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Danish woman robbed in Chiang Mai by European-looking man


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Good to know he was not Australian, American or Russian!

Your reply is not sensible, being named European looking does not mean he is from Europe, those that are European looking are Westerners, and Westerners live in many different countries in particular Australia, America, Canada, New Zealand, Russia, Israel, and many, many more.

Europeans / Westerners are classically the "Caucasian Race" and the Caucasian race lives entirely across the globe.

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European looking man, mmm, that narrows it down a bit !!



When I finally retired here, I was a little surprised at all the 'Foreign Looking' Thais... On more than one occasion, I thought to intorduce myself, only to hear and see the family relationships and realize the person was Thai.

Plenty of historical evidence of intermixing with foreigners over the last 600 years - Examples - Portuguese Mercenaries from the Siamese-Burmese wars retired in ChiangMai Ayuttaya had Japanese, Portuguese, Dutch and English 'quarters'...

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Seriously though, don't you think the Danish deserve to be robbed? I mean, after all the damage they did to the pastry industry during WW II. Why, because of the Danish I can never look at croissant the same way. Of course... I never liked the filthy French either.

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Still not addressing the critical issue of whether the Danish woman was European looking?

What would the report have been for a Sudanese or Somali or Ethiopean etc refugee with a Danish passport......I think they would have skipped as too hard

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This bloke looks European? smile.png


He is of European ancestry and that's certainly what was meant by the use of the terms "European" and/or "Farang" in the news report.

Geez, relax, I wasn't being serious .... you think I'd use a pic of a 'hollywood Aussie' to make a serious point ? (and it might interest you to know that I was born in Oz, though I don't wrestle crocs).

Don't be afraid, I've noticed (among other things) the smiley at the end of your comment. Actually, I was also replying in mine to the other TV member that you quoted in your own post.

But I am very disappointed to learn that you've never wrestled a croc so far, my Aussie friend! wink.png

Unfortunately, my parents dragged me off to Canada in my teens so I only learned to wrestle beavers... rolleyes.gif

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My email notification: "Danish woman robbed by Farang man in Chiang Mai"

Why not "Farang woman robbed by European-looking man" ... or "Farang woman robbed by Farang man"?

There are millions of "European-looking" men in Australia, the United States of America and England.

Question: Who is writing these headlines?!

Answer: Someone who needs education.

Last time i checked, England was in Europe!

Is England in Europe? I guess it is separated by the English channel from Europe

So do you think Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily are not in Europe?

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I don't think the Euro-trash European gentleman would have made it out the door. This smells fishy.

I think it "smells" of a 20 y.o. very frightened girl in a foreign country and totally out of her element. Try remembering that not everyone is or thinks like you.

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My email notification: "Danish woman robbed by Farang man in Chiang Mai"

Why not "Farang woman robbed by European-looking man" ... or "Farang woman robbed by Farang man"?

There are millions of "European-looking" men in Australia, the United States of America and England.

Question: Who is writing these headlines?!

Answer: Someone who needs education.

Technicall, you are a grumpy sort. Of the worst ones needs to be said.

Annoying parasite.

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ravip, on 19 May 2014 - 18:12, said:

Just for my knowledge...

What does people from countries such as Russia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Moldova, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo, and Macedonia look like?

And people from the USA?


Many USAsians look a bit more corpulent than people from the rest of the countries you mentioned. tongue.png

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too many drugged out foreign women in chiang mai.

If you're new to Thailand and another foreigner stands in front of you beggin' for a bit of cash... wouldn't you be obliged to help?

Where do you go to find those 'drugged out' foreign women? This was at a food court... not one of the night bars with the sweet smell of hashish...

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Being European, maybe she was the one who indicated he was European - she would probably know. But really,

does that specific discrepancy really justify a blog on the topic? I'm sorry she was so compassionate and naive whilst trying to help someone. Good luck to her.

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My email notification: "Danish woman robbed by Farang man in Chiang Mai"

Why not "Farang woman robbed by European-looking man" ... or "Farang woman robbed by Farang man"?

There are millions of "European-looking" men in Australia, the United States of America and England.

Question: Who is writing these headlines?!

Answer: Someone who needs education.

People who lack education often comment on articles like this, this way! Perhaps it's time you went back to school for some detention, mate.

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European looking man, mmm, that narrows it down a bit !!


She agreed to help him out with some cash as he requested. He followed her to the cash machine. He took her 10K by force. How much was she planning to donate to his cause??? Why the 10K withdrawal? Did she have other intentions with this man and got spurned.

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My email notification: "Danish woman robbed by Farang man in Chiang Mai"

Why not "Farang woman robbed by European-looking man" ... or "Farang woman robbed by Farang man"?

There are millions of "European-looking" men in Australia, the United States of America and England.

Question: Who is writing these headlines?!

Answer: Someone who needs education.

What are you on about? The first impression I got from both the headline and e-mail notification was that a white woman got robbed by a white guy. Which is what happened. Made perfect sense to me. Being a little anal-retentive, are we?

I got from the story a woman spurned after offering help for reasons of her own and making up a robbery story when the guy wanted no part of her intentions and left her standing there sans 10K

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Good to know he was not Australian, American or Russian!

When did Russia move away from Europe? must have had a big digger and some powerful tugs to separate the European continent - these tectonic plates are hard to budge

It happened the same time when Ulan Ude, Vladivostok and Kamchatka joint Europe.

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My email notification: "Danish woman robbed by Farang man in Chiang Mai"

Why not "Farang woman robbed by European-looking man" ... or "Farang woman robbed by Farang man"?

There are millions of "European-looking" men in Australia, the United States of America and England.

Question: Who is writing these headlines?!

Answer: Someone who needs education.

What are you on about? The first impression I got from both the headline and e-mail notification was that a white woman got robbed by a white guy. Which is what happened. Made perfect sense to me. Being a little anal-retentive, are we?

I got from the story a woman spurned after offering help for reasons of her own and making up a robbery story when the guy wanted no part of her intentions and left her standing there sans 10K

No, your totally wrong. Learn to read English before you comment. She and He were both idiots.

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"Farang" is a Thai word that has no place in an English news headline. It looks amateur. Can Thai Visa just use "foreign/foreigner", or perhaps "Caucasian" if referring to a person of fair or light complexion? "European-looking man" is also very imprecise, excluding "white" Americans, Canadians, Australians etc. as well as olive-skinned southern European and Mediterranean nationalities.

Who are you and what qualifies YOU, to dictate what should or should not be used, in a Thai Visa headline?

The headline was written for Ferang subscribers to Thai Visa. The term covers the MAJORITY of us.

Edited by Torrens54
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And which part might that be??

Good to know he was not Australian, American or Russian!

Some of Russia is in Europe

Go look at a map

Okay, wise guy...

you must refer to Western Russia.... the article talks about European vs Farang...

There is no part of Russia that is European my friend.

Read the article again!

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