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Thai CDC: Ebola virus is not airborne


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Epidemic is real in west africa.

Hoax is making peoe think it will spreads in us or europe. Its near impossible, on the african scale. For many reasons.

It could be if virus go airborne. Then sure we dead..

If an infected person gets on a plane and goes to the US or Europe, then it can spread. If that person happens to infect someone in their travels, then it can spread further. Because of the incubation period and the flu like symptoms, anyone that hadn't been to Africa that got sick wouldn't think that they had Ebola. They would continue going to work for a few days with flu symptoms. That could spread it further. And on it goes.

It is very possible for it to spread world wide. Just because it is unlikely doesn't mean that precautions shouldn't be taken.

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Just a sec... You're telling me it's a hoax and then explaining to me why it's an epidemic. Is it real or a hoax?

What about western reporters in Africa? Do "they" control all of them too?

Why would bioweapons people be in Africa if the Ebola outbreak was a hoax?

Epidemic is real in west africa.

Hoax is making peoe think it will spreads in us or europe. Its near impossible, on the african scale. For many reasons.

It could be if virus go airborne. Then sure we dead..

" It could be if virus go airborne. Then sure we dead.."

You seem to be overlooking the fact this virus is continually mutating ermm.gif

Ebola virus has mutated during course of outbreak


Edited by metisdead
Previously deleted post edited out of quoted post.
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ok, when i said its big pharma hoax post being removed and its called conspiracy

let me tell you its on record, and they said "


Virus not profitable enough for big pharma to develop adequate treatments

so whats that stands for?, its not my words...

here doc on bloomberg explains it


and heres conspiracies http://www.infowars.com/dont-fear-ebola-fear-the-state/

Edited by mataleo
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ok, when i said its big pharma hoax post being removed and its called conspiracy

let me tell you its on record, and they said "


Virus not profitable enough for big pharma to develop adequate treatments

so whats that stands for?, its not my words...

here doc on bloomberg explains it


and heres conspiracies http://www.infowars.com/dont-fear-ebola-fear-the-state/

There isn't much money (but still hundreds of millions of dollars) being spent on finding a cure. That's because up until this outbreak it had only killed a couple of thousand people in total. This outbreak has already killed nearly 2000 people that they know about, and it's still spreading.

Why is it such a conspiracy that companies haven't spent a lot of money on finding a cure? Why would they invest in something that isn't going to give them a return? When was the last time you invested in something knowing you would only get 50% of your investment back?

The death rate is small compared to seasonal flu, but that's because it hasn't spread far from the initial outbreak regions. This one IS spreading much further than previous outbreaks. The more it spreads in the affected countries, the more chance it has got of spreading to Europe or the middle east. If an infected person gets into a major transport hub, it could spread anywhere.

I'm not saying it WILL spread, but there is a chance, and companies with staff in the regions, and governments worldwide, need to take serious precautions to make sure people are protected.

This will probably go the way of the Y2K bug, where everyone thinks that there was never a real problem, but most people aren't aware how much work really went on to change systems and make sure the issues were minimised.

If everyone thinks that this outbreak is not an issue, then it most definitely will be. People need to be aware of what's happening and take appropriate precautions. At the moment for us in Thailand, we need to do very little as there isn't much of a threat here.

But if this woman (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/756891-guinean-woman-undergoing-ebola-testing/) does have Ebola, and she and the hospitals didn't take all the precautions that they have, then there would most definitely be a huge problem.

Governments have to be aware, and people have to be aware. That doesn't mean everyone needs to panic.

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I just dont trust and believe big pharma. They do things for profits not to cure us... and theres many examples and evidence. Ppl being ignorant. ..

That's not a conspiracy. That's business.

Not quite right.

Conspiracy is cuz they do something different what they say.

And for example theres better cures to cancer then chemo and radiation but they not aprove it. FDA and that.

And if we would found magic herb today that cures it. They would demonize it as drugs so they can sell us thier useless drugs...

Difference between us is that u trust in them and gov and I not...

Edited by mataleo
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Yes but 1 turned truth is enough not to trust or believe in official ver. Of the stories. Thats the point..

That doesn't make this outbreak a hoax.

There is enough information out there from lots of sources that show that this is real. That's the point.

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The best known is Legionaries Disease, spread mostly in spray from showers that have not been used in a long time (room not occupied in a while) and mostly in Hospitals, (many people with compromised immune systems) A form of Pneumonia, easily treated once they know you have it!

I add a tablet to my A/C unit drain pans every 4- 6 months, it dissolves slowly and kills all fungus, bacteria, and keeps the drain line clear.

Getting low on stock now, I get them from either the UK or USA, but difficult to send to Thailand, Mainly because they don't understand what they are used for and a chemical so must be "Not Allowed".

Remember to keep your A/C filter clean also. between the filter and the tablet, "clean drain pan" you would be surprised at the reduction in "flu symptoms", coughs, and sneezing. Caution do not used Bleach in the pan as it will cause it to leak.

IIRC nearly all cases of Legionnaires' have been traced to cooling towers, mostly of large building air-con units, and in most cases were they have not been properly cleaned and/or Chlorine dosed. The high humidity and warm temperature are ideal for incubation.

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