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Counterfeit Dvd And Vcd Movies Seized By Pattaya Police.


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Counterfeit DVD and VCD movies seized by Pattaya Police.

This press conference was held at Pattaya Police Station by members of the Police undercover unit. Officers detained Khun Chai aged 25 on Pattaya Beach as he was spotted selling copy DVD’s to tourists.

Although copies of movies on DVD and VCD are widely available here in Pattaya, this breaches copyright laws and is therefore illegal. :o

The suspect was detained and approximately 200 DVD’s were seized which included a number of movies which have just been released. We urge you to exercise caution when purchasing copy movies from these beach vendors as many will happily sell you blank DVD’s or CD’s.

-Pattaya City News

Wednesday 28th June 2006

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The police usually give the vendor a pre-raid warning. This allows the vendor time to display only those DVD's that he doesn't mind losing in the raid.

It gives the police an arrest and shows that they are doing their job, and it also gives the green light for the vendor to open up his business again the following day.

Regularly grease police palms with sufficient $$$'s and you get ample warning.

It's known as 'jungle survival'.

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Well if it's the same as Hong Kong, one of the copyright infringement enforcers has a word with someone in power. The power has a word with the local OB. The local OB whisper to the heads of the gangs, " Time for an arrest lads, or the boys from BK will be down at the weekend ". After much tugging of forelocks, a sacrificial lamb is found from within the gang, he is turned over, everyones happy, jobs a good un.

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Obviously he was selling way below the standard fake level of DVD available.

I bet the beach was full of DVDs thrown into the water when the locals heard that there was a crackdown...

Funny. When ever I've bought a movie from one of those guys, they've NEVER had the movie there, just empty cases. A quick phone call and a guy shows up with the movie (or one of the touts takes a short walk somewhere and comes back with the movie).

Can't be busted for having empty cases. If this guy was busted, he may have been a "newbie" cutting in on someone else's turf and not aware of the way things are done (i.e. paying commissions to the right people, not having the actual movies in your possession). He may have been "grassed" by his competitors (not an unusual occurence in Thailand). :o

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Yes, usually the guy phones his partner in the cinema who is filming and he brings the film around.I know this since on the DVDs I have you can definately hear the mobile ring and then there is a shacking of the camera in the jacket as the guy passes the coat to his girlfriend to continue filming while he delivers the film.

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