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US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure


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The US hasn't had a very good record of siding with any side, in the World...It supported dictators like Marcos (Phillipines) and ruthless ones in South America in the past, along with the murderous (several) leaders in South Vietnam, during the Vietnam war. Who cares what the US thinks. It's an Empire that is on the verge of collapsing wai2.gif

The US did a pretty good job siding with the Allies to get rid of the Third Reich!!!!

Yep ... 2 years after every other country stepped up to the plate ... I believe you were late to the 1914-1918 stoush too (but I'm willing to be corrected on that).

Doing better in later years though.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Just heard John Kerry blahing some nonsense about Ukraine and Crimea and he doesn't even sound like he believes it himself.

Suraphong and Yingluck should stop wasting their time asking for foreign intervention from such as has been superpower and concentrate on preparing their foreign passports and applications for political asylum. No one is going to fly out to Dubai with new passports for them after their convictions.

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The US hasn't had a very good record of siding with any side, in the World...It supported dictators like Marcos (Phillipines) and ruthless ones in South America in the past, along with the murderous (several) leaders in South Vietnam, during the Vietnam war. Who cares what the US thinks. It's an Empire that is on the verge of collapsing wai2.gif

The US did a pretty good job siding with the Allies to get rid of the Third Reich!!!!

Yep ... 2 years after every other country stepped up to the plate ... I believe you were late to the 1914-1918 stoush too (but I'm willing to be corrected on that).

Doing better in later years though.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Unfortunately, we went in on the wrong side during World War I. Would have been best to not go in at all. Just let all those empires fight themselves. But if forced, I would choose the German kaiser over the Russian tsar and Austro-Hungarians over the British. And just about anyone over the French.

Edited by zydeco
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US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure

BANGKOK, 9 April 2014 (NNT) – The United States has handed a letter to the Thai government expressing grave concern over the political situation and the possibility of a power grab.

US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel R. Russel and US Ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney attended a meeting with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at the Ministry of Defense on Tuesday.

Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said after attending the meeting that the US delegation handed a letter from US Secretary of State John Kerry, which expressed concern over the political situation in Thailand, to Ms. Yingluck.

Mr. Surapong added that the US was especially against a military coup or seizure of power. The US was also worried over the effects the problems in Thailand would have on ASEAN as a whole, as Thailand was unable to initiate any new policies in the multilateral arena due to the caretaker status of the government.


-- NNT 2014-04-09 footer_n.gif

Given situations in Asia, Thailand is of strategic interest. Stability is important, and the tough part for the US and allies is siding with the winning side. China sits idly by watching.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The US hasn't had a very good record of siding with any side, in the World...It supported dictators like Marcos (Phillipines) and ruthless ones in South America in the past, along with the murderous (several) leaders in South Vietnam, during the Vietnam war. Who cares what the US thinks. It's an Empire that is on the verge of collapsing wai2.gif

it sided with the allies during WW2 didn't it?

The US is not about to collapse, it has problems yes but it is, by a very long way the biggest economy in the World. (nearly twice the size of the next biggest which is China). The US economy is growing again and I am sure that things will change over the coming years. The country will go through change for sure but it is certainly not collapsing.

I advise you to look at real facts and not base your opinions on internet assembled trash talk.

By the way, I am not American.

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I thought the US didn't interfere in the political situation in Thailand ?

It does't look like they are interfering. They haven't made any demands or even recommendations, just expressed their concern that the situation looks worrying.

Don't forget that the US is still by far the Worlds largest economy (despite what China may have you believe) and they have some responsibility to participate in International trade, this means they should express concerns, as should all leading economies.

They are doing the right thing in my opinion.

Agreed. I do think it was a pretty clear, purposeful signal by visiting with Mark afterward. Seem to recall the US Ambassador met with him not long ago as well.

The US has to deal with whoever is in place, even if they think they are political basket cases. When/if this government gets the boot, the US will deal with whoever's next. Same as other countries will.

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As usual the US government doesn't give a hoot about who is running the country as long as they kow tow to the US. That is after all their primary concern.

Surapong is kidding himself if he thinks anyone in the White House cares if Yingluck gets her arse kicked or not.

Apart from Michelle of course....! wink.png

Why do you say that and where are you getting your baised and hated reasoning from?

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The US hasn't had a very good record of siding with any side, in the World...It supported dictators like Marcos (Phillipines) and ruthless ones in South America in the past, along with the murderous (several) leaders in South Vietnam, during the Vietnam war. Who cares what the US thinks. It's an Empire that is on the verge of collapsing wai2.gif

The US did a pretty good job siding with the Allies to get rid of the Third Reich!!!!

Yep ... 2 years after every other country stepped up to the plate ... I believe you were late to the 1914-1918 stoush too (but I'm willing to be corrected on that).

Doing better in later years though.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Unfortunately, we went in on the wrong side during World War I. Would have been best to not go in at all. Just let all those empires fight themselves. But if forced, I would choose the German kaiser over the Russian tsar and Austro-Hungarians over the British. And just about anyone over the French.

The world needs people like you. Intelligent people can have a fun debate with you due to your ridiculous views, which is great practice for the real discussions to come that need serious thought.

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I don't remember the Thai Government has issued any warning or concern when G.W Bush seized power un-democratically for both his terms as president. They also never hinted whom they'd like to see at the white house as it's none of their business. Oh, right, what happens HERE is none of ur business EITHER Mr. Sec of States. Bug off.

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The US hasn't had a very good record of siding with any side, in the World...It supported dictators like Marcos (Phillipines) and ruthless ones in South America in the past, along with the murderous (several) leaders in South Vietnam, during the Vietnam war. Who cares what the US thinks. It's an Empire that is on the verge of collapsing.

There is a wide difference between arguing a position based on established facts and arguing a position based on opinion.
“Opinions are like <deleted> – everyone has one and they generally smell like sh*t!”
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Hmmm, Suthep's not gonna like that huh, I wonder will he order his mates to go and protest the US embassy and calls for them to be thrown out of the country?

Suthep is not going to like what?

Bending over to pick up the soap during his coming long, long stint in jail

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I thought the US didn't interfere in the political situation in Thailand ?

Expressing concern is hardly interferring. Just the exercise of freedom of speech in a most diplomatic way possible. But I would expect when the greatest democracy in the history of the world expresses concern, that it is taken seriously. On the other hand I expect Suthep to not care what any foreign country has to say about his personal reach for power. However, the PDRC did visit a number of embassies this year to solicit support for Suthep's insurrection. I guess that didn't count as objecting to foreign interference.

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Not sure why this particular letter is top secret and can only get quotes from Surapong about it contents.

Every other statement issued by Kerry is available on the US State department website.


This is the last letter on the website that he sent over to Thailand. Just note the last paragraph.

Violence in Thailand

Press Statement

John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
February 28, 2014


We are deeply concerned by the ongoing politically-motivated violence in Thailand. As allies and close friends of the Thai people, we are profoundly saddened by the deaths and injuries that have shaken the country. As a father and grandfather, the death of several innocent children is particularly horrifying, and must at last be a wake-up call to all sides to refrain from violence, exercise restraint, and respect the rule of law.

I call upon Thai authorities to investigate these attacks swiftly and bring those responsible to justice. Violence is not an acceptable means of resolving political differences. We are also concerned by the employment of other tactics that undermine Thailand’s democratic values and processes, inhibit compromise, and further exacerbate political tensions.

The United States of America does not take sides in Thai politics. Ultimately, it is up to the people of Thailand to decide how they will resolve their differences. All sides should commit to dialogue in the spirit of seeking common ground to address differences and find a peaceful, democratic way forward.

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I thought the US didn't interfere in the political situation in Thailand ?

It does't look like they are interfering. They haven't made any demands or even recommendations, just expressed their concern that the situation looks worrying.

Don't forget that the US is still by far the Worlds largest economy (despite what China may have you believe) and they have some responsibility to participate in International trade, this means they should express concerns, as should all leading economies.

They are doing the right thing in my opinion.

Agreed. I do think it was a pretty clear, purposeful signal by visiting with Mark afterward. Seem to recall the US Ambassador met with him not long ago as well.

The US has to deal with whoever is in place, even if they think they are political basket cases. When/if this government gets the boot, the US will deal with whoever's next. Same as other countries will.

Ambassadors gather information, to do so they have to meet with all sorts of undesirables, Mark included.

The US exerts an enormous amount of international clout, particularly over middle rung developing nations such as Thailand.

The US could kill the Thai economy overnight if it so desired.

The only reason there hasn't been a military coup is because the US won't allow it.

Now it appears as though the US is coming out against judicial coups as well.

Uncle Sam has clearly had enough of the establishments nonsense - they already fought one Taliban in Afghanistan, they won't allow another Taliban to establish itself here.

The message is clear.

Behave or economic sanctions await.

Interesting comments, and I think very far from reality.

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As usual the US government doesn't give a hoot about who is running the country as long as they kow tow to the US. That is after all their primary concern.

Surapong is kidding himself if he thinks anyone in the White House cares if Yingluck gets her arse kicked or not.

Apart from Michelle of course....! wink.png

Why do you say that and where are you getting your baised and hated reasoning from?

Because I see life through a clear lens.... not a tinted one.

As for bias that is a by product of politics and I admit there are very few politicians I would claim to love. smile.png

Edited by bigbamboo
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure

BANGKOK, 9 April 2014 (NNT) – The United States has handed a letter to the Thai government expressing grave concern over the political situation and the possibility of a power grab.

US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel R. Russel and US Ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney attended a meeting with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at the Ministry of Defense on Tuesday.

Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said after attending the meeting that the US delegation handed a letter from US Secretary of State John Kerry, which expressed concern over the political situation in Thailand, to Ms. Yingluck.

Mr. Surapong added that the US was especially against a military coup or seizure of power. The US was also worried over the effects the problems in Thailand would have on ASEAN as a whole, as Thailand was unable to initiate any new policies in the multilateral arena due to the caretaker status of the government.

-- NNT 2014-04-09 footer_n.gif

Given situations in Asia, Thailand is of strategic interest. Stability is important, and the tough part for the US and allies is siding with the winning side. China sits idly by watching.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Unfortunately for Thailand there are plenty of banana republics in Asia that the US can choose from as allies. What the US would prefer as allies are industrial, mature, well-established democracies. Looks like Thailand might be on a short-list from not fitting that criteria should Suthep succeed in his undemocratic overthrow of the Thai government.

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The world needs people like you. Intelligent people can have a fun debate with you due to your ridiculous views, which is great practice for the real discussions to come that need serious thought.

Well, who would dare argue with you. Obviously, you're a man who reads . . . newspapers.

Edited by zydeco
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Not sure why this particular letter is top secret and can only get quotes from Surapong about it contents.

Every other statement issued by Kerry is available on the US State department website.


This is the last letter on the website that he sent over to Thailand. Just note the last paragraph.

Violence in Thailand

Press Statement

John Kerry

Secretary of State

Washington, DC
February 28, 2014


We are deeply concerned by the ongoing politically-motivated violence in Thailand. As allies and close friends of the Thai people, we are profoundly saddened by the deaths and injuries that have shaken the country. As a father and grandfather, the death of several innocent children is particularly horrifying, and must at last be a wake-up call to all sides to refrain from violence, exercise restraint, and respect the rule of law.

I call upon Thai authorities to investigate these attacks swiftly and bring those responsible to justice. Violence is not an acceptable means of resolving political differences. We are also concerned by the employment of other tactics that undermine Thailand’s democratic values and processes, inhibit compromise, and further exacerbate political tensions.

The United States of America does not take sides in Thai politics. Ultimately, it is up to the people of Thailand to decide how they will resolve their differences. All sides should commit to dialogue in the spirit of seeking common ground to address differences and find a peaceful, democratic way forward.

Thanks for sharing. I was looking for this particular info. It is really sickening that Surapong still has the balls to talk to the US after it has become very clear that Surapong and Chalerm are not going to investigate the killings of children. Do they know something they don't want the public to know??

The last sentence says it all.

Edited by Nickymaster
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Not sure why this particular letter is top secret and can only get quotes from Surapong about it contents.

Every other statement issued by Kerry is available on the US State department website.


This is the last letter on the website that he sent over to Thailand. Just note the last paragraph.

Violence in Thailand

Press Statement

John Kerry

Secretary of State

Washington, DC
February 28, 2014


We are deeply concerned by the ongoing politically-motivated violence in Thailand. As allies and close friends of the Thai people, we are profoundly saddened by the deaths and injuries that have shaken the country. As a father and grandfather, the death of several innocent children is particularly horrifying, and must at last be a wake-up call to all sides to refrain from violence, exercise restraint, and respect the rule of law.

I call upon Thai authorities to investigate these attacks swiftly and bring those responsible to justice. Violence is not an acceptable means of resolving political differences. We are also concerned by the employment of other tactics that undermine Thailand’s democratic values and processes, inhibit compromise, and further exacerbate political tensions.

The United States of America does not take sides in Thai politics. Ultimately, it is up to the people of Thailand to decide how they will resolve their differences. All sides should commit to dialogue in the spirit of seeking common ground to address differences and find a peaceful, democratic way forward.

Interesting point. Perhaps as some other posters have stated the letter was a threat to clear up the protests or get squashed. A non diplomatic letter like that wouldn't be posted. Alternatively perhaps they just haven't had time to post yet and it will appear tomorrow.

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Um for the America haters who are usually Thai haters too but who choose to live here and spend all day looking for something to gripe about, the US isn't taking sides. Where in this article does it say that the US is taking sides. It is in Thailand's best interest to settle this thing politically. It is in ASEAN's best interest for Thailand to settle this politically (America is a member of course), it is also strategically in both America's and Thailand's best interest that this be settled politically and not through violence or coup. It is certainly in the best interest of the Thai people that this be settled peacefully and politically and to perhaps, someday, have a stable government which changes through honest and peaceful elections. Last but not least, it is in your best interest if you live in Thailand unless you enjoy living in country in which corruption is endemic, coups happen every few years and the Thai people continue to suffer.

What? Are you saying that the US is a member of ASEAN? I hope you don't work for the US Embassy.

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Not sure why this particular letter is top secret and can only get quotes from Surapong about it contents.

Every other statement issued by Kerry is available on the US State department website.


This is the last letter on the website that he sent over to Thailand. Just note the last paragraph.

Violence in Thailand

Press Statement

John Kerry

Secretary of State

Washington, DC
February 28, 2014


We are deeply concerned by the ongoing politically-motivated violence in Thailand. As allies and close friends of the Thai people, we are profoundly saddened by the deaths and injuries that have shaken the country. As a father and grandfather, the death of several innocent children is particularly horrifying, and must at last be a wake-up call to all sides to refrain from violence, exercise restraint, and respect the rule of law.

I call upon Thai authorities to investigate these attacks swiftly and bring those responsible to justice. Violence is not an acceptable means of resolving political differences. We are also concerned by the employment of other tactics that undermine Thailand’s democratic values and processes, inhibit compromise, and further exacerbate political tensions.

The United States of America does not take sides in Thai politics. Ultimately, it is up to the people of Thailand to decide how they will resolve their differences. All sides should commit to dialogue in the spirit of seeking common ground to address differences and find a peaceful, democratic way forward.

Interesting point. Perhaps as some other posters have stated the letter was a threat to clear up the protests or get squashed. A non diplomatic letter like that wouldn't be posted. Alternatively perhaps they just haven't had time to post yet and it will appear tomorrow.

I also think the letter is not up yet. probably soon.

Nevertheless, Surpong always twists info to suit his own agenda. Surapong would never say that the US urges him and his team to capture the ones that killed innocent protestors including children.

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I thought the US didn't interfere in the political situation in Thailand ?

I think that this proves that what a lot of posters have been saying is wrong.

It seems that the American government can be duped as easily as Isaan people and shows that they most definitely DO NOT have their finger on the pulse as to what is happening in Thailand.

What is this idiot really doing to earn his money when he knows NOTHING about the situation in Thailand!!!

If he takes these lying toads words as gospel he is a prat!!

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US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure

BANGKOK, 9 April 2014 (NNT) – The United States has handed a letter to the Thai government expressing grave concern over the political situation and the possibility of a power grab.

US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel R. Russel and US Ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney attended a meeting with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at the Ministry of Defense on Tuesday.

Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said after attending the meeting that the US delegation handed a letter from US Secretary of State John Kerry, which expressed concern over the political situation in Thailand, to Ms. Yingluck.

Mr. Surapong added that the US was especially against a military coup or seizure of power. The US was also worried over the effects the problems in Thailand would have on ASEAN as a whole, as Thailand was unable to initiate any new policies in the multilateral arena due to the caretaker status of the government.


-- NNT 2014-04-09 footer_n.gif

Given situations in Asia, Thailand is of strategic interest. Stability is important, and the tough part for the US and allies is siding with the winning side. China sits idly by watching.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Unfortunately for Thailand there are plenty of a banana republics in Asia that the US can choose from as allies. What the US would prefer as allies are industrial, mature, well-established democracies. Looks like Thailand might be on a short-list from not fitting that criteria should Suthep succeed in his undemocratic overthrow of the Thai government.

There are other strategic interests world powers look for. Banana republics are a dime a dozen. Not for me to explain this to you.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I thought the US didn't interfere in the political situation in Thailand ?

It does't look like they are interfering. They haven't made any demands or even recommendations, just expressed their concern that the situation looks worrying.

Don't forget that the US is still by far the Worlds largest economy (despite what China may have you believe) and they have some responsibility to participate in International trade, this means they should express concerns, as should all leading economies.

They are doing the right thing in my opinion.

Agreed. I do think it was a pretty clear, purposeful signal by visiting with Mark afterward. Seem to recall the US Ambassador met with him not long ago as well.

The US has to deal with whoever is in place, even if they think they are political basket cases. When/if this government gets the boot, the US will deal with whoever's next. Same as other countries will.

Exactly. After all Thailand should be a leading light in the Asean region, right now I personally think that they are an embarrassment and not up to the job.

We can only hope that somehow things do get better and the political situation improves with a reduction in corruption and a decent leader in place,,, Or am I dreaming again?

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Not sure why this particular letter is top secret and can only get quotes from Surapong about it contents.

Every other statement issued by Kerry is available on the US State department website.


This is the last letter on the website that he sent over to Thailand. Just note the last paragraph.

Violence in Thailand

Press Statement

John Kerry

Secretary of State

Washington, DC
February 28, 2014


We are deeply concerned by the ongoing politically-motivated violence in Thailand. As allies and close friends of the Thai people, we are profoundly saddened by the deaths and injuries that have shaken the country. As a father and grandfather, the death of several innocent children is particularly horrifying, and must at last be a wake-up call to all sides to refrain from violence, exercise restraint, and respect the rule of law.

I call upon Thai authorities to investigate these attacks swiftly and bring those responsible to justice. Violence is not an acceptable means of resolving political differences. We are also concerned by the employment of other tactics that undermine Thailand’s democratic values and processes, inhibit compromise, and further exacerbate political tensions.

The United States of America does not take sides in Thai politics. Ultimately, it is up to the people of Thailand to decide how they will resolve their differences. All sides should commit to dialogue in the spirit of seeking common ground to address differences and find a peaceful, democratic way forward.

Interesting point. Perhaps as some other posters have stated the letter was a threat to clear up the protests or get squashed. A non diplomatic letter like that wouldn't be posted. Alternatively perhaps they just haven't had time to post yet and it will appear tomorrow.

Another interesting point might be that a Press Release/statement is not the same thing as a letter.

That being the case, it is not realistic to think DoS will post it on their website.

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