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Second-hand bicycles


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I know this has been mentioned in another thread but funny how when you try to find something you can't.

Anyway I'm sure it's worthy of a thread all of its own.

Does anyone know where I can go to buy secondhand bikes in CM. Also another poster on here mentioned that sometimes folk set up shop on the side of the street selling imported rejects from say Japan. Anyone know where they sell in CM or is it just pot luck where you come across them?


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I just bought a 2nd hand bike from Mr. Sak, of Cacti Bikes. On Singharat Rd, just off the moat. All told very reasonable and frankly i prefer dealing with real owner/persons, not corporate nor paid hirelings.

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Saw another used bike shop today, for information only. This on Chiang Puek road, just north of the gate, hiway 107. About 2 km from the gate, just at the corner of the yellow bus stop area. Some kind of white mini-wat in road. Shop on corner. A number of bikes displayed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Found a second-hand bike shop selling some Japanese bikes including folders on road 107 about 600 metres north of the moat. (type/copy 18.800280, 98.985982 into google maps)


Unfortunately I found the bikes to be more suited to the lighter, smaller frames of asians than the heavier taller bodies of westerners. Did see a nice old racer with a duralinox frame (Alan frames, used in cyclo cross). They wanted 20,000B, nutters!


It does look like they had a few of the dreggs from a Japanese bike recycling dump. Will pop in there again as a gem might turn up. Knowing my luck by the time it does I'll be flying back home.

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There are a couple at the end of Rattana Kosin Road near the football ground (not CM United the small one right at the end near the temple). There is also a market stall that sells cycling gear at very reasonable prices on Saturdays and Sundays.

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There is also a market stall that sells cycling gear at very reasonable prices on Saturdays and Sundays.




Sorry this is no good to me, you might as well say there is a needle in a haystack. I am new here!


Any chance you could send me google map co-ords for both locations. Its so so so so simple and quick to do and saves me and everyone else having to search for these places in anguish. If you don't know how to do this I can send you a link to a short video.



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There is a large second hand bike shop on the primary road to Doi Saket about 100 meters past Sii Yeek San Dek on the left side.  Can't miss it with all the bikes out in front.  On the corner of the soi with the Caltex gas station.  Great prices.



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There is also a market stall that sells cycling gear at very reasonable prices on Saturdays and Sundays.

Sorry this is no good to me, you might as well say there is a needle in a haystack. I am new here!
Any chance you could send me google map co-ords for both locations. Its so so so so simple and quick to do and saves me and everyone else having to search for these places in anguish. If you don't know how to do this I can send you a link to a short video.

It's not a needle in a haystack. As gc777 posted its at the end of Rattankosin Road and he mentions what end of the road. I have posted about the same place at least twice. I said its at the end of rattankosin road closest to Arcade bus station. Instead of us watching a video about GPS coordinates why don't you look at google maps and pop in Rattanakosin road and look at the two ends of the road.
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It's not a needle in a haystack. As gc777 posted its at the end of Rattankosin Road and he mentions what end of the road. I have posted about the same place at least twice. I said its at the end of rattankosin road closest to Arcade bus station. Instead of us watching a video about GPS coordinates why don't you look at google maps and pop in Rattanakosin road and look at the two ends of the road.


geez a collectible old computer, sporting an Intel4004 processor, wouldn't be modern enough to run a Google Maps - would it?? beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu 


One point to factor in -  when farang buys a Thai bike, for eventual export back to homeland in the West:


The HeadStem of an Asian-bike is considerably shorter than that of the HeadStem of a farang-bike.


When you get back home, the (designed for Thai etc) bike might cause problems when trying to source replacement parts.


The same goes for bringing a 'Western-bought' bike with me. I had an accident in the village, and the local bike shop could not replace parts, and ended up having to 'repair' everything insitu (Forks Assembly & HeadStem.)

Edited by tifino
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If you can go further out of the city, try to go there in Sansai noy area:

Lat  18°49'47.52"N

Lon  99° 1'44.14"E


It does not look like a shop at all but you will find there a large choice of second hand bikes, very good quality, for as low as 1,200Bht. Thai speaking.

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There is a large second hand bike shop on the primary road to Doi Saket about 100 meters past Sii Yeek San Dek on the left side.  Can't miss it with all the bikes out in front.  On the corner of the soi with the Caltex gas station.  Great prices.




Not familiar with that side of town at all.


How many miles from the moat heading out of CM would you say it is? What is Sii Yeek San Dek??


You might find it easier to drop a pin on a google map and copy the co-ordinates then paste them into your reply. Otherwise forgive my ignorance of all things thai and sorry for all the questions smile.png 

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here are a couple at the end of Rattana Kosin Road near the football ground (not CM United the small one right at the end near the temple). There is also a market stall that sells cycling gear at very reasonable prices on Saturdays and Sundays.




OMG Calm down!  facepalm.gif


When he mentioned the market stall I assumed he was then talking about a different place and he'd forgotten to mention the location.


If I'm not fairly sure of the location I'm not going to bother esp not in CM with it's traffic, been there, done it. Dropping a pin and copying the co-ords may sound like a chore but once you've done it once, all it takes is a minute, max, and avoids having to type out directions which can be misleading. Ever been there?


I have posted about the same place at least twice. 




I've seen one from you on this....


Did you check out the shop near Chang Phuak bus station and the two at the end of Rattanakosin Road? One of the shops there has Japanese Post bikes. It's pot luck if you find anything decent. Bargain hard the sticker prices can seem high. 



The first part of your message seemed a bit like a wild goose chase. I've had instructions from other people that contained the infamous word 'near' blink.png  and combined with the lack of a street name I stayed clear. I did message you back but you didn't reply, so I left it. As for the 'Rattanakosin Road' mention I definitely deserve a slap on the wrist and I will check this out. Nothing like a good old poke around in a second hand bike shop. So thank you for that.

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There are a couple at the end of Rattana Kosin Road near the football ground (not CM United the small one right at the end near the temple). There is also a market stall that sells cycling gear at very reasonable prices on Saturdays and Sundays.



Apologies for misinterpreting your information and thank you for taking the time to post smile.png is appreciated.

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It's not a needle in a haystack. As gc777 posted its at the end of Rattankosin Road and he mentions what end of the road. I have posted about the same place at least twice. I said its at the end of rattankosin road closest to Arcade bus station. Instead of us watching a video about GPS coordinates why don't you look at google maps and pop in Rattanakosin road and look at the two ends of the road.


geez a collectible old computer, sporting an Intel4004 processor, wouldn't be modern enough to run a Google Maps - would it?? beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu 


One point to factor in -  when farang buys a Thai bike, for eventual export back to homeland in the West:


The HeadStem of an Asian-bike is considerably shorter than that of the HeadStem of a farang-bike.


When you get back home, the (designed for Thai etc) bike might cause problems when trying to source replacement parts.


The same goes for bringing a 'Western-bought' bike with me. I had an accident in the village, and the local bike shop could not replace parts, and ended up having to 'repair' everything insitu (Forks Assembly & HeadStem.)



Ha ha a fellow computer nerd I hazard a guess!


Hope to be in my element when I check out the Centre for Computer History  bit by bit (sorry), this winter.


Yes, most likely won't be bringing it back though unless its a gem but thanks for bringing to my attention.

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Try thaimtb.com, open it up on google chrome, and it will translate for you, used to be loads of second hand offers there

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



Can't get it to translate for me, does about 10% and leaves the rest in Thai. If I was living here it might be worth the effort but i'm leaving in under 3 months. Trying to negotiate with different sellers hmmm. Thanks anyway

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If you can go further out of the city, try to go there in Sansai noy area:

Lat  18°49'47.52"N

Lon  99° 1'44.14"E


It does not look like a shop at all but you will find there a large choice of second hand bikes, very good quality, for as low as 1,200Bht. Thai speaking.


Had a look on google street, hmmm. You sure you got those co-ords right? It's in the middle of nowhere!

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here are a couple at the end of Rattana Kosin Road near the football ground (not CM United the small one right at the end near the temple). There is also a market stall that sells cycling gear at very reasonable prices on Saturdays and Sundays.




OMG Calm down!  facepalm.gif


When he mentioned the market stall I assumed he was then talking about a different place and he'd forgotten to mention the location.


If I'm not fairly sure of the location I'm not going to bother esp not in CM with it's traffic, been there, done it. Dropping a pin and copying the co-ords may sound like a chore but once you've done it once, all it takes is a minute, max, and avoids having to type out directions which can be misleading. Ever been there?


I have posted about the same place at least twice. 




I've seen one from you on this....


Did you check out the shop near Chang Phuak bus station and the two at the end of Rattanakosin Road? One of the shops there has Japanese Post bikes. It's pot luck if you find anything decent. Bargain hard the sticker prices can seem high. 



The first part of your message seemed a bit like a wild goose chase. I've had instructions from other people that contained the infamous word 'near' blink.png  and combined with the lack of a street name I stayed clear. I did message you back but you didn't reply, so I left it. As for the 'Rattanakosin Road' mention I definitely deserve a slap on the wrist and I will check this out. Nothing like a good old poke around in a second hand bike shop. So thank you for that.



Don't mean to be rude, but you don't seem to understand how places are located in C.M. and other parts of Thailand. No one is going to bother with watching a video on how to direct you to places with google maps. I gave enough information for anyone to find the Japanese guy selling Japanese bikes in Sansai. If it was me I would simply have gone to the rear enterence of Pimuk 1 and asked around using simple Thai phrases and someone would have directed me to the correct soi where the seller is located (as I did), or if he moved where he went. In C.M., locations are referred to by nearest landmarks; not physical addresses and names of sois. Most of my Thai friends who have lived here their entire lifetime don't know the names of any streets in C.M.


There are many websites that list the names and addresses of bicycle shops in C.M. selling Thai bicycles but you are looking for Japanese bikes that have been refurbished which means - most likely by Japanese sellers who are here without work permits so they don't exactly advertise their locations on websites. If you don't speak enough Thai to make some inquiries, then get a Thai friend to search in Thai for you or to ask around, as there are definitely Japanese sellers selling used and refurbished bicycles around here. Otherwise visit one of the many bicycle shops in town selling 2nd hand Thai bicycles.

Edited by elektrified
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 I gave enough information for anyone to find the Japanese guy selling Japanese bikes in Sansai      +     No one is going to bother with watching a video on how to direct you to places with google maps.    



Which thread? unless you are 'sly4all' as well?!



And I'm suggesting a far more concise method that's easy to use and saves time for everyone. If you think it doesn't I'd like to hear your reasons (please don't repeat this...No one is going to bother with watching a video on how to direct you to places with google maps). It's not rocket science!



If it was me I would simply have gone to the rear enterence of Pimuk 1 and asked around using simple Thai phrases and someone would have directed me to the correct soi where the seller is located (as I did), or if he moved where he went. In C.M.,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   locations are referred to by nearest landmarks; not physical addresses and names of sois. Most of my Thai friends who have lived here their entire lifetime don't know the names of any streets in C.M.



I don't see what the problem is! Or would you prefer I spend a hell of a lot more time driving up and down crazy.gif  and struggling with the little Thai I have. 



Very inefficient way of doing things passifier.gif  esp for newcomers but I guess it's not going to change any time soon and for me a real downside of CM. 


but you are looking for Japanese bikes that have been refurbished which means



Not quite, and I will quote again.....and I never mentioned refurbished.....

Does anyone know where I can go to buy secondhand bikes in CM. Also another poster on here mentioned that sometimes folk set up shop on the side of the street selling imported rejects from say Japan. Anyone know where they sell in CM or is it just pot luck where you come across them?


then get a Thai friend to search in Thai for you or to ask around, as there are definitely Japanese sellers selling used and refurbished bicycles around here. Otherwise visit one of the many bicycle shops in town selling 2nd hand Thai bicycles.



Oh please I'm a tourist here for only 4 months cheesy.gif  If other TVers know where these places are fine if not I'll do without I'm not looking for a missing person. All I did was try and make life easier on these forums by suggesting a method to use on google maps.

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There is a large second hand bike shop on the primary road to Doi Saket about 100 meters past Sii Yeek San Dek on the left side.  Can't miss it with all the bikes out in front.  On the corner of the soi with the Caltex gas station.  Great prices.




Not familiar with that side of town at all.


How many miles from the moat heading out of CM would you say it is? What is Sii Yeek San Dek??


You might find it easier to drop a pin on a google map and copy the co-ordinates then paste them into your reply. Otherwise forgive my ignorance of all things thai and sorry for all the questions smile.png 


I do not do pins, google maps or coordinates.  Why don't you use a map and google yourself instead of telling everybody else to do your work for you?  Buy a paper map.


You might find it easier to ask your mommy.

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indeed, get yourself a paper map and find where you want to go. do you really think that people are going to change the way they have been giving directions as they have been doing here for hundreds of years just for you? not likely. this is a small city, it's not Bangkok and it's not that difficult to find places by using landmarks and then just asking around for where you are looking for.


it may be a "very inefficient way of doing things  esp for newcomers but I guess it's not going to change any time soon and for me a real downside of CM." for you, but it is part of life here. get used to it.

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If you can go further out of the city, try to go there in Sansai noy area:

Lat  18°49'47.52"N

Lon  99° 1'44.14"E


It does not look like a shop at all but you will find there a large choice of second hand bikes, very good quality, for as low as 1,200Bht. Thai speaking.


Had a look on google street, hmmm. You sure you got those co-ords right? It's in the middle of nowhere!



Like I said, does not look like a shop, it is not on a main street, bikes are sold out of the house, but if you manage to go there, you will be surprised.

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There is a large second hand bike shop on the primary road to Doi Saket about 100 meters past Sii Yeek San Dek on the left side.  Can't miss it with all the bikes out in front.  On the corner of the soi with the Caltex gas station.  Great prices.




Not familiar with that side of town at all.


How many miles from the moat heading out of CM would you say it is? What is Sii Yeek San Dek??


You might find it easier to drop a pin on a google map and copy the co-ordinates then paste them into your reply. Otherwise forgive my ignorance of all things thai and sorry for all the questions smile.png 


I do not do pins, google maps or coordinates.  Why don't you use a map and google yourself instead of telling everybody else to do your work for you?  Buy a paper map.


You might find it easier to ask your mommy.



Fair enough, thanks for your contribution anyway.

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If you can go further out of the city, try to go there in Sansai noy area:

Lat  18°49'47.52"N

Lon  99° 1'44.14"E


It does not look like a shop at all but you will find there a large choice of second hand bikes, very good quality, for as low as 1,200Bht. Thai speaking.


Had a look on google street, hmmm. You sure you got those co-ords right? It's in the middle of nowhere!



Like I said, does not look like a shop, it is not on a main street, bikes are sold out of the house, but if you manage to go there, you will be surprised.



Does sound interesting, I'm sure I'll have some excuse to be out that way sometime and will check it out, thanks again.


Can you see the bikes from the road or do I need to ask around?

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If you can go further out of the city, try to go there in Sansai noy area:

Lat  18°49'47.52"N

Lon  99° 1'44.14"E


It does not look like a shop at all but you will find there a large choice of second hand bikes, very good quality, for as low as 1,200Bht. Thai speaking.


Had a look on google street, hmmm. You sure you got those co-ords right? It's in the middle of nowhere!



Like I said, does not look like a shop, it is not on a main street, bikes are sold out of the house, but if you manage to go there, you will be surprised.



Does sound interesting, I'm sure I'll have some excuse to be out that way sometime and will check it out, thanks again.


Can you see the bikes from the road or do I need to ask around?



The GPS coordinates are the exact location of the house. It's at the north end of the Pimuk village. It's a large house, the car port is the workshop and full of bicycles but you will have to be in front to see it, the google car did not pass there so no street view. No signs indicating a shop at the house itself. Many thais in the area have bought their bicycles there so it is not unknown to the locals, better if you speak thai or be with someone who does.

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