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HRW official urges PCAD to respect media rights


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PCAD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

Sorry I think you make a mistake in your posting

Correct on your behalf

As already ruled by the Thai courts

The PTP and Red shirts aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda of filling their bank accounts

You should be well aware that the same idiotic behavior is on both sides, no one excluded. They both are just showing that they spit on democracy and Thai people rights. If you dream that one side is the bad and the other are the goods, you are far away from a balanced view.

Freedom of Thai people to choose a Government for the people

that means freedom of speech

As I not hold the iron fist biased, like many members here

You will get no arguement from me on your last posting

We are not in the Suthep Fan club ever

We are for the freedom of Thai people to choose a Government for the people

not for their bank books, and that goes for both sides

I am not really sure what you meant in your last post, but at least we agree on one point.

Thai people should be free to think, vote and have an opinion on the political situation.

That is democracy.

The point is more or less, freedom of speech did never exist in Thailand... Not under Shinawatras, not under Abhisit, not under any PM, civil or military...

So what we saw today is no news... The same behavior repeating. PDRC wants to gag government, government wants to gag PDRC. Nothing new in sight, unhappily.

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Over the yeras we have all observed many media frezies and shoving matches.

In most instances the pree is rude, invasive and they thing they are with in thier rights under Freedom of The Press.

Yes to report the FACTS not to be in your face, pushy, rude people. i have never seen as mant press people as there are at events here in Thailand. Any one check to see if they have the required Press Credentials, I think not.

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When was the last time you saw a PCRD or PCAD press conference on these TV stations or in Khaosod for that matter. I don't recall any. Is the any substance to their accusation of bias?

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Freedom of speech in this country is already a joke, today we reached another level.

Congratulations to protest leaders... (I am being sarcastic, for who did not get it).

And worse than you think....they get it from both sides

CAPO threatens to take legal actions against TV stations that broadcast PDRC's announcements
May 9, 2014 4:46 pm
The Centre for Administration of Peace and Order Friday issued an order prohibiting the directors of TV stations from broadcasting statements of the People's Democratic Reform Committee.

The CAPO said in its latest statement that the directors of TV stations would face both criminal and civil lawsuits if their stations are seen as assisting the PDRC.

The CAPO said it had to issue the order because the PDRC had tried to force directors and management of Channels 3, 5, 7, 9 and NBT to broadcast its statements.

The CAPO said the PDRC leaders are facing charges and some of them are accused of being terrorists so the TV stations are not allowed to assist them.

The Nation


Well, that answered my previous question. The government (CAPO) is shutting down free speech. The usual threats.

Why shouldn't the stations broadcast statements, press releases, conferences from the protestors. They do the same for the government, the PTP, UDD etc, don't they?

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PCAD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

You should be banned for inciting problems on near every post--as they provoke-because they are OTT. Clearly your posts are not just normal replies.

Yes , in your opinion as you stated many times, anyone who opposes you Suthep should be banned.

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PCAD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

You should be banned for inciting problems on near every post--as they provoke-because they are OTT. Clearly your posts are not just normal replies.

Yes , in your opinion as you stated many times, anyone who opposes you Suthep should be banned.

You do not want to know what I feel as it is against the government wrongs --That's all I post about.

If YOUR ilk posts pro government propaganda when they know of the lousy governing , then this crowd should be asking themselves who taught them right and wrong from birth.

I have NO sides to vote for UNLIKE you, You are the losers because you have only one view, anti government posts you have to shout down.

As for SUTHEP ---your corrupt government would still be operating the regime under Thaksin with PTP the followers He highlighted the wrongs, but seemingly it was the only way to get people to court.

His methods were not as bad as some red methods--on record. BUT I do not care about the guy personally or your crowd.

As you said It is my opinion that the government were not democratic as the picture is showing.

Your opinion differs as you do not condemn the government---your opinion, my conscience is clear on honesty in general is yours ??? do you still blame Suthep for your governments failures,after all he only appeared 2 years after the PTP were elected------list of achievements of PTP from you. ??? if not you have answered me fully. Give me your list and I will surely read, sway my vote please.

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In every insurgency, revolution, or even good related movie they make for the broadcasting towers. From the first to the third world the media is a central target. "I" maintain the media is in the bag in the West, though this is protested because it's either disagreeable or the observer is too stupid to notice. Likewise, the media is a highly sought prize here as well. Perhaps all journalists are not "bought" but what's eventually published/aired is invariably influenced by edit. Why is it such a surprise then that the PDRC would see their Media as partial? Gosh, everyone of you knows it's not free. If it's not free, and it's not favorable, it's the "natural state objective" in struggles of the political human condition.

Sure you fear something worse if... But that's conjecture or musing. Today, the PDRC sees the organs of Media as entrenched mouthpieces of something quite disagreeable; and CAPO's order to the Media inadvertently proves this point: They ordered the Media not to publish even Statements from the PDRC- yet some call PDRC flooding the media station over the top, such as the absurd HRW. The HRW is another tool of the US State/NGO. I don't mind that some of you are sick of my assertion. I only ask you prove me wrong rather than protest the dark. I would kindly respond in private to any PM as to why I am so keenly aware of this.

The HRW even admitted in their Press Release they were responding to something in the future with regards to PDRC and the media station, yet the HRW is silent on numerous real, evil, violent, terrible tragedies around the world and in the balance that silence is invariably partial- search. I have no idea what the future holds for PDRC and Thailand but so far I get it... I really do. They may be no better, but it can hardly be overlooked what they object to.

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In every insurgency, revolution, or even good related movie they make for the broadcasting towers. [snip] uninteresting stuff [snip]

That is interesting. In your view, the PDRC is an insurgency.

Any word yet on why the TJA issued a statement blaming the mobs (plural) for loss of press freedom? I may have misunderstood that you have some very inside knowledge of that, since you seemed so very confident that I did not.

Maybe I'm mistaken and you were trying to say you knew nothing about that?

You do not want to know what I feel as it is against the government wrongs --That's all I post about. [snip][snip]

Actually not. Actually you post about inciting bans on certain posters with whom you seem to disagree. And then what you do NOT post about is answering why you want to shut down any opposing voice. That is actually what you post about.

Why do you want to ban people whose opinions are different from yours?

I like the the police are protecting this place, as they should be regardless of who owns the place of business. What I find a bit strange is the police sheilds have the word POLICE in english and not thai.

It's actually very common in places where the "English" alphabet isn't used or respected. The top one is China:



Edited by wandasloan
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PCAD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

You should be banned for inciting problems on near every post--as they provoke-because they are OTT. Clearly your posts are not just normal replies.

Oh the irony. "You should be banned" on a thread about threats to the Media...............................

OH I thought I was on your ignore list, homing in backing up your mate.???

The TV and Press should allow ALL operators to voice openly opinions, if you do not like this intrusion speaks volumes about you--protecting dictatorial governing.

Try other topics for a change that are not political, clear you thinking which is totally biased. Your opinion is a valid right, but to openly shore up wron governing is UNHEALTHY---say what you like but please stop the honest posts about undemocratic governing. Pity when they were democratically elected, what a shame they wanted to be in the trough.

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That is interesting. In your view, the PDRC is an insurgency.

Any word yet on why the TJA issued a statement blaming the mobs (plural) for loss of press freedom? I may have misunderstood that you have some very inside knowledge of that, since you seemed so very confident that I did not.

Maybe I'm mistaken and you were trying to say you knew nothing about that?


I use the world "insurgency" academically, and yes, it is an insurgency by definition. But insurgencies are not necessarily violent. I use this word IAW with Merriam Webster, not "armed" insurgency.

I have no knowledge of Thai JA. Yesterday someone declared he worked there and has inside information that a Press Release of their was not timed intentionally. I offered I found that unlikely, but I don't know.

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When was the last time you saw a PCRD or PCAD press conference on these TV stations or in Khaosod for that matter. I don't recall any. Is the any substance to their accusation of bias?

Are Suthep and the PDRC asking for more air time to present their views or are they asking for exclusivity?

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When was the last time you saw a PCRD or PCAD press conference on these TV stations or in Khaosod for that matter. I don't recall any. Is the any substance to their accusation of bias?

Are Suthep and the PDRC asking for more air time to present their views or are they asking for exclusivity?

Both. They were urging both for more air time for them and for no news from the government's side.

Edited by somjitr
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I just love that this forum has the very same conditions online that exist outside. I presume most of you are not even Thai. I could avoid the news to learn of the intellectually bankrupt struggle outside and just read angry, bitter clowns threatening to ban, to silence, or to otherwise impugn those they oppose. I presume had they moderator status their opposing posts would not even be seen by me. Pity. It's in that balance I see the depravity of weak minds.

For those who offer to ban, silence, protest, or complain about other members, how about intellectually defeating those you oppose with ideas rather than moronic threats? Are you so base you can't note the irony? Are you not capable of suspending emotion long enough to have your thoughts considered on the battlefield of ideas? Do you want such goons to have power over an Internet forum? Of course not.

See folks, this is what happens when goons take power- incapable of even seeing other ideas, or feeling vaguely unfamiliar with terrain that they'd not walked before, they silence and condemn others, and the emotional, self reinforcing delusion to only know the familiar plunges everyone into darkness. I'd lastly point out there is in practice only one element to the current dispute in Thailand that consistently threatens, impugns others, acts bitterly, instigates and directly causes violence, and otherwise act as angry bitter clowns...

Does this apply to you?

Edited by arjunadawn
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PCAD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

You should be banned for inciting problems on near every post--as they provoke-because they are OTT. Clearly your posts are not just normal replies.

Oh the irony. "You should be banned" on a thread about threats to the Media...............................

OH I thought I was on your ignore list, homing in backing up your mate.???

The TV and Press should allow ALL operators to voice openly opinions, if you do not like this intrusion speaks volumes about you--protecting dictatorial governing.

Try other topics for a change that are not political, clear you thinking which is totally biased. Your opinion is a valid right, but to openly shore up wron governing is UNHEALTHY---say what you like but please stop the honest posts about undemocratic governing. Pity when they were democratically elected, what a shame they wanted to be in the trough.

I've got you on ignore but you keep on popping up on other peoples posts (not suprising really) so it's not as if I can avoid you completely - and you do hold some views which I have great issue with so I can't let those go without comment. This one for example

Try other topics for a change that are not political, clear you thinking which is totally biased. Your opinion is a valid right, but to openly shore up wron governing is UNHEALTHY

Why should I post on other topics - I'm not really that interested in a 500 baht note or Clarksons latest gaffe - I am interested in something that affects me, that's politics in Thailand, so I will post on that subject whether you regard it as UNHEALTHY or not.

Who are you to say that my thinking is totally biased? You might not understand the concept, in fact it's clear that you don't, but it is possible to have a viewpoint that differs from yours.

Your arrogance knows no bounds.

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I DO believe they should let the press do its work, no matter what. There are a couple of things to consider though:

CH7 was officially launched on 27 November 1967 after being acquired by Royal Thai Army.

CH7 is a sister channel of TV5. Its headquarters at Mo Chit, Chatuchak.

Channel 3- is a Thai state-owned public broadcaster.

Modernine TV (Thai: โมเดิร์นไนน์) is a state-owned free-to-air television network in Thailand, which is owned and operated by MCOT, a government agency.

NBTTV, Channel 11 also known as NBT is a television station in Thailand owned and operated by the National Broadcasting Services of Thailand (NBT), a division of the Thai Government.

You could hardly expect Goebbels to inform the public without taking sides. cheesy.gif

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PCAD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

Sorry I think you make a mistake in your posting

Correct on your behalf

As already ruled by the Thai courts

The PTP and Red shirts aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda of filling their bank accounts

So you vote them out. Not a tricky concept for most but a quantum intellectual leap for many on these forums. And before you repeat the chants, there are now three independent studies which have given the last election a pretty clean bill of health when it comes to so called vote buying and electoral malfeasance on the part of PT, the most recent having come out of Australia last week (google is your friend). The problem you face is that overwhelmingly it's been shown that this government was elected in an election that was the most democratic and the cleanest in Thai history.

Are large parts of the Thai infrastructure broken? Yes indeed, and it needs urgent attention from the Kangaroo Constitutional Court downwards. So who to do that? Suthep? A man tagged by the US as the most corrupt politician in the last Thai government, with all sorts of ties to organised crime and one who has decided that he is the sovereign decider of Thailand's future. Only a fool would wish to put put the future of a nation in his hands.

Thailand's reforms must emanate from the people and as much as you may hate the truth, the people are still with PT and seem willing to place their trust in them as a preference over Suthep or the Dems.


I like this. Here is someone who makes references to facts that can be verified.

This divide is not about reds versus yellow. It is about logic and reasoning versus blatant lieing, hypocrisy, bigotry and a fantastic belief in wizard of oz.

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PCAD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

You should be banned for inciting problems on near every post--as they provoke-because they are OTT. Clearly your posts are not just normal replies.

Yes , in your opinion as you stated many times, anyone who opposes you Suthep should be banned.

Yes, moonao has his opinions and possibly even a mission to present his point of view and maybe even sway people to that point of view.

The somewhat funny thing is that it's easy to flip his statements around.


PCAD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

the reverse position:

PTP/UDD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

See. Two statements. The first one one group of people will agree with and another group vehemently disagree. The second statement will just reverse the groups. Both groups are reading and reacting honestly according to their belief.

That's my opinion anyway.

PS. While I sometimes tire of the predictable nature of his posts, I also find some posts make me think. Sometimes they are entertaining.

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PCAD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

Sorry I think you make a mistake in your posting

Correct on your behalf

As already ruled by the Thai courts

The PTP and Red shirts aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda of filling their bank accounts

So you vote them out. Not a tricky concept for most but a quantum intellectual leap for many on these forums. And before you repeat the chants, there are now three independent studies which have given the last election a pretty clean bill of health when it comes to so called vote buying and electoral malfeasance on the part of PT, the most recent having come out of Australia last week (google is your friend). The problem you face is that overwhelmingly it's been shown that this government was elected in an election that was the most democratic and the cleanest in Thai history.

Are large parts of the Thai infrastructure broken? Yes indeed, and it needs urgent attention from the Kangaroo Constitutional Court downwards. So who to do that? Suthep? A man tagged by the US as the most corrupt politician in the last Thai government, with all sorts of ties to organised crime and one who has decided that he is the sovereign decider of Thailand's future. Only a fool would wish to put put the future of a nation in his hands.

Thailand's reforms must emanate from the people and as much as you may hate the truth, the people are still with PT and seem willing to place their trust in them as a preference over Suthep or the Dems.


I like this. Here is someone who makes references to facts that can be verified.

This divide is not about reds versus yellow. It is about logic and reasoning versus blatant lieing, hypocrisy, bigotry and a fantastic belief in wizard of oz.

We're not in OZ anymore Toto, We're in Kansas. We just missed out target by about a 150 years or so.

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PCAD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

You should be banned for inciting problems on near every post--as they provoke-because they are OTT. Clearly your posts are not just normal replies.

Yes , in your opinion as you stated many times, anyone who opposes you Suthep should be banned.

Yes, moonao has his opinions and possibly even a mission to present his point of view and maybe even sway people to that point of view.

The somewhat funny thing is that it's easy to flip his statements around.


PCAD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

the reverse position:

PTP/UDD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

See. Two statements. The first one one group of people will agree with and another group vehemently disagree. The second statement will just reverse the groups. Both groups are reading and reacting honestly according to their belief.

That's my opinion anyway.

PS. While I sometimes tire of the predictable nature of his posts, I also find some posts make me think. Sometimes they are entertaining.

Your opinion is noted.However Human Rights Watch - the subject of the thread - takes a different view.Members will make their own minds at to which has greater credibility.

One of the burdens of forums like this is that are always people who argue,even believe, that any position is legitimate and that one man's opinion is as valid as another's.Neither proposition is true.

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OH I thought I was on your ignore list, homing in backing up your mate.???

The TV and Press should allow ALL operators to voice openly opinions, if you do not like this intrusion speaks volumes about you--protecting dictatorial governing.

Try other topics for a change that are not political, clear you thinking which is totally biased. Your opinion is a valid right, but to openly shore up wron governing is UNHEALTHY---say what you like but please stop the honest posts about undemocratic governing. Pity when they were democratically elected, what a shame they wanted to be in the trough.

I've got you on ignore but you keep on popping up on other peoples posts (not suprising really) so it's not as if I can avoid you completely - and you do hold some views which I have great issue with so I can't let those go without comment. This one for example

Try other topics for a change that are not political, clear you thinking which is totally biased. Your opinion is a valid right, but to openly shore up wron governing is UNHEALTHY

Why should I post on other topics - I'm not really that interested in a 500 baht note or Clarksons latest gaffe - I am interested in something that affects me, that's politics in Thailand, so I will post on that subject whether you regard it as UNHEALTHY or not.

Who are you to say that my thinking is totally biased? You might not understand the concept, in fact it's clear that you don't, but it is possible to have a viewpoint that differs from yours.

Your arrogance knows no bounds.

Quote. 'That I keep popping up' sorry if that goes against your wants.

Quote "not that you can avoid me" don't answer=avoid.

I asked you why you have a name on forum--your right the same as mine, but to use TVF just for the soul purpose of denouncing and shouting anyone down that is opposing the government wrongs to me is not healthy.

Posting on other topics is the norm. this is what 90+ % do so you do not fit in with the norm ??

Your posts are a one way street, it stands out like toothache--denial denial. denying wrong is NOT healthy.

I do not need your PTP propaganda as I get it from your mentors--Chalerm Jutaporn, Thaksin, so do not preach to me about right and wrong as you seemingly are unaware of it.

I think it is wrong to have Suthep march into government establishments and to use force with his guards, to occupy airports, and to stop people voting ( IN NORMAL circumstances) I want clean governing only. I am not in denial about Suthep and his ways at times or yellow airport takeovers, so I am flexi-----you Never.

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I've simply a question: WHAT IF they really believe the organs of state are the product of a broken/corrupt electoral machine?

What if that single perception is the glue that binds so many?

Granted, there's some ppl with obviously selfish motivations, but an objective consideration requires we ask... If they believe? If there's even a 10% chance they're correct that the election machine itself is poisoned... would that not mandate they address that issue first? I mostly try to remain objective but yes, I'm partisan. I know. Being an American who's totally convinced the mechanics of my own country's election machine is grossly compromised and bought, and that the same "fruit" of those elections wholly support the Thaksin Machine, I'm naturally inclined to be suspect. I'd prefer to remain focused locally; it was just "where I'm coming from."

I personally consider the bankruptcy of election apparatus the Achilles Heel of those who espouse freedom and liberty. They are loath to accept that the t4 cells of elections are infected, there's a virus in the machine, and the very system designed to ensure their "life" is actually destroying them. Thus, ignoring even the 10% possibility they're infected is a suicide pact- in the name of democracy.

I personally feel the age of representative government is ended as those who have through history despised such concepts have learned to ape it's machinations, like a stalking horse, but deliver something utterly repugnant in its name. In its place is a hybrid mob rule.

When one protests this, they are now anti democratic.

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I use the world "insurgency" academically, and yes, it is an insurgency by definition. But insurgencies are not necessarily violent. I use this word IAW with Merriam Webster, not "armed" insurgency.

Check "humility". Good grief. I've always thought that bringing a dictionary to an argument is pretty much like mentioning how it was with the Nazis. You're kind of disqualified from that point. You really need a dictionary?

But, well, no complaint, but why ditch the OED so beloved in these parts?

I have no knowledge of Thai JA. Yesterday someone declared he worked there and has inside information that a Press Release of their was not timed intentionally. I offered I found that unlikely, but I don't know.

Well that's a change, and maybe you did check "humility" in that book. Now check "weasely". That's not what you said "yesterday", as you well know. "Yesterday" you most certainly did (claim to) know all about the TJA and me, both. But I'll take the above in the spirit I think you're offering it.


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I DO believe they should let the press do its work, no matter what. There are a couple of things to consider though:

CH7 was officially launched on 27 November 1967 after being acquired by Royal Thai Army.

CH7 is a sister channel of TV5. Its headquarters at Mo Chit, Chatuchak.

Channel 3- is a Thai state-owned public broadcaster.

Modernine TV (Thai: โมเดิร์นไนน์) is a state-owned free-to-air television network in Thailand, which is owned and operated by MCOT, a government agency.

NBTTV, Channel 11 also known as NBT is a television station in Thailand owned and operated by the National Broadcasting Services of Thailand (NBT), a division of the Thai Government.

You could hardly expect Goebbels to inform the public without taking sides.

Channels 7, 3 and 9 (your ordering) actually operate independently, under leases from the actual owners - the army, the government and a government corporation in your ordering.

Channel 5 is operated *by* the army (not the military; the army) and Channel 11 belongs to whatever government is in power. There are at least two dozen other TV broadcasters with significant but much smaller audiences, most of which also have government or military licences but are equally independent to all stations except Channels 5 and 11. You missed ThaiPBS for example, which is quite influential right now..

"Independent" for broadcasters in Thailand is "independent" as in almost all countries except America, the Philippines and (in most cases, not all) Britain. Which is to say the government "keeps an eye" on what is going on at these very influential outlets, and in Thailand, the army also "keeps an eye" on Channel 7. But the government/military does not directly run any stations except the two, and is not (currently) ham-fisted about controlling output, which is EXTREMELY diverse across the broadcast bands.

Even today, the only censorship is self-censorship. I happen to consider that much worse than straight censorship, but my point is there are no censors to watch over the broadcasts of any TV stations, which actually have, even in this crisis (or especially in this crisis) much more freedom to broadcast than much of the world.


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I use the world "insurgency" academically, and yes, it is an insurgency by definition. But insurgencies are not necessarily violent. I use this word IAW with Merriam Webster, not "armed" insurgency.

Check "humility". Good grief. I've always thought that bringing a dictionary to an argument is pretty much like mentioning how it was with the Nazis. You're kind of disqualified from that point. You really need a dictionary?

But, well, no complaint, but why ditch the OED so beloved in these parts?

I have no knowledge of Thai JA. Yesterday someone declared he worked there and has inside information that a Press Release of their was not timed intentionally. I offered I found that unlikely, but I don't know.

Well that's a change, and maybe you did check "humility" in that book. Now check "weasely". That's not what you said "yesterday", as you well know. "Yesterday" you most certainly did (claim to) know all about the TJA and me, both. But I'll take the above in the spirit I think you're offering it.


I love angry people. They look so... Foolish! If you think I am intellectually beneath you, then by all means, respond and give me your credibility.

There are multiple terms for "insurgency," and I wanted to be clear I didn't suggest the common use; I did not want to insult anyone. I thought it was proper, but pointless if silly. Why comment on it?

"Disqualified?" You've a litmus test one must pass to accommodate their point of view as valid, whether scrawled on toilet paper or written in ink? How absurd; okay, your world. But your realize anyone can read this, right? You know this was not PM? Your mental faculty window is open.

TJA? I'm afraid this is an example where you've got me mixed up with someone else that I was in a conversation with yesterday about a provocative journalist; was that you? Couldn't be, because that would make the words you ascribe to me your own!

Someone yesterday asked some asinine question in response to a post I made, asking if I was "there" at a "meeting," I presumed he meant what you refer to as TJA. He was frothing at the mouth also and I said to him "no," and he responded by shouting "exactly,"a few times. No, I wasn't there, but he "was." I thought that the timing of their press release was suspect, yes, but again, as the writer accurately guessed, I was not and never remotely inferred I was present. Of course he reasonably assumed I was not there because as he said, he was, so no real genius In that assertion.

With regards to humility- it's not that hard. I am wrong often and as I age more often than I prefer, but I try to never have an opinion I can't support with facts, nor will I ever fear admitting I am wrong, or a dumbass, even to stranger online. What makes a man is not contained in other's perceptions.

Now, about your anger issues; you know in the Land of Smiles you might find help for that... or the memory rage. Please do try to stick to the thread. You can spew venom on PM, I won't mind.

Edited by arjunadawn
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I use the world "insurgency" academically, and yes, it is an insurgency by definition. But insurgencies are not necessarily violent. I use this word IAW with Merriam Webster, not "armed" insurgency.

Check "humility". Good grief. I've always thought that bringing a dictionary to an argument is pretty much like mentioning how it was with the Nazis. You're kind of disqualified from that point. You really need a dictionary?

But, well, no complaint, but why ditch the OED so beloved in these parts?

I have no knowledge of Thai JA. Yesterday someone declared he worked there and has inside information that a Press Release of their was not timed intentionally. I offered I found that unlikely, but I don't know.

Well that's a change, and maybe you did check "humility" in that book. Now check "weasely". That's not what you said "yesterday", as you well know. "Yesterday" you most certainly did (claim to) know all about the TJA and me, both. But I'll take the above in the spirit I think you're offering it.


I get it ! You are Fab4's sister ! clap2.gif

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PCAD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

You should be banned for inciting problems on near every post--as they provoke-because they are OTT. Clearly your posts are not just normal replies.

Looks like Suthep is rubbing off on you. Dont like what someone is saying so ban him. Soon you will be asking for a new moderator wai.gif

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