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Obama to lay out plan to defeat Islamic State


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Barack Obama to lay out plan to defeat Islamic State

WASHINGTON: -- US President Barack Obama is due to lay out a strategy to "destroy" Islamic State militants "wherever they exist".

He is reportedly set to approve the first US air strikes in Syria and increase US military aid for non-IS Syrian rebels in a televised speech.

Secretary of State John Kerry is in the Middle East trying to build a coalition against IS. Mr Obama's allies are canvassing support in Congress.

IS controls large parts of Syria and Iraq after a rapid military advance.

The jihadist group now runs a de facto government from the Syrian city of Raqqa, employing officials and administrators.

Its fighters have become notorious for their brutality, beheading enemy soldiers and Western journalists on video.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-29145664

-- BBC 2014-09-11

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Again, it's a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' scenario for Obama. Republicans are clammoring for more military force, yet they'll be first in line to condemn Obama and the Dems if anything goes wrong - like a captured airman, etc.

The bigger question is: what about the other dune states who oppose the IS? On the top of the heap are the Saudis. They've got expensive military hardware. To the guys wearing handkerchiefs on their heads: This is what all those jets and tanks are for! Also, the Jordanians, Lebanese, Iranians, Turks, even the Egyptians are or should be spooked by IS. In typical Middle East fashion, they're sitting back behind their borders and hoping the US and Europe will fight their battles for them.

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boomerangutang (quote) 'damned if you do, damned if you don't for Obama.'- not related to problem of IS, ISIS ISIL.

boomerangutang (quote) 'The bigger question is : what about the other dune states' - Your question does not include the bigger picture.

I say bugger the ISIS, bugger the dune states. What about the whole world and a 150,000,000 pool from which they all come, including the dunes?

Want to talk a bigger picture - talk about this.

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Prez Obama did an excellent job hammering on the ISIL about the two U.S. journalists that were decapitated by the masked barbarian hordes over there.

The national surveys show that 94% of Americans have seen the news about the beheadings, 71% want something done, and 61% want military action. The president has his mandate to engage the terrorists on more streamlined and precise terms than he had a year ago, and to re-engage based on the lessons learned during prior conflicts in Iraq and the ME.

Putin will suffer from this too as the focus and locus of attention shifts back to the United States, its Western allies and a new dimension and level of Arab involvement in a combined coalition effort and campaign.

No one is talking about this being a picnic or a party. It's a military campaign so people on both sides will die or be maimed which means civilians too. I just think I see a new realism about this on our side that suggests better outcomes than have occurred in the very recent past.

This one this time is clearly more considered and agile and more comprehensive than the neocon approach.

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Obama was dragged in to this mess kicking and screaming and absolutely with his heart

not in it, he would have paid a fortune that this mess will fall in the lap of the next president,

so now, let's see what this Johnny come lately of an action will result in...

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Prez Obama did an excellent job hammering on the ISIL about the two U.S. journalists that were decapitated by the masked barbarian hordes over there.

The national surveys show that 94% of Americans have seen the news about the beheadings, 71% want something done, and 61% want military action. The president has his mandate to engage the terrorists on more streamlined and precise terms than he had a year ago, and to re-engage based on the lessons learned during prior conflicts in Iraq and the ME.

Putin will suffer from this too as the focus and locus of attention shifts back to the United States, its Western allies and a new dimension and level of Arab involvement in a combined coalition effort and campaign.

No one is talking about this being a picnic or a party. It's a military campaign so people on both sides will die or be maimed which means civilians too. I just think I see a new realism about this on our side that suggests better outcomes than have occurred in the very recent past.

This one this time is clearly more considered and agile and more comprehensive than the neocon approach.


We'll be bombing a sovereign nation (Syria).

We'll be arming terrorist groups while fighting them.

The US Economy is Great. giggle.gif

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US to expand strikes on Islamic State into Syria

Photo : AFP

Washington - US President Barack Obama signaled that airstrikes are likely into Syria in pursuit of Islamic State, escalating the US involvement in the three-year conflict that he has tried to avoid.

Obama said he will not hesitate to conduct air strikes in Syria as he expands the US fight to "degrade and ultimately destroy" the Islamic State.

"We will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they are," Obama said in a rare evening address to the American people from the White House late Wednesday. "That means I will not hesitate to take action against ISIL in Syria, as well as Iraq. This is a core principle of my presidency: if you threaten America, you will find no safe haven.

"ISIL is one of the variants used to refer to Islamic State. The US will step up strikes in Iraq beyond the existing mission that is focused on protecting US interests in the region and providing humanitarian aid, he said. Obama outlined no timeline for an expansion of the US operation, nor did he say how long the mission would last, but Secretary of Defence Chuck Hagel said the military was prepared to act. Secretary of State John Kerry has indicated this week the effort could take months, or even years.

Decisions about expanded air strikes in Syria "will be made at a prudent time as we continue to prosecute our comprehensive strategy against these ISIL terrorists," a senior defence official said.

Obama also aims to increase aid to the moderate Syrian opposition in their fight against the Islamic State and will ask Congress to authorize funding to equip and train the rebels.

Obama stressed the Islamic State poses a growing threat, not just to Iraq and Syria, but also to the rest of the world. "While we have not yet detected specific plotting against our homeland, ISIL leaders have threatened America and our allies," he said. He noted by name the two American journalists who were filmed while being brutally beheaded by Islamic State in Syria.

Obama pointed to intelligence that thousands of foreign fighters, including Europeans and Americans, have joined the group in Iraq and Syria and could carry out attacks in the West. He plans to chair a meeting of the UN Security Council on the threat of foreign fighters on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York later this month. Obama stressed that no US ground combat troops will be sent back into Iraq or into neighbouring Syria, instead relying on US air strikes and regional forces.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/US-to-expand-strikes-on-Islamic-State-into-Syria-30243033.html

-- The Nation 2014-09-11

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Obama was dragged in to this mess kicking and screaming and absolutely with his heart

not in it, he would have paid a fortune that this mess will fall in the lap of the next president,

so now, let's see what this Johnny come lately of an action will result in...

No doubt Obama would have borrowed more cash from China if he could to get out of this mess that he was way too late on admitting there was a problem.

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We'll be bombing a sovereign nation (Syria).

We'll be arming terrorist groups while fighting them.

The US Economy is Great. giggle.gif

Tell that to the families of those killed by these terrorists. I think they'd say we should have done this a long time ago. But yes, strange to arm other terrorist groups to go after another! Crazy world. Most of which is supporting these actions. Even Russia is concerned as ISIS has announced they want to go after Putin.

If the US bombs terrorists in Syria, it will only help Assad. Tough decision. Tough situation.


Top US general Martin Dempsey has warned that IS cannot be beaten without attacking its strongholds in Syria. That has prompted questions about whether to co-operate with the Syrian government, which has offered to assist the international community in the fight against IS.

However, Washington and its allies still want Mr Assad out of power. Mr Obama has authorised reconnaissance flights over Syria, but not air strikes because of the risk posed by Syria's air defence system, international law, and the fact they might benefit Mr Assad. Instead, Mr Obama is relying on Syrian rebels to take the fight to IS.

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Again, it's a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' scenario for Obama. Republicans are clammoring for more military force, yet they'll be first in line to condemn Obama and the Dems if anything goes wrong - like a captured airman, etc.

The bigger question is: what about the other dune states who oppose the IS? On the top of the heap are the Saudis. They've got expensive military hardware. To the guys wearing handkerchiefs on their heads: This is what all those jets and tanks are for! Also, the Jordanians, Lebanese, Iranians, Turks, even the Egyptians are or should be spooked by IS. In typical Middle East fashion, they're sitting back behind their borders and hoping the US and Europe will fight their battles for them.

Well, maybe US and Europe should be doing the same and not poking their noses into other people's wars.

So don't be so surprised when another 911 happens.

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Again, it's a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' scenario for Obama. Republicans are clammoring for more military force, yet they'll be first in line to condemn Obama and the Dems if anything goes wrong - like a captured airman, etc.

The bigger question is: what about the other dune states who oppose the IS? On the top of the heap are the Saudis. They've got expensive military hardware. To the guys wearing handkerchiefs on their heads: This is what all those jets and tanks are for! Also, the Jordanians, Lebanese, Iranians, Turks, even the Egyptians are or should be spooked by IS. In typical Middle East fashion, they're sitting back behind their borders and hoping the US and Europe will fight their battles for them.

Well, maybe US and Europe should be doing the same and not poking their noses into other people's wars.

So don't be so surprised when another 911 happens.

And doing nothing will result in another 9/11.

It's like the chicken or the egg. Better ask a Thai girl and you know what she'll say...


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Again, it's a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' scenario for Obama. Republicans are clammoring for more military force, yet they'll be first in line to condemn Obama and the Dems if anything goes wrong - like a captured airman, etc.

The bigger question is: what about the other dune states who oppose the IS? On the top of the heap are the Saudis. They've got expensive military hardware. To the guys wearing handkerchiefs on their heads: This is what all those jets and tanks are for! Also, the Jordanians, Lebanese, Iranians, Turks, even the Egyptians are or should be spooked by IS. In typical Middle East fashion, they're sitting back behind their borders and hoping the US and Europe will fight their battles for them.

Well, maybe US and Europe should be doing the same and not poking their noses into other people's wars.

So don't be so surprised when another 911 happens.

And doing nothing will result in another 9/11.

Nah, US is staying on top of those nut bags that want to wreak havoc here. No worries here as long our guys and intelligence people are staying on top of the looney tunes terrorist types most of whom are too stupid and/or weak to pull it off again.

Hah, gotta laugh. I suppose there will always tools that complain about NSA tactics and proactive measures to thwart terrorist attacks while at the same time forecasting another 911. Lol at criticizing our efforts to stop terrorists attacks while at the same time forecasting terrorists attacks.

Not sure about anyone else, but I am feeling pretty safe and secure. I would say a terrorist attempt on US soil at the present time would be a really bad move for fricktard terrorist types. Even the peace loving, bleeding heart, liberal, tolerant types in the US are just about sick and tired of all of this crazy Muslim bs. Next attempt on US soil and perhaps we start deporting or at the very least stop letting some types in.

Edited by F430murci
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Again, it's a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' scenario for Obama. Republicans are clammoring for more military force, yet they'll be first in line to condemn Obama and the Dems if anything goes wrong - like a captured airman, etc.

The bigger question is: what about the other dune states who oppose the IS? On the top of the heap are the Saudis. They've got expensive military hardware. To the guys wearing handkerchiefs on their heads: This is what all those jets and tanks are for! Also, the Jordanians, Lebanese, Iranians, Turks, even the Egyptians are or should be spooked by IS. In typical Middle East fashion, they're sitting back behind their borders and hoping the US and Europe will fight their battles for them.

Well, maybe US and Europe should be doing the same and not poking their noses into other people's wars.

So don't be so surprised when another 911 happens.

The biggest excuse Muslims use to explain their actions is contained above- you did xyz to us therefore... However, The rationales Muslims use to explain themselves to other Muslims is citation of scripture authorizing jihad until Islam is universal and sharia is everywhere on earth. That's why there's always silence or occasional objection without scriptural reference- there is none opposing global jihad!

"So don't be surprised when another 911happens" nonsense is arguably like taking out your checkbook and writing a check to jihad! It plays into the Islamic narrative of taqiyya and deception. It's just not true.

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Isn't the stability of the usd and the prevention of the bankruptcy of more states more important than wasting more taxpayers monies in a redundant war?

A war that will shift the monies into the army and the companies producing weaponry. Hmmm....

Those guys should be left to solve their own problems. I seriously doubt the whole Middle East is extremist Muslim. Why can't Israel, Dubai, UAE amongst the big brothers in the Middle East do something instead of waiting for the US to poke its big nose again?!

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USA and its allies have destroyed a whole country fragmenting it into into religious and tribal factions. Let US troops run amok there and it becomes a recruitment ground for every terrorist under the sun seeking revenge, including IS

You bomb them; they bomb you.

You leave them alone; they leave you alone.

We all know this isn't about freedom or religion ...it's about oil and arms manufacturers' share price and protecting the only truly terrorist state in the Middle East.

Obama is just pouring gas on the flames and the USA and its sycophantic allies will get burnt...again!

Edited by dexterm
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big bully is at it again. What's the hidden agenda again this time?

No agenda. US is just bored, looking for a bit of excitement and apparently enjoys keeping people like you all jacked up emotionally. . . . Either that or it is just the right thing to do and is necessary to protect US interests and safety in the long term.

Sadly, there is an agenda. I would believe my government was protecting "US interests and safety in the long term" had the US not been among the chief architects of IS and company. This demands circumspection.

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USA and its allies have destroyed a whole country fragmenting it into into religious and tribal factions. Let US troops run amok there and it becomes a recruitment ground for every terrorist under the sun seeking revenge, including IS
You bomb them; they bomb you.
You leave them alone; they leave you alone.
We all know this isn't about freedom or religion ...it's about oil and arms manufacturers' share price and protecting the only truly terrorist state in the Middle East.
Obama is just pouring gas on the flames and the USA and its sycophantic allies will get burnt...again!

Not sure this is the first time I agree with you but I do, with only one caveat. If we leave them alone, they will not leave us alone. A cursory look at islamic jihad around the world has up to 50 countries wrestling with this barbaric ideology. The US is just one country. This reasoning is often trumpeted as the reason for jihad actions. If this were true there would not be 1400 years of jihadi expansion suggesting otherwise. But I agree, what the US is doing will only further exacerbate jihadi. Why then is the US doing this? Because "what the US is doing will only further exacerbate jihad!"

I don't oppose jihad because I support my country. I equally object to the US policy of manipulating muslims in this Great Game of geopolitics and String of Pearls to encircle Iran. This... jihadi issue... it should never have been turned into a tool by the west. Ideas are way more powerful than bombs; even bad ideas.

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Obama has a great debt of gratitude to Putin for not bombing Assad.

Obama should adopt Putin's attitude to killing terrorists wherever they are found ( Putin's famous 'mochit v sortire' policy).

Obama should at least try to invite Russians to help destroy ISIS. The benefits would be many: -

# better understanding of and relations with the wild bear;

# less risk of leaked op plans to the brethren;

# no need to arm potentially future enemies;

# less captured terrorists for future exchange extortions;

# more realistic evaluation of Russian military capabilities.

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Well, maybe US and Europe should be doing the same and not poking their noses into other people's wars.

So don't be so surprised when another 911 happens.

Dexterm, I offer this link to you in the spirit of honest debate. Here is a 1/2 wonderful story (considering the circumstances) of muslims helping non-muslims survive the horrors of IS. I had spent years in these areas and it is no small thing to create an impromptu underground railway around Baghdad. This was done ad hoc, with risk at every turn, and was a great success. My hat off to the many Iraqis I have known and their (hopefully) helping non-muslims and muslims alike flee brutality.


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Obama has a great debt of gratitude to Putin for not bombing Assad.

Obama should adopt Putin's attitude to killing terrorists wherever they are found ( Putin's famous 'mochit v sortire' policy).

Obama should at least try to invite Russians to help destroy ISIS. The benefits would be many: -

# better understanding of and relations with the wild bear;

# less risk of leaked op plans to the brethren;

# no need to arm potentially future enemies;

# less captured terrorists for future exchange extortions;

# more realistic evaluation of Russian military capabilities.

I think this an unusual and worthy post. Yes, at one level I agree- we should foster shared goals and in this instance it would make our policy unstoppable- with Russia on same team. But here's the glitch: With IS et al removed all the significant threats against Assad are neutralized. Russia wants this; the US does not. The entire idea of such a policy is predicated upon events we read in the media being factually true. I object to this. I am a believer of Seymour Hirsch's years old investigation that the US was creating ISIS as a proxy in the region.




The US publicly suggests it wants IS minimized and arguably moderate jihadis elevated. Remember, the "moderate" jihadis in Syria are only moderate from the western perspective relative to al nursa/IS (we are told). All opposition in Syria is not because they want a democratic process. Far from it. The number one target in jihad is regional muslim rulers, not the US or Israel. They all want Assad gone to further sharia.

The US policy will only result in this (and you can mark my words on this point):

1) IS is a vehicle to draw US and Allies into officially weakening Assad under the color of fighting IS.

2) Sooner or later it will become evident that the entire issue with Ukraine has linkage to events in Syria.

3) IS, under whatever color it morphs into, will become stronger and if the US is successful, another state will be handed over islamic jihad.

4) The Kurds will be greatly strengthened.

5) Iraq will be increasingly sectarian.

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USA and its allies have destroyed a whole country fragmenting it into into religious and tribal factions. Let US troops run amok there and it becomes a recruitment ground for every terrorist under the sun seeking revenge, including IS
You bomb them; they bomb you.
You leave them alone; they leave you alone.
We all know this isn't about freedom or religion ...it's about oil and arms manufacturers' share price and protecting the only truly terrorist state in the Middle East.
Obama is just pouring gas on the flames and the USA and its sycophantic allies will get burnt...again!

dexterm, I really like your style! We - I mean the World - need more of people like you!

What you are saying is almost true. Except "you leave them alone; they leave you alone" and " We all know this isn't about freedom or religion" This was never true and never will be.

Thanks to people like you and to terrorists, extremists, islamists one day the Governments of the free world countries will face the ugly truth: Political Correctness is wrong! Tolerance of blind dogm is wrong!

And the big losers will be Muslims. Yes the peaceful silent majority of Muslims!

I am not religious. I do not care whether people pray to Jehova, Christ, Buddha or Allah. There are millions of people who do not care.

But I and those millions do not like to die, do not agree to be forced to think one and only correct way, do not want to be victims of freedom deprivation.

I am not talking of HATE. I am not vilifying any religion. I am talking of LOVE of life, LOVE of freedom and LOVE of my own way of thinking.

I hope the Moderators here understand what I am saying.

As I said Muslims will be the big losers. And this will happen thanks to people like you.

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USA and its allies have destroyed a whole country fragmenting it into into religious and tribal factions. Let US troops run amok there and it becomes a recruitment ground for every terrorist under the sun seeking revenge, including IS
You bomb them; they bomb you.
You leave them alone; they leave you alone.
We all know this isn't about freedom or religion ...it's about oil and arms manufacturers' share price and protecting the only truly terrorist state in the Middle East.
Obama is just pouring gas on the flames and the USA and its sycophantic allies will get burnt...again!

dexterm, I really like your style! We - I mean the World - need more of people like you!

What you are saying is almost true. Except "you leave them alone; they leave you alone" and " We all know this isn't about freedom or religion" This was never true and never will be.

Thanks to people like you and to terrorists, extremists, islamists one day the Governments of the free world countries will face the ugly truth: Political Correctness is wrong! Tolerance of blind dogm is wrong!

And the big losers will be Muslims. Yes the peaceful silent majority of Muslims!

I am not religious. I do not care whether people pray to Jehova, Christ, Buddha or Allah. There are millions of people who do not care.

But I and those millions do not like to die, do not agree to be forced to think one and only correct way, do not want to be victims of freedom deprivation.

I am not talking of HATE. I am not vilifying any religion. I am talking of LOVE of life, LOVE of freedom and LOVE of my own way of thinking.

I hope the Moderators here understand what I am saying.

As I said Muslims will be the big losers. And this will happen thanks to people like you.

You are exactly correct. There is a time to be liberal. There is a time not to be liberal.

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