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New Google Earth Version 4.0


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New version GOOGLE EARTH 4.0 look here:


There is a new FREE trial version Google Earth 4.0 (instead 3.0).

Have a look and download the new version 4.0 (I did already) from the link above.

Good luck!

PS: sorry if this new version was mentioned earlier already; I couldn't find it....


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There is a new FREE trial version Google Earth 4.0 (instead 3.0).

Have a look and download the new version 4.0 (I did already) from the link above.

Good luck!

PS: sorry if this new version was mentioned earlier already; I couldn't find it....


Thank you, just a couple of questions:-

When I upgraded to 3.0 my cache was wiped out, I have now backed it up. Does the installation of 4.0 use my existing cache?

Look at a site near Mexico City 19deg 34'14.50N. 99deg 00'09.24W -- a 3.2km spiral, what is it?

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When I upgraded to 3.0 my cache was wiped out, I have now backed it up. Does the installation of 4.0 use my existing cache?

Version 4 offers incredible resolution so surely you won't be able to reuse your cache. Google 3 had a typical resolution of 1 pixel for a 15 meter area. Version 4 offers a very fine precision of 10-70 CENTIMETER area per pixel! I am thinking you might be able to make out the shapes of people with that. However, the new version 4 is still in beta and one of the things left to do is getting the good resolution mapped for Asia.

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