feel for having done such a thing. As bad as meth addiction is, and it is physical, neurological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual All-in-One, its not all that difficult to beat, given the right approach, resources, and methodology. Some of the pharmacological pathways that are being used to treat the underlying CAUSES of the disease of methamphetamine addiction (a symptom which, in and of itself, is not currently considered pharmacologically treatable) include prescription of methamphetamine's mirror image, dextroamphetamine salts combination (Adderall) and certain of the SSRIs (buproprion aka Wellbutrin, citalopram aka Celexa) and a phenyltriazine (lamotrigine aka Lamictal, a mood stabilizer) are cutting edge and, in my experience, often brilliantly effective.

Although it may be difficult to find a clinically trained professional experienced in the monitoring of such intervention anywhere in Asia, much less in your village, the pharmaceuticals are generally far easier obtained at far less cost than they are in the west.

I'm not advocating you undertake the difficult, nay, torturous path alone, but it's certainly worth more than a little effort to find yourself such a professional abroad who may be willing to assist remotely.

I wish you and your loved ones all the success. I'm very familiar with the extended support networks that exist within the Thai village structure. It sounds as though you are able to access parts of them for help. Don't overlook the fact that she, too, has accessed other elements of the network to get where she is. Only a few portals exist between those parallel networks, but they are there, and people usually know where they are, at least generally. You won't want or need to go through one of those yourself, but you SHOULD procure the help of someone who can and regularly does. It will make all the difference to her eventual return to the family. And remain confident that that is precisely what the result will be.

Edited by BanTamo
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I lived with a junkie for 3 years and I can assure you its hopeless unless she wants to help herself.Yabba and Ice gets such a grip on the person that's its nearly impossible to stop.Also be careful of mood changes because some dangerous situations can arise.My ex girlfriend its now doing 3 years for dealing so that was my escape.My advice is to finish with her, but be careful how you do it.Good luck

Sent from my GT-S5830i using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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djvolak especially, thank you all.

I really am with djvolak in saying not to quit. I wasn't brought up a quitter and quitting now is just going to reinforce all the negative worthless thoughts in Amnuay. It will therefore make me really unhappy. So self first - I'm not going to quit here until I've had a really good crack at solutions.

The medical input has been most interesting. It seems to me that it has a place here in giving the addict space to sort out the underlying issues.

Thanks again all

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I am a recovering drug addict /alcoholic. Over 20 years clean and sober.

Ticked every box on the list. Heroin, coke, speed, you name it I did it. Never did ecstasy because it was not invented yet, but if it was I would have done it too.

It will be hard - very hard. But it can be done.

Do not listen to all the negative posts from people who have not experienced it themselves. For all their good intentions they do not have a clue.

Good luck - PM if I can help.

Edited by seedy
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I am a recovering drug addict /alcoholic. Over 20 years clean and sober.

Ticked every box on the list. Heroin, coke, speed, you name it I did it. Never did ecstasy because it was not invented yet, but if it was I would have done it too.

It will be hard - very hard. But it can be done.

Do not listen to all the negative posts from people who have not experienced it themselves. For all their good intentions they do not have a clue.

Good luck - PM if I can help.

I like your post. Good to help somone in need.

I just think its easier to walk away. Unless your deeply in love. Even then time passes and you get better.

I had a farang GF who got addicted to herion. I had to cut ties as I work away and couldnt handle the stress on top of my job. Best move ever.

Went to Thailand met a grounded Thai and happy. I was no angel myself. Never heroin. I would see the zombies on the street.

Packed everything in around 26. Grew up and saw many of my friends wasting their life and some funerals.

I still like a drink and can party til 5 but I act my age. Live in Thailand. Dont fancy the jail and want to keep my job.

I know logic is out the window when your wasted thats why the lad is better to bail out.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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A close friend of mine - beautiful girl 28 years old has the same problem. 2 year old daughter left in my and grandmother's care. I have read the above with great interest but I cannot cut all communication for obvious reasons and the lady in question does not even admit she has a problem - despite the fact that everyone in Kathu, Phuket is shocked or laughing at her antics on the streets. She is banned from my house now but I am still scared of any police involvement as I have heard that I could be expected to pay them off to look the other way (money which I do not have now).

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

A close friend of mine - beautiful girl 28 years old has the same problem. 2 year old daughter left in my and grandmother's care. I have read the above with great interest but I cannot cut all communication for obvious reasons and the lady in question does not even admit she has a problem - despite the fact that everyone in Kathu, Phuket is shocked or laughing at her antics on the streets. She is banned from my house now but I am still scared of any police involvement as I have heard that I could be expected to pay them off to look the other way (money which I do not have now).

You will not be bothered by the Police unless she has a stash stored in your home or is "dealing" from the home.

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Thanks - I have made sure there is no stash and as I think she uses what she buys pretty quickly and has got very little money then it is just a question of making sure nothing else 'goes missing' from the house (after a pair of leather shoes and an electric razor and a few other things have disappeared).

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