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Yingluck has returned to Bangkok Sunday night: report


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She should never have taken the job in the first place. The whole Shinawatra show is a  pathetic joke and I really can't understand how Thai people can fall for it, well ...


Well...the yanks fell for Obama ...........twice ..........and the brits fell for Blair .............. so they are not alone.

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and you know that do ya..2015 is the election  or you been away..



2015 is supposed to be when the election is held.  I'll wait and see if it actually happens.


Maybe the word anticipate is more correct - "regard as probable"

Edited by NeilSA1
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she appears to have more morals and b_lls than her brother

Just how many of you haters, screamed SHE WILL NEWVER RETURN!!!?     now take it boys,,,     take it n' and smoke it...  


How many TV posters have the stones to say you were wrong?  

 and put your hand up,,, WOW just how many who bitched and how many will show the same intestinal fortitude???

A lot of gutless  keyboard bashers I think.     haters,      NO CLASS!!!

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A good PR move. The next time she wants to leave they will trust her to return.

Not really. They already trusted her to return by letting her leave the last time.

They trusted her not to come back,then everything would have been a lot easier.Now theh have a martyr on their hands.



I believe you are correct. With out a martyr Thaksin and his PTP Red Shirt followers would not have any thing. They would be history. You would have to follow the court cases to know what they were up to.

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You people are a sorrowful bunch.   Last night you stayed up hoping she wouldn't return so you can make your ugly comments.  Now she comes back and you start your insults.   Very disgusting group of people here. 


I'm with you on that Bob. I've listened to so much nastiness from so many people here, disparaging her character left right and centre. When she shows them to be significantly wrong about something, they just start off on another angle. It's disgusting in the extreme, and I'm embarrassed to be a farang in Thailand when I know some Thais will lump me in with these petty, mean-minded creeps.





The Shin supporters / apologists have suddenly resorted to attacking anyone who dares comment against their beloved Shins and trying to suggest that doing so makes you a low life - and then add a barrage o rude insults.


What's disgusting is a PM can act illegally, lie, shirk responsibility, avoid doing the job she swore to do, cry to gain sympathy then be caught laughing when she thought the cameras off, and not bother to stop or investigate assaults and murders of those who oppose her family. 


You resort to nasty insults as you simply have no arguments for the truth. It's embarrassing that some Thais might think all farangs are Shin arse lickers.


"not bother to stop or investigate assaults and murders of those who oppose her family".     That was definitely the worst of it.

So much violence and so little sign of empathy for the injured or dead, of one side of the recent conflict. 


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Not at all sure that she is back.


You're on something here.


The moon landing is a hoax, Elvis is alive and you have again forgotten to take your medication ...



Moon landing was filmed on Mt T. on Tenerife, Elvis is in Jomptien, and no He took too much.giggle.gif

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Thaksin has personally delivered the lamb to the slaughter, brotherly love at its finest.



That Thaksin had a hand in her return is conjecture. Perhaps she would simply rather come back to her mother land than live in exile?

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Here you go again with diarrhea of the mouth.  Who supports terrorist groups?  I am not a yellow skirt.


you stayed up hoping she wouldn't return so you can make your ugly comments.  Now she comes back and you start your insults.   Very disgusting group of people here. 

You people are a sorrowful bunch. (forgetful to boot!)


Before the Junta arrest one of their own the ugly comments were "The Junta are corrupted and would never arrest within their own ranks" When the Junta arrest one of their own. Your insult is "It is a PR stunt"


Before the police chief was reinstated the ugly comments were "it was a conspiracy by the DEM's and the courts". When he is reinstated the insult is  "it is nepotism".


When the Junta found a small amount of weapons the ugly comments were "An insignificant weapons find". When they found 10% of all weapons finds in 14 years the insult is "A fake news story".


Before the Junta paid the rice farmers the ugly comment was "They don't care about the farmers" When they paid the farmers the insult was "They are a populist Junta"


Very disgusting group of people here….and support terrorist groups to boot!!!!


You said "we" are sorrowful and highlighted why. Fair enough.  


I replied highlighting the exact same points that you did with examples, but from the other side of the divide (or as I like to call it the 15 principle of democracy supporters side) which highlighted the hypocrisy in your statement. What do you do? Ignore that completely and follow it on with nothing but condescension. No reply saying…."Damn, I have to admit you are right there" or "OK, fair enough, but I am talking about here and now". None of that…"Diarrhea"! WOW. Did you go to Kentucky State University too? In typical terrorist supporter fashion when proven wrong, deny, condescend, belittle, ignore or change the subject. The 2 accused terrorist leaders of the terrorist organization you support would be so proud.


Just be thankful the red shirts are no longer causing daily terrorist attacks in Bangkok with impunity. Be thankful we will not see another Trat thanks to the Junta. Be thankful that, like me, I can walk my 2 beautiful loving children and wife through Bangkok without the fear of random terrorist attacks caused by red shirts on innocent people. People that had nothing to do with this situation.


Truly, may peace and reconciliation be with you. I have saved you a seat on the reconciliation train that arrives at "true democracy" station in October next year. We can pass the time by discussing why it is wrong for an accused terrorist, accused mass murderer, convicted criminal fugitives' sister to allow an amnesty bill to go through parliament at a vote of 307 -0 0 against the voice of the majority. 


I assume any reply will be nothing of substance and only be a quick inarticulate quip at me. Because if it was a reply that offered substance or proved you hypocritical then it would be called diarrhea right?


Your wasting your time with me.   I am just curious why late last night you were looking at a number of websites to see if YL has returned.   This is all you have in life is to stay up all night worried about the poor lady if she returned or not.   You need to find another activity to keep you busy during the day so you can sleep well at night.   

Ditto you, eh MB? But with brass knobs on!!!!!!!

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If it's T's idea that she return home, then he's playing a high-stakes game in terms of public sentiment and issues of morality - at least high stakes for him and his family. If it all goes pear-shape for her, then T and co lose the moral high ground on the world stage, and destroy what remaining shreds of support they have in Thailand, and this is very likely anyway. So what is going on? I seriously doubt a deal has been done with the junta as the rice scheme is far too significant to be nudged aside or diminished in any way. This is very intriguing as I doubt YL is returning as a matter of principle, nor to continue the good fight on behalf of the Shins. There is simply no way she is going to expose herself to the risk of incarceration when she has the resources to spend the rest of her life in luxury.

You are severely underestimating the support they have in Thailand, otherwise they would not have won every single election they stood in.
You are severly underestimating the Army and their backers this time.There will be no election until that support is eroded or the Shins decapitated,figuritively speaking.We dont want to go through the previous shenaigans again and again.

We being you or the Thai electorate?

If what you say is true, and I suspect it is, there won't be any elections in any meaningful sense for oh, I don't know, how long did it take in Burma?


Several Yingluck-return doubters have already admitted thatthey were wrong on that score.  Are you ready to admit you are wrong if proper elections are held before the end of 2015????

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She should never have taken the job in the first place. The whole Shinawatra show is a  pathetic joke and I really can't understand how Thai people can fall for it, well ...


Well...the yanks fell for Obama ...........twice ..........and the brits fell for Blair .............. so they are not alone.



Glutton for punishment! Or fans of puppet shows...

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You people are a sorrowful bunch.   Last night you stayed up hoping she wouldn't return so you can make your ugly comments.  Now she comes back and you start your insults.   Very disgusting group of people here. 


I'm with you on that Bob. I've listened to so much nastiness from so many people here, disparaging her character left right and centre. When she shows them to be significantly wrong about something, they just start off on another angle. It's disgusting in the extreme, and I'm embarrassed to be a farang in Thailand when I know some Thais will lump me in with these petty, mean-minded creeps.




And you are all mixed amongst us! FACT! If you don't like the truth, plenty of other websites you could get your short and curlies into, my Lord.


Thaimlord, if you agree with MB's post, then I am far from surprised that you are embarrassed to be a Farang in Thailand.  He can't even read the posts of people who say exactly what he says thay are not saying, (I think I got all those says & sayings right).  MB has been waiting for 2 weeks to say just this & doesn't want to let the facts get in the way of what he fancied two weeks ago would be a really "pre-emptive strike - killer post".  A bit sad really.

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You people are a sorrowful bunch.   Last night you stayed up hoping she wouldn't return so you can make your ugly comments.  Now she comes back and you start your insults.   Very disgusting group of people here. 


I'm with you on that Bob. I've listened to so much nastiness from so many people here, disparaging her character left right and centre. When she shows them to be significantly wrong about something, they just start off on another angle. It's disgusting in the extreme, and I'm embarrassed to be a farang in Thailand when I know some Thais will lump me in with these petty, mean-minded creeps.




And you are all mixed amongst us! FACT! If you don't like the truth, plenty of other websites you could get your short and curlies into, my Lord.


I thought "mean-minded creeps" were the kind of people who threw grenades into crowds of innocent people off motorway overpasses.  People who are apologists, constantly whining on in support of the political organization that encouraged, supported and employed that category of sub-humans could also adopt the same appellation. 

Edited by The Deerhunter
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