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13 percent of Thai women between 15 to 49 tolerate domestic violence


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I don't care what the reason is it is disgusting. I am of course reasoning that this is a multiple time thing not just a one time thing which is wrong also.

I wonder how many husbands are physically abused by their wife's. It does happen but no where near as much as the wife abuse.

I accept the customs of the country and do not try to change them but if I catch a husband doing it I will defiantly change his custom.

With "Physical Abuse" from a wife to husband, I would agree with you in that it is not too many. I think Nature has more to do with that then statistics. Men are build more physically stronger than women. So you won't see a Monkey standing up to a Male Lion very often either. But now lets consider another form of "Abuse" which I think is more common, especially among women. "Mental Abuse'!

True that "Mental Abuse" is usually also part of the "Physical Abuse" a man dishes out to his wife. But baring the percentage of men who do physically abuse their wives how many men just Mentally Abuse them? Would it be low? Now look at the women! It is difficult to keep accurate statistics as Mental Abuse is not against the law. Just grounds for Divorce, if you can prove that.

In this category I would say women outnumber the Men 10 to 1 on Mental Abuse. Unlike Physical Abuse, which is obvious, many men do not even know or realise they are being abused. I found out by reading a local newspaper on this subject and was shocked to discover that I was being Mentally Abused by my now X-Wife for many years.

Not sure why it is this way? Perhaps for the same reasons men prefer to blow their brains out when they commit suicide and women prefer poison? Or why Dogs chase cars they have no intention of driving? But what I am sure of is that this is true.

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May be that's why so many foreigners come to Thailand to find a wife - because Thai women didn't forget woman's role. the right for a physical violence in the family belongs to a man same as the right for psychological violence (manipulation by a sense of guilt and others) belongs to a woman. these two rights balance each other in a healthy society not contaminated by left-feminist propaganda.

feminist women loose on free sex market - western men choose not emancipated Thai women.

The "Right to Physical Violence" doesn't belong in any family! Man, Women, or Child! Finish!!!

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When will Solange and Jay Z weigh in on this? While I sympathize with anyone going through any type of physical and mental abuse, I suspect the abuse by the female on her male counterpart, is more prevalent than reported. If it's only the word of a man and a woman in regards to an altercation, then I suspect the smaller, weaker more "vulnerable looking" woman would win a finger pointing contest as to who the abuser is. Plus, how many men want to come forward and tell the world they were just beaten up by their wife/girlfriend or....SHE CALLS ME BAD NAMES AND VERBALLY ABUSES ME! I've seen women who would put truck drivers and drunken sailors to shame!

That said.....my sincere sympathy for this who have and continued to be truly abused....women AND men!

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