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Faxing Overseas - Unreadable Fax?


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i was wondering if anyone is experiencing the same issues. i send faxes to the US and Canada on almost a daily basis and some companies are complaining they're not receiving the faxes properly. well, they're receiving the whole page but say its distorted and unreadable.

i was thinking it could be the resolution but even with different resolutions its still the same problem. or could it be because the fax is hooked through a DSL filter in the wall?

anyone experienced this problem before? :o its getting quite annoying...

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I had that years ago to Canada but I just assumed it was bad telephone lines/connection. I suppose you have already investigated the possibility of scanning and attaching the files to email. They are so much clearer (as well as free) that way.

I seriously doubt it is the filter, but why don't you do some tests on that?


i was wondering if anyone is experiencing the same issues. i send faxes to the US and Canada on almost a daily basis and some companies are complaining they're not receiving the faxes properly. well, they're receiving the whole page but say its distorted and unreadable.

i was thinking it could be the resolution but even with different resolutions its still the same problem. or could it be because the fax is hooked through a DSL filter in the wall?

anyone experienced this problem before? :o its getting quite annoying...

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Try using the fax facility of you computer.

No need to print and then scan again, the document goes straight out.

Less room for distortion that way.

i'll try that and see if it goes through. it can't be my fax machine since its quite an expensive brother fax/scanner/printed (not like that would stop it from failing), but faxes to most locations are received fine.

i called the company yesterday that's receiving them unreadable and they said that all faxes are scanned into their system directly when they're received, so it doesnt gets printed on paper. i thought that may be the problem but when sending the same fax from canada and the US, it gets "scanned" fine.

i'll try scanning and see if that works.

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  • 10 months later...

so i feel stupid but...

just bought an mfc and it works great

except i do not seem to know the numbering convention to get a fax thru to cda

i have been dialing 008 1 xxx xxx xxxx

is that correct?


Try using the fax facility of you computer.

No need to print and then scan again, the document goes straight out.

Less room for distortion that way.

i'll try that and see if it goes through. it can't be my fax machine since its quite an expensive brother fax/scanner/printed (not like that would stop it from failing), but faxes to most locations are received fine.

i called the company yesterday that's receiving them unreadable and they said that all faxes are scanned into their system directly when they're received, so it doesnt gets printed on paper. i thought that may be the problem but when sending the same fax from canada and the US, it gets "scanned" fine.

i'll try scanning and see if that works.

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I had problems 6 months ago & found out I had to much material on the page & was causing it tio get blurred beyond recognition. also I was told that it faxes best in black & white not color.

My Bank requested my drivers license copy & I put 8 of the same copies in different contrasts & it came out mud on the other end.

It was solved by 1 good black & white of the License. Hope yours is easy remedy like mine!

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I've been using a brilliant solution for years, efax or jfax. It's an efaxing system that eliminates the need for a regular fax machine. It's also much cheaper as it uses the internet for broadcasting. You do have to scan in hard copies though, but I turn everything into pdf file and it goes as an attachment and works great.

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so i feel stupid but...

just bought an mfc and it works great

except i do not seem to know the numbering convention to get a fax thru to cda

i have been dialing 008 1 xxx xxx xxxx

is that correct?


NOPE. Don't use one of the VIOP systems (prefix of anything other than 001) to send faxes, they may or may not work. Use 001, more expensive but pretty well guaranteed to work.

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Thanks for that

So I have now tried 001 numerous times and have the same problem, a busy signal. The phone works fine, and I can receive faxes (doestic and overseas), as well as send domestic so.....

Lazy that I am perhaps I will just not try to figure it out and use "scan and send " instead :o

so i feel stupid but...

just bought an mfc and it works great

except i do not seem to know the numbering convention to get a fax thru to cda

i have been dialing 008 1 xxx xxx xxxx

is that correct?


NOPE. Don't use one of the VIOP systems (prefix of anything other than 001) to send faxes, they may or may not work. Use 001, more expensive but pretty well guaranteed to work.

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So I have now tried 001 numerous times and have the same problem, a busy signal. The phone works fine, and I can receive faxes (doestic and overseas), as well as send domestic so.....

Have you tried several overseas fax numbers? It's just possible that the one you're sending to is, well, busy :o

What happens if you just phone the destination fax (it should answer and start beeping at you), remember some overseas ring-tones sound very like a 'busy' signal.

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