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Whats the mood like on Koh tao right now

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Spoke to my sister who lives and works there earlier today and she said that a lot of people are just shocked and angry, tourists still leaving and coming not a massive change life goes on, there was a gathering of locals and tourists at the site last night leaving their messages, candles and prayers. More investigators arrived today as well.

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As sad and terrible it is, backpackers will keep coming to Koh Tao by the thousands, and soon this incident will be history.

Things have to change drastically in Thailand.

It reminds me of the two young Brits who came on their bicycles to Thailand

Just to get killed by an idiot driver.

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As sad and terrible it is, backpackers will keep coming to Koh Tao by the thousands, and soon this incident will be history.

Things have to change drastically in Thailand.

It reminds me of the two young Brits who came on their bicycles to Thailand

Just to get killed by an idiot driver.

Not sure why you say "Things will have to change drastically in Thailand"

Crimes such as this are far less common here than in most other parts of the world in my opinion.

Your opinion is based on?

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