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Get off your high horse, America, we do not need a ride: Thai opinion


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I suppose that if I am honest one result of this last coup, even compared to the previous one, is that I have really started to have doubts about some of the middle or upper-class Thai people I know. Their values really are different from mine, and this article encapsulates some of the attitudes that I really do not like. My job involves writing things that without self-censorship could get one into trouble in Thailand, so I will be limiting my future visits to shorter, less work-related stays.

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The writer had a chance to make a point here. unfortunately the article is a smattering of negativity from Google searches with no coherent connection.

Yes Thailand you have made a mess of your politics, just admit it and try to fix it. Deflection to America will not make any difference.

Just because America has it's own problems doesn't mean they and the rest of the world can't see yours.

Why are you here in Thailand? Something must be right here.

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I think a lot of people posting on here need to read or download the Audio Book

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

... and then everybody complains when Thailand has employed these strategies in it's micro economics. Hence the red rouge which is outstanding on that issue.

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i agree with you totally there are extremely technically advanced people in the US There are also millions who commit the worst crimes on the planet in gang and drug wars, drive by shootings highest murder rates per second in the world- just a shame that their intellect is not matched by their common sense and feeling for their fellow human beings. If it was they may not blindly stick to outdated ideals and furthering their own ends above all!!

You apparently do not know what you are talking about, the murder rate per 100,000 in USA is 4.8 and does not even make it into the top 100 worldwide, Thailand has a higher murder rate at 5.0. Then you have countries like Venezuela 53.7, Columbia 30.8, South Africa 31, Brazil where the world cup is being played 25.2 etc. etc., USA does not even come close and most all these countries with higher murder rates have gun laws that prohibit ownership.

Now convert that into sheer numbers based on population size and you will see that i certainly DO know what i am talking about!! Just the number of drive by shootings in the US says everything about the country±!

Once again that's flawed logic, USA is the third most populated country in the world but for total number of murders it does not rank in the top 10. Your odds of being murdered in Thailand are greater than in the USA. I think you have been listening to much rap music and watching way to many gang banger videos/shows!

bkkfaranguy... try your analysis leaving out developing nations and do it with only developed nations... hmmm USA does not look so rosy when you compare apples to apples.

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I suppose that if I am honest one result of this last coup, even compared to the previous one, is that I have really started to have doubts about some of the middle or upper-class Thai people I know. Their values really are different from mine, and this article encapsulates some of the attitudes that I really do not like. My job involves writing things that without self-censorship could get one into trouble in Thailand, so I will be limiting my future visits to shorter, less work-related stays.

Yes they do see the world in a very different way to certainly those in the west.

And often it isn't a particularly nice or charitable opinion they have of their fellow Thai.

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that article is a childish argument, like a vexed child asking "why are you blaming me? you have no right to do so, since you are doing the same".

It is for me showing once more one of the basic problems of the thai society...they cannot learn, because they do not dare to say it, if they have made a mistake, they could loose their face. and it is cementing their view, which i hear so often, "we are Thais and you (farangs) will never understand us, so we do it our way". which means "keep yourself out of it", which i am doing, because there is no way you can discuss with somebody taking that attitude.

i see it as a great case of luck for Thailand, that a man at the end of his own career, with the ability to listen to others, integer and intelligent has taken the helm. one can discuss about, if a military coup is bad, or unacceptable....but that guy seems to prove that it can be good for a nation with people unwilling to learn and to be democratic (for me coming from switzerland democratic means, "accept the majority, but respect the minority and the majority will have to make compromises to load as many people as possible on the bandwagon")

i love Thai people, they have so many great things and i am hoping that finally some learning may start.

.......and you show the basic western problem - "the need to want to colonise and dictate to people who are happy and want to be left alone - we are happy with our Army Goverrnment why don't you go and be happy with yours!!

Sorry no,

whilst I agree with much of what you post,

I think you miss the point of colonisation.

Colonisation is to control/steal resources of the country.

They have no interest in people, only in what they can steal.

The war in the middle east is about America having access to cheap oil, not for reasons of bringing democracy.


The only reason.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What does this article have to do with human trafficking and military coups in Thailand which I think most people consider very, very bad things.

Everything, pib!

You see, thailand was called out on something they're good at (which is inherently dirty) - and with that the thai people (not all, though) feel ashamed and angry. So what else to do other than write an article which channels a tantrum?

She is probably in her lair writing an exciting part two to this 'article'.

Of course - our military coup makes 95% of Thai people happy your democracy and obama make 54% of Americans miserable - who should feel ashamed and angry - stop being holier than thou it already cost you Vietnam!!

95% of Thai people happy? Where do you get your facts from? I hope it's not from the less than 1500 people survey. You're not smoking dopes or anything before you write this, right?

Well it is illegal to be critical of the coup. Must be 110%

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Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

Then why ever morning at the zoo their are long lines of people who want to come to see the monkeys.

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We don't need the US or the EU and if Japanese businesses pull out because of politics, flooding ow whatever we don't need them either.

In fact we don't need anybody as we have ourselves and Thainess and as a line in an old song goes " who could ask for anything more ? ".

Are you an ostrich with its head buried in the sand? You don't (seemingly) understand micro or macro economics!

Yeah, let's rely on a flawed soft science who's academic elites are almost all collusionists in the international (read US) banking (read control) industry.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

Why then, whenever I go out to a tourist area I run into Americans ?? Answer that. jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

I don't consider the places you go like

soi cowboy or Nana tourist places. You see a hell of a lot more drunk brits and aussie than you will Americans. That's for damn sure. You Brits and Aussies need to come down off your high horse.


What do you know ? Who said I am a "Brit" or an "Aussie "? Or that I go to Soi Cowboy or Nana. Well done you jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif


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Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

Then why ever morning at the zoo their are long lines of people who want to come to see the monkeys.

I thought Zoo's were a Noah's Ark......coffee1.gif

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Shooting the messenger instead of the message. If america was a person she would sue for defamation.

Then SHE should mind her own business and stop trying to police the world where it doesn't want to be policed!! Then SHE wouldn't build up hatred and resentment against HERSELF!!

I have supported America in many discussions with people but on this occasion by threatening the Government and the Army America has shown that it has no understanding of the affairs and problems n Thailand over the last six years!!

If america doesn't want to deal with a military govt in Thailand that is her right.

Just the same way if the Thais don't want to deal with any particular type of administration in the USA. Do u think Thailand wouldn't use this perogative if they could.

The USA prefers democracies. Cest la vie

The usa does not prefer democracies. It prefers countries that are bought by them with people in power that are in favor of them. Look at ukrain supporting a roque goverment first and then so called elections for a president who is in favor of the usa.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The genocide in what is now called America was committed mostly by Spain, with best supporting roles by a few other European powers.

Lets go with Europeans... In reality the 'genocide' was biological, small pox being the biggest killer of native americans. Although the Brits were fairly diabolical in their efforts to eradicate the 'primitive, uncivilized' natives:

Historical stories point to Lord Amherst requesting that smallpox infected blankets be sent to the Indians... Captain Simeon Ecuyer had bought time by sending smallpox-infected blankets and handkerchiefs to the Indians surrounding the fort—an early example of biological warfare—which started an epidemic among them. Amherst himself had encouraged this tactic in a letter to Ecuyer.”


And BTW, the natives were far from 'primitive' or 'uncivilized'. http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2012/05/23/american-myths-debunked-europeans-brought-culture-north-america-114481

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

Why are you then in Thailand and not in America. Thai's must be doing something right.

No she is doing something right. How about you with 3 post you must have been reborn from another suspension.

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At least the US can take criticism. We can slag the place off all we want on here with no fear of vanishing during the night.

You could make it public you hate Bush/Obama and still be granted a visa... Important differences, I think.

Can take criticism? You mean like the with us or against us mentality when the war monger Bush invaded Iraq?

Thought a "vote" took the USA to Iraq. .

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Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

Why are you then in Thailand and not in America. Thai's must be doing something right.

Perhaps it is the warmer winters and the islands...thumbsup.gif \

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Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

Why are you then in Thailand and not in America. Thai's must be doing something right.

You get an answer yet ?

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I speak with an accent and was discriminated and ripped-off everywhere I went in America. Being a minority there you will be designated to a lifetime in cesspool of hate. American's disregard of ethnic minorities is barely mentioned anywhere. So I quit my high paying job and moved to SE Asia. So long home of the brave!

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Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

Wow... explains a lot... Haha...A Frigging septic tank... Let me also tell you something Mango Bob.. at every international airport in the good old USA, there are long queues of peoples all heading home to somewhere else .. many times more than queing up at your embassy to go. And most of the peoples queuing up at you US Embassy are Americans wanting extra pages in their passports so they do not have to go back to your good old USA............ clap2.gif

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Thailand really does suffer from delusions of grandeur….its laughable one of thresult corrupt co asia, a terrible human rights record even on its own people, a system that accepts and promotes prostitution of all genders etc…Thailand the hub of 3rd world laughsgiggle.gif

VERY wide sweeping opinion here with no supporting evidence other than what the replier in their mighty mind, thinks ... I'm not Thai, I'm Australian, i'm pushing no agenda other than what i've observed staying here in Thailand. I'm not political, but i do have the b&lls to state my name on this site.

Perhaps the replier here should enlighten readers on one of the most corrupt countries 'in the world'? Most of the West, not just one country, suffered recession as a direct result of Wall Street and the US's corrupt no doc loan scandal ... the US, if one opens his/her eyes, has one of the worse human rights records on the planet, with the TENS OF THOUSANDS to HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of civilian lives lost as a direct result of US military invasions over the last 200 years beginning with the native American peoples and the very long list of US invasions in recent times, beginning with Korea, IndoChina, Dominica, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq again and Libya ... andthese the the ones we the public know about.

most of the West has legalized, accepted and promoted (in newspapers and online) prostitution (gender's irrelevant).

This is an ill informed, uninsightful, uneducated.

Thailand is in the infancy of very positive change. Be open minded and helpful ...

At least Thailand ... currently at the hand of a bloody army general none the least and not a politician ... is trying to change corrupt practices, and strong enough to admit the countries had a problem ... and not continuing to keep secrets from the public from which governments get paid and from a public who's money they use ... as Aussie Julian Assaunge via wikileaks has begun to show the world.

What we need to stop is this superior 'us and them' or 'west and east' way of thinking ... realise we're all on this one f$$$ing planet TOGETHER and its our only home ... and for REAL human rights reasons and for all the innocents that get murdered and maimed, make ALL military conflict for all nations, via the supposed UN, unlawful.

Good on you Thailand ... for at least starting and trying to fix your political failings, despite all the crap the West is putting on you. You're efforts to live up to the true spirit of what democracy was supposed to be about, make the West look third world ... whatever 'third world' is supposed to mean. To my eyes, there's only One World, not thirds or halves or Easts or Wests.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

Wow... explains a lot... Haha...A Frigging septic tank... Let me also tell you something Mango Bob.. at every international airport in the good old USA, there are long queues of peoples all heading home to somewhere else .. many times more than queing up at your embassy to go. And most of the peoples queuing up at you US Embassy are Americans wanting extra pages in their passports so they do not have to go back to your good old USA............ alt=clap2.gif>

This the dumbest reply I got from this question. Americans don't have to que outside maybe the Brit embassy you do, but from what I read even the brits hate it's own embassy.

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