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Thai police find 9 babies in a condo - Fear of surrogacy being misused for stem cells


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Would one infer that there are more cases of this type?  Perhaps the cosmetic industry is so profitable, that ethics and morality are not a concern. I always thought it would be in places such as China, where consumer ignorance of health/beauty benefits, and lax rules on using animal (hopefully not human) products enable companies to easily market beauty aids containing controlled ingredients.  With people yearning for the fountain of youth, and their quest for beauty/vitality.....anything can possibly happen. There was an historical account, during the dark ages, where a certain slavic queen would kill and drink the blood of young virgins, thinking that her youthful appearance would never fade.    Nothing new...just false beliefs.

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Whats the surprise  in a country where money is No.1 greed is the master. Whats the difference with mothers and fathers sending their daughters to Pattaya to sell their bodies so the families can have a new car or house if she gets lucky. So selling babies selling daughters and sons its all the same to me sad and that is not culture its greed.

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Sickening place, here everything is for sale. These people are certainly born without human dignity .
This kind of business deserve death penalty!

In LoS all the pious words about Buddhism,  culture etc go right out the window when there's money to be made.

Credit cards are accepted too...
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"Former minister Paveen Hongsakul, who initiated the raid on Tuesday on Soi Lat Phrao 130, feared that in the worst-case scenario this "surrogacy-for-hire" scam may be related to the potentially fatal extraction of foetal fluid to provide stem cells."



Perhaps because that is what's actually happening. 

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