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Thai girl needs bus ticket home scam


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Has anyone seen this girl? I was walking along Sukhumvit near Soi 22 when I was approached by a small Thai lady, mid 30's. She asked if I could speak Thai because her English is poor. She then told me she works at Tesco in On Nut and just finished work. She had no money to buy a bus ticket home, which is in Don Muang, and asked me if she could borrow some money so she can get home. Thai people won't help her, she said.

I though nothing of it, and pulled out two 20 baht notes. She thanked me deeply and said I can come to Tesco tomorrow and she will pay me back. I walked away. By the time I reached home, I realized I had just been scammed twice by the same girl. She approached me 6 years ago at Ploenchit with the same story! huh.png

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This can happen every where , also on Siam reap when I was walking around same area children wants money!

I go in the next backery,

And bought ice cream and cakes back

Next day same again to same poor people , and I eared a smile that comes from hearth!

I never give money, only food I think it's better!

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I am more often approached by Brits who claim to have been mugged (while they were pissed at Soi Cowboy, as if this will gain sympathy) who need 500 baht for a phone card to ring up their mum to send them money. I have had this con attempted more than ones by Thai people.

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Greeting! Yes, I was scammed by her several months ago in the Asoke MRT Station. Initially, I thought she was Japanese because of her timidness and soft spoken diminor!

That's the one! She does a good act. It would be fun to get all the guys together that she scammed and go down to Tesco and say we came to get our money. The first time she scammed me 6 yrs ago, I did get her number and actually called her. Don't remember why I never followed up on that sweet thing.

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Terrible news that scamming has spread to Bangkok

I was in uk last year, and a street urchen asked if i had 5 gbp, not 40 baht, i said what for???

The guy said for food, so i offered to go to a chip shop and buy him pie and chips, he told me to fxxx off. Obviously he wanted drugs/booze.

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had a short chubby thai lady ask me for bus money twice on Sathorn road near the gas station at soi convent. I listened to her story the first time and may have given her 20 baht, but the second time I just brushed her aside softly

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had a short chubby thai lady ask me for bus money twice on Sathorn road near the gas station at soi convent. I listened to her story the first time and may have given her 20 baht, but the second time I just brushed her aside softly

I had a woman try the same story near Empire Tower at Sathorn. I politely told her to go ask some Thai people to help her. It's not even that good a scam- she had clearly made a bee line for me, ignoring others. But I guess it must work enough for it to be worth pulling on a regular basis.

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Somewhat similar is the guy who's in a phone box somewhere between Sukhumvit soi 23 and maybe 29. He's was glancing up and down the street, looking for someone walking by when he can say in a rush he needs some coins to finish a call. Got taken by him 6-7 years ago. Just saw him late last month at the same spot. It was the same guy.

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Somewhat similar is the guy who's in a phone box somewhere between Sukhumvit soi 23 and maybe 29. He's was glancing up and down the street, looking for someone walking by when he can say in a rush he needs some coins to finish a call. Got taken by him 6-7 years ago. Just saw him late last month at the same spot. It was the same guy.

Im glad to read this. Twice in the past month, I've been hit up by the phone booth guy. Is it the same guy? Long white hair, white mustache, glasses, speaks english fairly well. He's been in a phone booth under the BTS Thong Lo, near sukhumvit 36. I walk by and he leans out (with the phone in his hands for effect) and says something like "hey man, hey, can you help me..." The first time I responded but didn't give any money. The second time i just chuckled and walked on.

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This is such a small amount it wouldn't bother me, but it's even more cheeky than it appears.

It only works because most foreigners don't know that around 50% of the non aircon red buses, and a lot of the blue buses as well (the most abundant buses on all routes) are completely free (they have a blue sign with white letters on the front window).

So you don't need any money for most journeys: just wait a little and a free bus will almost always come along.

  • "About half of the red buses are free
  • Tickets bought on board, change is given
  • All kinds of buses operate all routes"


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Greeting! Yes, I was scammed by her several months ago in the Asoke MRT Station. Initially, I thought she was Japanese because of her timidness and soft spoken diminor!

That's the one! She does a good act. It would be fun to get all the guys together that she scammed and go down to Tesco and say we came to get our money. The first time she scammed me 6 yrs ago, I did get her number and actually called her. Don't remember why I never followed up on that sweet thing.

Sorry but if you believe that she actually does work at Tesco then i'm not surprised you were "scammed" of all of 40 Baht

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Must have picked scam up in NZ where it's been quite common for 30 years...nowadays, I sometimes get 20 people hassling me in two short blocks...they get annoyed/aggressive sometimes if you ignore them...some sleep in blankets in the main street and spread their clothes out to dry...police are always trying to move them on. There are lots of benefits paid out to all NZ citizens who don't work, so cannot understand it. However, there are many European-accented shaking their cups/caps right under yr nose these days so, if tourists, they've picked up same ways, just like getting all meals free from churches and city mission - talk of grand new building too.

NEVER once been bothered by the very few beggars I see in Bangkok who just let one pass...my son said to give them water or food so, if gang related, it's not money the nasty bosses get.

As it's been going on for decades here, is it a growing worldwide trend...and those of you who live mainly in Thailand don't see how rampant it is elsewhere?

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In Canada as in NZ. My big city is crawling with beggars, always sitting outside liquor stores or coffee shops, with a hand out. They get similar public purse benefits. I've seen them enter convenience stores with a fistful of dollar coins to change into bills. So they must be doing a great business.

Most are not aggressive but you can't sit on a street bench anywhere without someone hitting on you for change or cigs. I don't get that at all in Bangkok or anywhere in Thailand or Cambodia or Vietnam.

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Stuff like this goes on where I live in UK. Beggars on all the main street corners in town. I had a really pretty girl, well dressed as well asking for a couple of pounds to make up her train fare home as she had her purse stolen. Couple of hours later she came into the same pub as me and started drinking all her ill gotten gains.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am more often approached by Brits who claim to have been mugged (while they were pissed at Soi Cowboy, as if this will gain sympathy) who need 500 baht for a phone card to ring up their mum to send them money. I have had this con attempted more than ones by Thai people.

haha. I am from the USA and on my second trip to Thailand back in 2004 a guy from the Boston area as it turned out gave me his sob story about lost and stolen money, Hotel letting him stay, but he needs some cash until the end of the week when he gets money wired from the USA. Being a boy scout I "loaned" him 2000 baht to eat and get him through the next 4 days when he promised to pay me back. OK. Four days pass and sure enough my hotel phone rings and it is him in the lobby. I said great, "you got the money"? He says no, he just wanted to stay in touch. I asked when was he going to get the money and he got evasive. I told him to come back when he had the money. Of course he never did. So, I tried to be a nice guy. As for the Thais, I don't encourage it and I don't like it, but on the off chance their problems are real and they had to get the courage to ask strangers for money, I can spare a 20 baht note now and then. If it is all a scam, most of which are, well, so be it.

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