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Ragu is a New Sponsor


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I was in there for your grand opening and noticed you had some cheeses there at a good price. About a week before there had been a thread looking for it. Couldn't relocate it but it is worth noting for people who like different cheeses you have a decent selection at good prices.wai.gif

The food was great but I already knew that.

Except for the cheesecake I had to go to confession after eating a slice of it.tongue.png

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I was in there for your grand opening and noticed you had some cheeses there at a good price. About a week before there had been a thread looking for it. Couldn't relocate it but it is worth noting for people who like different cheeses you have a decent selection at good prices.wai.gif

The food was great but I already knew that.

Except for the cheesecake I had to go to confession after eating a slice of it.tongue.png

A couple of the new desserts. You can also find these sometimes at The Duke's on the river or upstairs at The Duke's Promenada. Get them now at Ragu for 15% off.
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attachicon.gifCaramel Cheesecake.png

A couple of the new desserts. You can also find these sometimes at The Duke's on the river or upstairs at The Duke's Promenada. Get them now at Ragu for 15% off.


Yep that one in the middle is the one the wife & I took 2 nights to finish

Looks small in pic but is quite sizable

Awesome thumbsup.gif

As is everything we have tried at Ragu

Edited by mania
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Had a burger at Duke's once. It was good. But sausages, aka 'cold cuts', wherever sold, are not a wholesome food. Most are loaded with preservatives, saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt. Best to avoid if keen on good health and long life. And to the consternation of many westerners, cheeses also are not good for the body for the same reasons as cold cuts.

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Had a burger at Duke's once. It was good. But sausages, aka 'cold cuts', wherever sold, are not a wholesome food. Most are loaded with preservatives, saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt. Best to avoid if keen on good health and long life. And to the consternation of many westerners, cheeses also are not good for the body for the same reasons as cold cuts.

Thank you so much. I never knew this.

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Had a burger at Duke's once. It was good. But sausages, aka 'cold cuts', wherever sold, are not a wholesome food. Most are loaded with preservatives, saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt. Best to avoid if keen on good health and long life. And to the consternation of many westerners, cheeses also are not good for the body for the same reasons as cold cuts.

Sounds like manure (and sour grapes).

You should be a Thai movie script writer, so bad it's bound to get noticed.

Everyone with half a brain cell left that lives here knows what you are saying is just garbage.

You can slander Dave and Co all you like. The proof is in the pudding (or Caramel cheesecake, dang thats tasty).


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Had a burger at Duke's once. It was good. But sausages, aka 'cold cuts', wherever sold, are not a wholesome food. Most are loaded with preservatives, saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt. Best to avoid if keen on good health and long life. And to the consternation of many westerners, cheeses also are not good for the body for the same reasons as cold cuts.

Sounds like manure (and sour grapes).

You should be a Thai movie script writer, so bad it's bound to get noticed.

Everyone with half a brain cell left that lives here knows what you are saying is just garbage.

You can slander Dave and Co all you like. The proof is in the pudding (or Caramel cheesecake, dang thats tasty).


Well I can safely say the cheesecakes are delicious. I will try to stay away from them. As I am diabetic and if I eat one or the part my wife doesn't eat I just take a cinnamon capsule after it and problem solved.

Seems like every time there is a thread on good food we get some one who spends a large part of their life researching what is OK to eat and what is not OK to eat. I try to watch the sugar and am very successful at it with the use of cinnamon. Am looking forward to a long and happy life. It will not be one spent on a computer looking up what is good for you and what is not good for you.

Wasn't so long ago coffee was no good for you then all of a sudden a cup a day was good for you then two cups a day. Now I am told that 4 cups a day is good for your prostate gland. What do you want to believe it is in the computer some where. Just ignore the other web sites. Also heard that being a little over weight was good for you.

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Had a burger at Duke's once. It was good. But sausages, aka 'cold cuts', wherever sold, are not a wholesome food. Most are loaded with preservatives, saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt. Best to avoid if keen on good health and long life. And to the consternation of many westerners, cheeses also are not good for the body for the same reasons as cold cuts.

Sounds like manure (and sour grapes).

You should be a Thai movie script writer, so bad it's bound to get noticed.

Everyone with half a brain cell left that lives here knows what you are saying is just garbage.

You can slander Dave and Co all you like. The proof is in the pudding (or Caramel cheesecake, dang thats tasty).


Also heard that being a little over weight was good for you.

Hallelujah...I knew it all along.

Edited by DaamNaam
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Thanks for the good advice Dave. You, and your restaurants, have a very fine rep here in CM and i am not out to change, even challenge that rep. I can agree the meals served me by your staff have been excellent and well priced. Kudus.

Your secondary advice to, more or less, eat the best which means at your shop primarily and to eat the high calorie (aka, high profit) foods does your service to the community little good.

Some of my young friends (under age 55) have various food and drink related disorders, incl gout, hypertension, clogged arteries, diabetes, hair loss, etc. Sure some of this is genetic, and not easy to address. But, would you like gout? Clogged arteries, no stamina due to crud in the vessels,? Course not and i hope neither you, nor anyone, gets such misery.

Can troubles be avoided? Certainly. How to avoid? No one's asking but my priority list is : NO smoking. Very controlled alcohol. Controlled diet, Exercise. Pleasant and frequent sex. Certainly. Can life's troubles be eliminated? Not to my knowledge.

Best wishes in all your local endevours, Dave. Next time i'm near the Iron Bridge i'll drop in and look over the menu. I'm sure a big plate of ribs would go down fine with some spicy zinfandel. Hold the fries!!

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Thanks for the good advice Dave. You, and your restaurants, have a very fine rep here in CM and i am not out to change, even challenge that rep. I can agree the meals served me by your staff have been excellent and well priced. Kudus.

Your secondary advice to, more or less, eat the best which means at your shop primarily and to eat the high calorie (aka, high profit) foods does your service to the community little good.

Some of my young friends (under age 55) have various food and drink related disorders, incl gout, hypertension, clogged arteries, diabetes, hair loss, etc. Sure some of this is genetic, and not easy to address. But, would you like gout? Clogged arteries, no stamina due to crud in the vessels,? Course not and i hope neither you, nor anyone, gets such misery.

Can troubles be avoided? Certainly. How to avoid? No one's asking but my priority list is : NO smoking. Very controlled alcohol. Controlled diet, Exercise. Pleasant and frequent sex. Certainly. Can life's troubles be eliminated? Not to my knowledge.

Best wishes in all your local endevours, Dave. Next time i'm near the Iron Bridge i'll drop in and look over the menu. I'm sure a big plate of ribs would go down fine with some spicy zinfandel. Hold the fries!!

Niacin will answer many of your problems with cholesterol.

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Thanks for the good advice Dave. You, and your restaurants, have a very fine rep here in CM and i am not out to change, even challenge that rep. I can agree the meals served me by your staff have been excellent and well priced. Kudus.

Your secondary advice to, more or less, eat the best which means at your shop primarily and to eat the high calorie (aka, high profit) foods does your service to the community little good.

Some of my young friends (under age 55) have various food and drink related disorders, incl gout, hypertension, clogged arteries, diabetes, hair loss, etc. Sure some of this is genetic, and not easy to address. But, would you like gout? Clogged arteries, no stamina due to crud in the vessels,? Course not and i hope neither you, nor anyone, gets such misery.

Can troubles be avoided? Certainly. How to avoid? No one's asking but my priority list is : NO smoking. Very controlled alcohol. Controlled diet, Exercise. Pleasant and frequent sex. Certainly. Can life's troubles be eliminated? Not to my knowledge.

Best wishes in all your local endevours, Dave. Next time i'm near the Iron Bridge i'll drop in and look over the menu. I'm sure a big plate of ribs would go down fine with some spicy zinfandel. Hold the fries!!

Worry is interest paid on trouble not yet due.

Eat, drink and be merry.

All in moderation of course.

Dave's venues serve up "happy food". You won't see that on any of the "ingredients lists".

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Thanks for the good advice Dave. You, and your restaurants, have a very fine rep here in CM and i am not out to change, even challenge that rep. I can agree the meals served me by your staff have been excellent and well priced. Kudus.

Your secondary advice to, more or less, eat the best which means at your shop primarily and to eat the high calorie (aka, high profit) foods does your service to the community little good.

Some of my young friends (under age 55) have various food and drink related disorders, incl gout, hypertension, clogged arteries, diabetes, hair loss, etc. Sure some of this is genetic, and not easy to address. But, would you like gout? Clogged arteries, no stamina due to crud in the vessels,? Course not and i hope neither you, nor anyone, gets such misery.

Can troubles be avoided? Certainly. How to avoid? No one's asking but my priority list is : NO smoking. Very controlled alcohol. Controlled diet, Exercise. Pleasant and frequent sex. Certainly. Can life's troubles be eliminated? Not to my knowledge.

Best wishes in all your local endevours, Dave. Next time i'm near the Iron Bridge i'll drop in and look over the menu. I'm sure a big plate of ribs would go down fine with some spicy zinfandel. Hold the fries!!

One only has to look closely to find certain healthy items at Ragu. The beet salad is fantastic. The fresh roasted and lean turkey and roast beef are done in house and are also not pumped with sodium as regular cold cuts are processed in the states. About 100 grams of lean roast beef will only set you back about 225 calories and turkey about 155 calories. Add the mustard aioli made with extra virgin olive oil and eat only half the bread and you have a fine, low calorie, high protein meal.

Many other healthy items to choose from and once in a while a delicious sausage never hurts.


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I forgot to mention the minestrone vegetarian soup made with white and butter beans. Low cal, no animal products and since we make it fresh in house it is low sodium.


If I go to a restaurant to eat and have to worry about the sodium or calories I will go to a vegetarian one and be picky. Not going for that reason I will eat what I darn well like that is on the menu. You have all kinds of delicious food on yours.

Why do people go into a restaurant that has all the things they don't want makes no claim to have what they do want yet go in and complain about it on Thai Visa.facepalm.gif

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What region of Italy does the chef specialize in?

"A ragù sauce is an Italian culinary staple that refers to any sauce to which meat is added. The meat, typically ground beef, is cooked slowly by simmering until tender. There are many different ragù sauce recipes but they usually include the garlic, onions, tomatoes, celery, carrots and spices. Ragù sauce is typically a thicker meat sauce that is usually served over pasta. The actual word ragù is derived from the French word ragout which translates to stew. The French verb ragouter literally means to stimulate the appetite.The origin of ragù sauce can be traced back to Bologna, Italy. Often times a ragù sauce is prepared in a Bolognese style which simply means that the ragù is served over pasta. Milk may also be added in the later stages of cooking to give the sauce a creamy texture.

Cooks from all over the world have invented their own versions of ragù sauce. Instead of the traditional ground beef, lamb, fish, pork (includingpancetta or Italian ham) or veal may be used. To add spice to the sauce, red chillies, bell peppers and cumin can be added. There are recipes that also include the addition of kidney beans, Worcester sauce and tarragon.

In the northern Italian regions, a ragù is typically a sauce of meat, often minced, chopped or ground, and cooked with sautéed vegetables in a liquid. The meats are varied and may include separately or in mixtures of beef, chicken, pork, duck, goose, lamb, mutton, veal, or game, as well as offal from any of the same. The liquids can be broth, stock, water, wine, milk, cream, or tomato, and often includes combinations of these. If tomatoes are included, they are typically limited in quantity relative to the meat. Characteristically, a ragù is a sauce of braised or stewed meat that may be flavoured with tomato, to distinguish it from a tomato sauce that is flavoured with the addition of meat.

In southern Italian regions, especially Campania, ragùs are often prepared from substantial quantities of large, whole cuts of beef and pork, and possibly regional sausages, cooked with vegetables and tomatoes. After a long braise (or simmer), the meats are then removed and may be served as a separate course without pasta. Examples of these styles of ragùs are the well-known ragù alla Napoletana (Neapolitan ragù) and carne a ragù.

Ragùs as pasta sauces in Italian cuisine likely arose from the influence and status of French ragoûts in the region of Emilia-Romagna in the late 18th century, following Napoleon's 1796 invasion and possession of the northern regions of what is now Italy. Prior to that time, the cuisine of the Italian peninsula had a long history of meat stews going back to the Renaissance period. However, they were neither known as ragùs nor is there any record they were ever paired with pasta. Since the 16th century, it was not uncommon for pastas to be cooked in and served with a meat broth, often like a simple soup, from which the meat was removed and served separately if eaten at all. The first documented recipe for a meat sauce in which the cooked meat was an integral part of the sauce served with pasta dates to the end of the 18th century. That first ragù as a sauce, ragù for maccheroni, was prepared and recorded by Alberto Alvisi, the cook to the Cardinal of Imola (at the time maccheroni was a general term for pasta, both dried and fresh). The recipe has been replicated and published as The Cardinal's Ragù.

After the early 1830s, recipes for ragùs appear frequently in cookbooks from the Emilia-Romagna region. By the late 19th century, the use of heavy meat sauces on pasta was common on both feast days and Sundays with the wealthier classes of the newly unified Italy."

Sourced from Wikipedia and Wisegeek.

"Ragu, it's what we do." We are also doing a mushroom ragu.


Edited by theDukes
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I forgot to mention the minestrone vegetarian soup made with white and butter beans. Low cal, no animal products and since we make it fresh in house it is low sodium.


If I go to a restaurant to eat and have to worry about the sodium or calories I will go to a vegetarian one and be picky. Not going for that reason I will eat what I darn well like that is on the menu. You have all kinds of delicious food on yours.

Why do people go into a restaurant that has all the things they don't want makes no claim to have what they do want yet go in and complain about it on Thai Visa.facepalm.gif

2 reasons NJohn

1 It drives up their post count &

2 they're such wimps that even the wife or GF won't listen to their bellyacheing and complaining


Edited by Gonzo the Face
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Thanks for the good advice Dave. You, and your restaurants, have a very fine rep here in CM and i am not out to change, even challenge that rep. I can agree the meals served me by your staff have been excellent and well priced. Kudus.

Your secondary advice to, more or less, eat the best which means at your shop primarily and to eat the high calorie (aka, high profit) foods does your service to the community little good.

Some of my young friends (under age 55) have various food and drink related disorders, incl gout, hypertension, clogged arteries, diabetes, hair loss, etc. Sure some of this is genetic, and not easy to address. But, would you like gout? Clogged arteries, no stamina due to crud in the vessels,? Course not and i hope neither you, nor anyone, gets such misery.

Can troubles be avoided? Certainly. How to avoid? No one's asking but my priority list is : NO smoking. Very controlled alcohol. Controlled diet, Exercise. Pleasant and frequent sex. Certainly. Can life's troubles be eliminated? Not to my knowledge.

Best wishes in all your local endevours, Dave. Next time i'm near the Iron Bridge i'll drop in and look over the menu. I'm sure a big plate of ribs would go down fine with some spicy zinfandel. Hold the fries!!

One only has to look closely to find certain healthy items at Ragu. The beet salad is fantastic. The fresh roasted and lean turkey and roast beef are done in house and are also not pumped with sodium as regular cold cuts are processed in the states. About 100 grams of lean roast beef will only set you back about 225 calories and turkey about 155 calories. Add the mustard aioli made with extra virgin olive oil and eat only half the bread and you have a fine, low calorie, high protein meal.

Many other healthy items to choose from and once in a while a delicious sausage never hurts.


I never posted that.

Far better things to do that put every ingredient under the microscope.

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Hey just to be clear this is a promotion for Ragu. Someone's in the mall looking for a discount at The Duke's.

That someone was me.

Take a look at your initial post - "For the month of September you can get a 15% discount on all food items when dining in or taking out at The Promenada Resort Mall. Just mention the ThaiVisa promotion. No need to know the secret handshake or password or to have your trusty ThaiVisa ID and discount card." Bold face is yours.

When I checked today, your restaurant "Dukes" is in Promenada Resort Mall - right? You do not specify so there is where my confusion comes from. Maybe you are trying to keep a few too many irons in the fire and understand that you need to be more specific.

Prices went up some 8+% so it was going to be close to a wash anyways...

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Hey just to be clear this is a promotion for Ragu. Someone's in the mall looking for a discount at The Duke's.

Prices went up some 8+% so it was going to be close to a wash anyways...

everything has gone up in Thailand. get used to it.

and...the food at Ragu is absolutely fantastic. been 3 times now. hope to go again this weekend.

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Hey just to be clear this is a promotion for Ragu. Someone's in the mall looking for a discount at The Duke's.

Prices went up some 8+% so it was going to be close to a wash anyways...

everything has gone up in Thailand. get used to it.

and...the food at Ragu is absolutely fantastic. been 3 times now. hope to go again this weekend.

Friendly feller aren't you?

Enjoy your grub ar Ragu.

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Hey just to be clear this is a promotion for Ragu. Someone's in the mall looking for a discount at The Duke's.

That someone was me.

Take a look at your initial post - "For the month of September you can get a 15% discount on all food items when dining in or taking out at The Promenada Resort Mall. Just mention the ThaiVisa promotion. No need to know the secret handshake or password or to have your trusty ThaiVisa ID and discount card." Bold face is yours.

When I checked today, your restaurant "Dukes" is in Promenada Resort Mall - right? You do not specify so there is where my confusion comes from. Maybe you are trying to keep a few too many irons in the fire and understand that you need to be more specific.

Prices went up some 8+% so it was going to be close to a wash anyways...

First sentence of the original post:

"Hey guys, Ragu in The Promenada Resort Mall is a new sponsor of ThaiVisa and we want to offer all ThaiVisa members a September special discount."

Seems relatively straightforward.

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Hey just to be clear this is a promotion for Ragu. Someone's in the mall looking for a discount at The Duke's.

That someone was me.

Take a look at your initial post - "For the month of September you can get a 15% discount on all food items when dining in or taking out at The Promenada Resort Mall. Just mention the ThaiVisa promotion. No need to know the secret handshake or password or to have your trusty ThaiVisa ID and discount card." Bold face is yours.

When I checked today, your restaurant "Dukes" is in Promenada Resort Mall - right? You do not specify so there is where my confusion comes from. Maybe you are trying to keep a few too many irons in the fire and understand that you need to be more specific.

Prices went up some 8+% so it was going to be close to a wash anyways...

First sentence of the original post:

"Hey guys, Ragu in The Promenada Resort Mall is a new sponsor of ThaiVisa and we want to offer all ThaiVisa members a September special discount."

Seems relatively straightforward.

Quite obviously my wrong... I see this now that the inteligensia have waded into the convsation conveniently ignoring the other paragraph quoted..

Please note that the majority of the comments in the thread have been about Dukes and the avatar of the OP flashing the same word.

Easy enough to just pass on the place as I have had to travel out of my way to give them my trade anyways.

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