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What you're doing in Chiang Mai?
would be a good start. 

OP, what he meant to say was, "Hi, welcome aboard.  There are plenty of diverse people with diverse interests here so I'm sure you'll be able to find friends with common interests.  Stick around and get to know people, it's a nice community."  
Not all members here post overwhelmingly negative and/or confrontational messages.  You'll learn to discern amongst the crowd.  

How do you know what he meant to say and why are you speaking on his behalf? There is nothing negative or confrontational about his post, just a simple request for relevant information. Diplomatico?! In what way?



Interesting that people who talk about confrontational messages go around posting them.



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sorry lol new to posting on forums too hahaha thought all that was on my profile. BILL 54 YRS old building a webstore (will need good internet btw) was just told that chiang mai region was a good place to live with a better blend of cheap vs. expensive unlike Bangkok with the touristy problems etc. and any beach town would be much costlyier etc. im in sacamento ca. now but moving back to florida at the end of this month where I will start selling off my stuff to get money to make the move. us citizen but could leave and never look back at this point haha.

First of all, drop the lols and hahas, they make you sound childish. Secondly, forget about moving to Thailand, the chances are you'll lose what little money you have and live to regret it. You have nowhere near the amount of money you need to live here and you come across as being ripe for being ripped off. Anyone that's been here a while has seen guys like you come and go and lose everything in the process. Don't do it. You have been warned..... again.



And then there are the people that think they have been here a long time and think they have seen it all that will tell you "how it is". 


Chiengmaijoe is right, in my opinion, about people that actually have been here a long time (much longer than me!) that have seen all of these things happen before. It would be well to try and understand his comments.

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Hi! Everyone!


I'm totally new to this I'm bill aka Mr. Bill.... need about a ton of info on moving to Thailand im a disabled navy vet (not service connected) have a bad ankle that makes me use a cane on bad days etc. looking for a thai wife when I move there and need visa info etc. and know a lot of girls on facebook that all agree chiang mai is a good place and Phuket pattaya and Bangkok are more expensive etc.  I ONLY GET 900.00  per month.. the main reason I want (NEED)  to live in a third world country. PLUS I love THAI GIRLS LOL! I went to the realestate site recommended by this  site and living in Thailand on facebook and have already talked to "SIMON". very nice guy from a very legitimate company and told him my situation. he agrees that I could get A BEAUTIFUL  studio apt fully furnished for  150-170.00 USD per month. SAW THEM AT http://perfecthomes.co.th/property/pp-condominium-inexpensive-modern-studio-room-to-rent/ I WOULD BE IN HEAVEN LOL!! I saw a bill estimate and I would be around 215.00-300 per month in something like this....I would be waaay better off there than here. so im going to sell all my stuff and raise about 10k to do it after I pay my bills off I would have about 3-4 k to make the move. IS THIS A GOOD PLAN?  im up against the wall... I figure any move I make will be f-o-r-w-a-r-d!... haha.... any advice will be taken with much appreciation!!





Sorry, Bill, but as others have observed USD3-4K will not get you a visa and will not allow you to live here very long, even with a USD900 monthly income. It is more expensive than you have been led to believe and is getting more expensive at a rapid pace. BTW, I would not consider Thailand a third-world nation. 

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Hi! Everyone!


I'm totally new to this I'm bill aka Mr. Bill.... need about a ton of info on moving to Thailand im a disabled navy vet (not service connected) have a bad ankle that makes me use a cane on bad days etc. looking for a thai wife when I move there and need visa info etc. and know a lot of girls on facebook that all agree chiang mai is a good place and Phuket pattaya and Bangkok are more expensive etc.  I ONLY GET 900.00  per month.. the main reason I want (NEED)  to live in a third world country. PLUS I love THAI GIRLS LOL! I went to the realestate site recommended by this  site and living in Thailand on facebook and have already talked to "SIMON". very nice guy from a very legitimate company and told him my situation. he agrees that I could get A BEAUTIFUL  studio apt fully furnished for  150-170.00 USD per month. SAW THEM AT http://perfecthomes.co.th/property/pp-condominium-inexpensive-modern-studio-room-to-rent/ I WOULD BE IN HEAVEN LOL!! I saw a bill estimate and I would be around 215.00-300 per month in something like this....I would be waaay better off there than here. so im going to sell all my stuff and raise about 10k to do it after I pay my bills off I would have about 3-4 k to make the move. IS THIS A GOOD PLAN?  im up against the wall... I figure any move I make will be f-o-r-w-a-r-d!... haha.... any advice will be taken with much appreciation!!






Mr. Bill:


You could live here on $900 a month, but that is barely adequate. $170 a month for a beautiful studio? Maybe. Depends what you call beautiful. You love Thai ladies? Have you ever been involved with one? They are expensive. Do you have continuous medical needs? Care is available here and reasonably priced, but will eat into your very limited budget. Your monthly income of  $900 (less than 28,000 baht) is far short of the 65,000 baht required by Immigration. To say nothing of the 800,000 (over $25,000) baht you're suppose to park (and leave it there!)in a local bank


As hard as it is to live on $900 a month in the US, at least you are eligible for subsidized housing and low cost medical care. I suggest that you come here for a visit, with a 30 day tourist visa. You will then see for yourself where the dream conflicts with reality.


I'm telling you this in the hope that you won't jump into a bad situation for yourself.


By all means, come and see, and may your journey be a happy one.





I don't think medical is a problem with him if he is a disabled Navy Vet. How ever from the little I know of it they can be slow and hard to deal with.

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Yes, good internet is key.  Plan to stay indoors on Thai Visa during the pollution months (3-4 a year) and the raining months (3-4) and when there are way too many tourist (3-4).....i kid. 


everyone comes to CM because it is cheap (ok, not 100% of everyone), so expect to find people who talk about not having money all the time.  it's fun for about 2 minutes.  the other time will be questions from sex tourists....i'm kidding as well.  sort of.


$900 a month is possible!!!!  You can survive on that amount.  Not really live, IMO, but survive and hope no big payments.  If you can handle some noise all the time, you can survive on $500 a month for a few months and save for some other expenses.  live in guesthouse and soon you will get used to the distractions.  if it puts you in a better mood than where you are at......do it!!!!  and if you get sick of CM, maybe head north, west, and $900 is fine there.

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Before taking anyone's advise on here, check their profile, member since....


1-5yrs Don't know much at all, but think they do since they know how to bargain a bargirl down

5-10yrs  Probably on their way home if they haven't blown their cash here and can no longer leave

10-20yrs Thai apologist, everything Thai is wonderful, they most likely struck it lucky.





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If you are insured, you could be fine on 900 usd per month.  28,000 THB is more than the median household income in the province.  28,000 is also about what a foreign teacher makes, and there are plenty of costs associated with working that you wouldn't have.  But to only be able to come up with 3-4000 USD after selling all your stuff makes me believe you are intellectually challenged and will have trouble adjusting, and will have trouble with immigration.  Suckremento is no place to be; that's for damn sure.

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If you are insured, you could be fine on 900 usd per month.  28,000 THB is more than the median household income in the province.  28,000 is also about what a foreign teacher makes, and there are plenty of costs associated with working that you wouldn't have.  But to only be able to come up with 3-4000 USD after selling all your stuff makes me believe you are intellectually challenged and will have trouble adjusting, and will have trouble with immigration.  Suckremento is no place to be; that's for damn sure.

 In USA, if people could sell everything, millions, millions would likely be NEGATIVE since they are underwater on their home.  

So many would love to have a positive 4k after everything.  Student loans now are 200k a student... LOL....suckers.  Maybe not that high, but they are doomed.  


my profile is misleading, according to the experts on there.


TV for maybe 1-2 years, but I have been in Thailand for centuries!!!!  I believe in re-incarnation, and my last life must have been pretty bad since i'm stuck on TV talking to the internet......i'm outta here!!!!  late.  

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30% of Americans have a negative net worth, when all is said and done........likely similar here, and a lot of other places.  Some will never get out of their student loan debt.  It is not dischargeable in Bankruptcy, nor death.  The baby boomers are in a position to inherit 20,000,000,000,000 USD...so we're not all poor, but you could easily classify people as "savers" or "spenders."  Broke people buy "stuff" (tattoos, alcohol), middle class people buy "liabilities" (boats, SUVs), wealthy people buy "assets" (real estate, stocks).

Edited by Thighlander
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