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Thai women..the Thai way..?


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Having read the entire thread just reinforces my opinion that most Western women will sabotage any relationship they establish, and enjoy the destruction of the relationship more than they ever did the relationship itself. Your right. Stick with the sexy pictures and the vibrator. It doesn't take effort and compromise to maintain a vibrator, just a AA battery or two. And your vibrator will never cheat on you (unless your roommate gets a hold if it while your away). Best of luck with any future romantic relationships which statistically will leave you with a court settlement, custody of offspring, and an embittered world-view.

Now I remember why I married an Asian woman.

The OP made this story up to shame men, expat men, like you and I.

she thought nothing about expat men who have experienced the same, so why should we think about her 'feelings' ?

oh hell..forget it..not gonna bother with a reply...its all just too silly...words fail!

Edited by LaraC
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If you didn't understand her 100% why didn't you just ask her for clarification or brush up on your Thai?

If you're going to post this nonsense as a thinly veiled attack on males (expats) and their adulterous behaviour at least make sure you understood her first.

(sounded so unbelievable to me).

Exactly. smile.png

The thing is, if i wanted to "troll"..do you think i would be dumb enough to put disabled etc? I would actually make it MORE believable.

The fact that he is doing this to her despite being disabled would be bad enough..but then my mind boggled at him being even less of a catch as such (not helping her out and his age and disability on top). As mean as that sounds..its true. Its not like he is taking care of her and so she feels trapped etc. She is staying with him out of some sense of i dunno..worry/loyalty..love?

Pff. ..many of you guys have lived here of years, im sure you have heard much worse. To call this unbelievable is what is unbelievable.

Anyway, im not going to defend myself any further..i was looking for feedback, not dumb accusations.

Edit: the reason i found out he is disabled is because i asked why she showers him everyday. I thought that was a bit extreme on the "caring" front in a normal relationship. I can understand showering together..but she said she would shower/bath him. I at first thought she was just overly motherly to an able bodied guy. So made more sense when she said he is disabled so has trouble doing this himself.

That's why I like to drink my beer without ice.-facepalm.gif

Edited by sirchai
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I'd knock the cheating bastard out of his wheelchair and watch, with glee, as he flails around like a dying fly. Then chop his bits off.

Not really, but you get the gist.

It's not nice to be cheated on, but it is better to talk to your partner and try and work it out than moaning at a friend. I had a friend who was cheated on and i can tell you i almost fell asleep with her moaning and wailing. I tried to give advice and hugs and drinks, but it was up to them to talk to each other not bore the crap out of everyone around them with their problems.

We all have our own problems, we don't need to take on other peoples. But i do, because that is the sort of person i am. But occasionally i need to take a step back, and let the person do it for themselves otherwise they never will.

Edited by Patsycat
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She wasnt crying. She was speaking fast and frantic. But its almost like normal woman talk when upset with their partners in lesser ways..like if you were to talk about how irritated/frustrated you are that your partner isnt pulling his weight by ..i dunno..mowing the lawn or something! If this discussion (what he is doing) was in many places elsewhere i the world the reaction would be more horrified..but my thai friend was just like ..tsk ok, yes.. like its the norm more than not. Pretty sad imo.

A Thai woman point of view;

It is normal personality to many Thai women to speak fast and frantic while having a conversation, especially when women get together they all talk fast and no one listens to what others talking, it is. This kind of frantic talk applied to either serious conversation or just a chit chat. I am somewhat like that which reminded me when I attended to an all girl high school class reunion at a BKK hotel. After 30 years of having not seen many classmates, we were talking with excitement and no one listened. It was loud and sound like a flock of sparrows meeting in the evening in a bush.

This kind of personality or behavior applied to the mentioned lady whom you met talking to your lady friend that she is excited when telling what she has kept inside, she was excited to share with someone whom she found a listener was your lady friend. The woman cares for her b/f and for having lived together for so long that she is kind of having to to get used to her b/f fooling around with other women despite of her disapproval. She has this sympathy for her b/f condition.

From what you described her, she is a compassionate person.

Edited by BrooklynNY
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Congratulations on your long relation , that is very rare with a Thai woman . You are obviously rich.

Thai women are very simple third world females if you choose to put such women on a pedastal , good luck. They will just make a carpet around the pedastal called YOU

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yeah.....perhaps you forgot that there are two sides to every story....

and I am quite certain that there are no professional, well connected, Thai ladies who lie....right?

Wipe the mud from your eyes or everything you see will look like shit.

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How can you look at yourself in the mirror after being so judgmental and frankly quite insulting to all the men here

Yep shes bitter towards all men who like or live in Thailand. Pretty obvious aint it. Sad.

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Im not surprised that as a woman with a viewpoint in a male dominated forum (of which many enjoy being in a country where women can be mistreated more easily), that i get accused regularly of somehow hating men in Thailand. Its an easy insult to throw at me. ..but of course i find it ridiculous.

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Im not surprised that as a woman with a viewpoint in a male dominated forum (of which many enjoy being in a country where women can be mistreated more easily), that i get accused regularly of somehow hating men in Thailand. Its an easy insult to throw at me. ..but of course i find it ridiculous.


But what is ridiculous is that you think foreign men mistreat Thai women more than Thai women mistreat foreign men.

From what I can see foreign men are mainly victims in Thailand, just like they were when they were living in the west.

Not seen any hate for men in your posts, have seen a lack of understanding on foreign male/Thai lady relationship dynamics.

Can't blame you for that, if you haven't had a live in sexual relationship with a Thai lady, you won't be able to imagine the insanity (and violence) foreign men often encounter.

Please note my observation does not include Thai/Thai relationships.

Most foreigners (male and female) are unprepared for what happens behind the Asian smiles.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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How can you look at yourself in the mirror after being so judgmental and frankly quite insulting to all the men here

Speak for yourself, mate. I'm not insulted ... although you seem to be easily insulted. I think it's a fair question ... although the OP may be somewhat naive if she (I'm assuming it's a she) expects civil relies on this forum. I'd bet that the men here who doth protest so much are the type the OP is referring to.

Edited by HerbalEd
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If you didn't understand her 100% why didn't you just ask her for clarification or brush up on your Thai?

If you're going to post this nonsense as a thinly veiled attack on males (expats) and their adulterous behaviour at least make sure you understood her first.

Try reading her post again ... this time without so much attitude. She specifically states that she asked her friend for "clarification."

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To the OP ... and this is a non-loaded, serious question: What do you think about this: A man has a healthy, fun, loving and mutually-fulfilling relationship with his g/f or wife ... he treats her with much respect and cares for and supports her emotionally, as well as financially ... and he's committed to being with her for life. However, he occasionally and very discretely has a sexual (non romantic, safe-sex) liaison with other women (but not an on-going relationship). And his rationale is that this kind of freedom actually makes his relationship with his g/f or wife healthier ... as long as she or her friends never know.

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There's more to that story than your Thai lady is telling you! Get the book "Money Number One" by Aloysius Barthalomew Thistlewaite; a must read for ALL "retired" foreigners in The Land of Smiles. Read it! Afterwards, you'll understand,...GUARANTEED whistling.gif

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To the OP ... and this is a non-loaded, serious question: What do you think about this: A man has a healthy, fun, loving and mutually-fulfilling relationship with his g/f or wife ... he treats her with much respect and cares for and supports her emotionally, as well as financially ... and he's committed to being with her for life. However, he occasionally and very discretely has a sexual (non romantic, safe-sex) liaison with other women (but not an on-going relationship). And his rationale is that this kind of freedom actually makes his relationship with his g/f or wife healthier ... as long as she or her friends never know.

Not the OP but would add that it seems many Thai men do what you describe above.

I am sure other nationalities too but I notice it here so cannot say it is 100% discreet

For myself I would ask you Ed if your in a great relationship like the one you

described & instead it is your wife who does such a thing

what would you think of it?

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To the OP ... and this is a non-loaded, serious question: What do you think about this: A man has a healthy, fun, loving and mutually-fulfilling relationship with his g/f or wife ... he treats her with much respect and cares for and supports her emotionally, as well as financially ... and he's committed to being with her for life. However, he occasionally and very discretely has a sexual (non romantic, safe-sex) liaison with other women (but not an on-going relationship). And his rationale is that this kind of freedom actually makes his relationship with his g/f or wife healthier ... as long as she or her friends never know.

Not the OP but would add that it seems many Thai men do what you describe above.

I am sure other nationalities too but I notice it here so cannot say it is 100% discreet

For myself I would ask you Ed if your in a great relationship like the one you

described & instead it is your wife who does such a thing

what would you think of it?

If it were the "exact" same situation then I would not care because I would not know.

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If it were the "exact" same situation then I would not care because I would not know.

Sadly according to the OP that is not always something

one can control.

Could be the lady you had a liaison with told a friend

who told a friend who told a friend etc. Like in the OP's case

Could be your liaison is not wanting to have a 100%

bedroom only relationship & you go out 1 time for dinner

& someone saw you etc.

But that aside I am nobody's keeper & everyone shall live

how they see fit. For myself such acts are not a possibility.

I am not dead & it is not like I do not see women in life & think


But I would never act on it. But that is just me & how I choose

to live life. I am not suggesting it is THE way. But it is my way of

respecting the one I love.

Edited by mania
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This is one incident or one woman and one guy (who may or may not be real) ... it's hardly indicative or anything

Yes, some guys aren't very nice but the girl sticks around. I don't think this is unique to Thailand though


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Hello Phallocrat here

Men who have taken the red pill can smell feminist shaming and victimhood a mile off.

These are female idealogical bigots who hate ALL men especially white knights on their side.

Feminists are becoming crazier and crazier each year, you may not have felt the effects of their hate but your sons will.

Many men and women are now pushing their ridiculous idealogy back into the dustbin

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Hello Phallocrat here

Men who have taken the red pill can smell feminist shaming and victimhood a mile off.

These are female idealogical bigots who hate ALL men especially white knights on their side.

Feminists are becoming crazier and crazier each year, you may not have felt the effects of their hate but your sons will.

Many men and women are now pushing their ridiculous idealogy back into the dustbin

Im unsure if this is directed at me (although must be??), because i cant see the relevance to the topic.

If it is towards me, then you are saying i am a female ideological bigot because i think her situation is appalling? Really!!

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Hello Phallocrat here

Men who have taken the red pill can smell feminist shaming and victimhood a mile off.

These are female idealogical bigots who hate ALL men especially white knights on their side.

Feminists are becoming crazier and crazier each year, you may not have felt the effects of their hate but your sons will.

Many men and women are now pushing their ridiculous idealogy back into the dustbin

Im unsure if this is directed at me (although must be??), because i cant see the relevance to the topic.

If it is towards me, then you are saying i am a female ideological bigot because i think her situation is appalling? Really!!

Given you are a woman, plus your topic, and posting it on tv.com, it's to be expected you'd get this kind of response. Not that you should ... you shouldn't ... but to be expected, none the less.

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last night her posts were abusive and were removed, tonight she is lookimg for sympathy from white kmights, acting the "opressed feminist".

She may fool you but not me.

Listen, men and boys are facing a terrible second class life given 40 years of feminist idealogy and governmemts using the 70-75% male taxes to assault men and boys, favouring women.

It is gettimg worse men and women must start to stand up against these extremist hateful women. yes it takes a red pill to see the reality of it all and persomal experience, but one day you all will.

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last night her posts were abusive and were removed, tonight she is lookimg for sympathy from white kmights, acting the "opressed feminist".

She may fool you but not me.

Listen, men and boys are facing a terrible second class life given 40 years of feminist idealogy and governmemts using the 70-75% male taxes to assault men and boys, favouring women.

It is gettimg worse men and women must start to stand up against these extremist hateful women. yes it takes a red pill to see the reality of it all and persomal experience, but one day you all will.

But we aren't as smart and enlightened as you. Thanks so much for opening my eyes. (sarcasm intended).

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If you didn't understand her 100% why didn't you just ask her for clarification or brush up on your Thai?

If you're going to post this nonsense as a thinly veiled attack on males (expats) and their adulterous behaviour at least make sure you understood her first.

(sounded so unbelievable to me).

Exactly. smile.png

The thing is, if i wanted to "troll"..do you think i would be dumb enough to put disabled etc? I would actually make it MORE believable.

The fact that he is doing this to her despite being disabled would be bad enough..but then my mind boggled at him being even less of a catch as such (not helping her out and his age and disability on top). As mean as that sounds..its true. Its not like he is taking care of her and so she feels trapped etc. She is staying with him out of some sense of i dunno..worry/loyalty..love?

Pff. ..many of you guys have lived here of years, im sure you have heard much worse. To call this unbelievable is what is unbelievable.

Anyway, im not going to defend myself any further..i was looking for feedback, not dumb accusations.

Edit: the reason i found out he is disabled is because i asked why she showers him everyday. I thought that was a bit extreme on the "caring" front in a normal relationship. I can understand showering together..but she said she would shower/bath him. I at first thought she was just overly motherly to an able bodied guy. So made more sense when she said he is disabled so has trouble doing this himself.

My guess he either has a massive penis or foot long tongue.

Or she does. This IS Thailand after all.

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last night her posts were abusive and were removed, tonight she is lookimg for sympathy from white kmights, acting the "opressed feminist".

She may fool you but not me.

Listen, men and boys are facing a terrible second class life given 40 years of feminist idealogy and governmemts using the 70-75% male taxes to assault men and boys, favouring women.

It is gettimg worse men and women must start to stand up against these extremist hateful women. yes it takes a red pill to see the reality of it all and persomal experience, but one day you all will.

Where am i looking from sympathy? (and white knights..?? Are you living in a fairytale?)

Acting "opressed feminist"? o.O??

70-75% male taxes?? What country??? Taxes on being male??

Red pill? Ahh...now it all make sense. DRUGS! lol.

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As is the way of Thaivisa..now totally off topic.
..but better to lay into me than talk about an uncomfortable subject.
No water off my back, duckies, carry on.

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